
November 17, 2010

Patch joins the online local-local news landscape

This is RacinePost's 3,594th story.

And, lest we be accused of burying the lede, possibly the last.

RacinePost began on Sept. 29, 2007, with Dustin's first post: "Hi and welcome to Racine Post... let's see what happens."

It's been a good ride. In addition to the thousands of stories and photos we posted on our main site,, our ancillary blogs have carried another 3,770 or so items: Kiosk event listings, local obituaries, education, Positively Racine and business stories. Not to mention 245 local news haikus, just for fun.  Our "front page" on the web, also has linked to a wide variety of stories about Racine found in media all over the world. And now it's about to end, or at least change.

But fear not; a new alternative online local news source is on the horizon!

Dustin has accepted a great job as a regional editor for Patch, AOL's ambitious $50 million effort to establish hundreds of local news websites around the country. He officially began Monday, but he's been working for a couple of weeks to recruit editors for a dozen new websites, including one for Mount Pleasant and another for Caledonia. (Racine itself is too big for the typical one-man-band Patch website.) Patch created its 100th site in August, and expects to have 500 operating by the end of this year, each run by a full-time local editor. Here's yesterday's Milwaukee Magazine's story about the local Patch initiative.

Dustin was the originator of RacinePost. I offered him pictures from Party on the Pavement a week later, and a week after that joined his effort. We've been working together ever since, although "together" is a misnomer: we're both independent, with different ideas about what's interesting and worth covering. The only way readers can tell who wrote a story is by looking at the "Posted by..." line at the bottom of each post -- and even that sometimes has been misleading, as one or the other of us added to or revised the other's initial post. Meanwhile, Dustin did most of the underlying computer coding. It's been a satisfying partnership.

We've come a long way. Early on, Dustin wrote that RacinePost is "an independent news source dedicated to covering and sharing all news related to Racine. We don't compete with other media in a traditional way. We link to as many stories as possible that relate to Racine, no matter where they appear. If the Journal-Sentinel or Journal Times has a good story, we'll make it the lead on our site just as readily as we'll put our own news on the site. We hope to become the  definitive source for news in Racine by compiling all headlines into a single place -- and adding a few of our own along the way!"

Our first pages looked much like the Drudge Report -- no surprise, since Dustin borrowed some of Drudge's coding. Here's one of our earliest pages. (Note our lede story that day in October 2007, about Walker and commuter rail. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.) But soon we found our own look, adding more of our own pictures and stories. We still linked to stories from other media, but the focus was on original reporting whenever possible. Occasionally, we've been critical of the Journal Times -- was a murder suspect's competency hearing really worth most of Page 1 Tuesday (with two pictures... no, actually  with the same picture twice) overshadowing the school board's $100 million referendum plans? -- but that's hardly our raison d'être despite our former employment at the JT.

The real fun for us came from meeting many of you, being welcomed into your stories, your events and your lives. We've had an outpouring of support from scores of people we'd never met, and financial support from strangers who liked what we were doing. Thanks are also due to the organizations that shared their news with us, the writers and photographers who contributed their own work to the site, and the advertisers who reached out to our readers,  sometimes providing the equivalent of a paycheck to this labor of love.

For the time being -- with Dustin gone and with me unwilling to turn this into a full-time job -- will begin a partial hibernation. There'll be occasional stories added to our main blog, the Kiosk and Racine Obituaries, but not as many as before. I'm not sure what will happen to our front page; we'll see what the future brings. By all means, check in to see whether we can resist the urge to continue posting.

From both of us, thanks for being a part of RacinePost.
Pete Selkowe
Dustin Block

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  1. Well, I am sorry to see this happen. I could see the writing on the wall lately however, with the long interval between stories. I will miss Pete's photos the most if he does not stick with the format he has established. No matter what, I'll never get the JT again and hope that the RP fires up for a second round. Good luck guys!

  2. You did all you could when you could, great job to the both of you. I'd put this out there - some of your readers would probably be willing to get things moving again, just a thought.

  3. Great job guys! Hard work opened a new career/life path. You'll be missed.

  4. Harry Manning11/17/2010 9:53 AM

    Dustin and Pete have done a lot for our community and our community spirit. Their skills, concerns, and ambition are much appreciated. Best wishes to both journalists going forward.

  5. I'm devastated. The Post was at its best when uncovering the truth in local politics. The Journal Times publisher is in bed with lying John, so this means that the iron curtain falls again on the Racine news scene. All we will read now is the official lies that Dickert's paid hustlers spew. This is a tragedy. So much hope for Racine's future, hope for the truth, dies with the RacinePost. I'll bet that squeals of delight are oinking from City Hall today.

  6. Another devastated irregular, chiming in to say that although I was not a daily reader of Racine Post, I was a regular visitor. I appreciated the fact that the bad guys had to look over their shoulder to make sure you boys weren't on their tails. As orbs said, I'm sure the swine are oinking in delight. It is a shame that the Racine is too large to be covered by the new site.

  7. You guys have taken a lot of crap from people who don't know you but read the Post just so they could lambaste you and each other. It could not have been easy or fun, but you provided a great service, courageous reporting and beautiful photos.

    I hope AOL treats Dustin well, they don't deserve him. Pete, start your own blog with at the very least your photos and maybe some wiseass remarks.

    Thank you both. Great job.

  8. Pete and Dustin,
    You have been a great source of local news that clearly was needed in light of the fact the Journal Times has become nothing more than a propaganda tool for our failure of a mayor- Dickert.

  9. The Post will be missed, the JT is rarely worth the time to read or visit the website.....

    Thanks and best wishes!

  10. Great work, guys. I enjoy(ed) Racine Post every day, several times a day, from wherever I happened to be. I was also pleased and proud to contribute from time to time, and I will miss it. Congratulations to both of you, but especially to Dustin, who's off on a new and exciting adventure.

  11. Hopefully, Patch will allow folks to carry on with what the Racine Post started. We must have this type of alternative to the JT. You guys were out of the box when you started this. Now it looks like Dustin and AOL will make more new boxes.

  12. Hey - I won't be able to spar with Orbs or Randy any more.

  13. If you ever need a hand give me a yell!

  14. sir said...

    "Hey - I won't be able to spar with Orbs or Randy any more."

    Thank you for putting a positive spin on this.

    I guess I should wish best of luck to Dustin, but I'm too busy pouting.

  15. sir,

    Thank you, worthy opponent. You, too, Orbs.

  16. "Opponent"? Pfft, I'm not in your or sir's league. People like me learn at an early age that the privileged are far removed from our lives and have nothing to do with us. I can scream and rant all day on the internet, but it means nada. It is your peers who will make sure that nothing changes in your Racine or your America. My peers are too busy trying to survive.

  17. ... well, like I said, thank you anyway.

  18. I wish you both the best of luck! I am really going to miss this and, hopefully, you guys will find you have some sort of addiction to post here and there anyway! Thanks for the work you put in. This really was the best source to find out about community events that are going on and lots of other fun things. I agree that maybe, just maybe other members of the community may want to step up and keep you out there :-)

  19. I am so glad for Dustin! WHile it is sad for us, it's an opportunity for Dustin to show his stuff. We wish you well Dustin. Pete, we will see you at the Soup Bowl function I am sure.

    Stay true to your beliefs, thanks for undertaking this endeavor to provide an alternative news for Racine.

    Bobbie R

    Most of all, thanks for your committment to Racine. Not many would have stuck it out and who knows who has that dedication at the RJT anymore.

    Best wishes and Pete, don't get rusty okay! If you start creaking, oil the joints and upload the pictures. You know what they say - a picture is worth 1,000 words!

  20. Orbs - you are what you make of yourself. It has nothing to do with privilege, and who's to say what privileged is?

  21. The cartoon speaks volumes.

  22. John Crimmings11/17/2010 7:25 PM

    Dustin and Pete

    You have both done an incredible job of promoting the Racine area and clearly putting a different spin on things. Best of luck to you, Dustin, in you new venture. I have a feeling I may still run into Pete on occassion, probably with camera in hand. Thanks for everything you have contributed to our great community!

  23. Racine needed an alternative, you guys provided one. Wish it could have had a longer run. The support you provided the many small businesses, the human interest stories and yes even the expose'will be sincerely missed. Best wishes for a bright future.

  24. Many thanks to the Racine Post for their integrity and awesome site!

    Best wishes to Dustin!

  25. Long live the Dickert! He has again prevailed in silencing us commoners. We will never have a voice that can challenge his ultimate authority. SIR must be endulging alongside his Dickert with a bottle of bubbly tonight. Enjoy the freedom you swine. Your party will be short lived.

  26. You surpassed my expectations for the Post and I became a big fan as you grew. You really built this into a dynamic community-based news source. I hope Steve Case & Company take good care of you, and you should try to keep the Post going as an aggregate local news source including Patch, and as an occasional blog. Thanks for your contribution toward building a better Racine.

  27. Is there some way that Patch could incorporate Post? There is the matter of "goodwill" value to consider in any transition or transaction. Certainly, there's a "goodwill" value here, whether it's acted upon or not.

  28. We really enjoyed your site. Good Luck you guys! We will miss you.

  29. i looked at patch, and i really wasnt impressed.
    dont think it will stick around too long.

    also didnt see dustin listed in their editors,etc section.

  30. 11:32 - Not sure where you got this Dickert love fest idea. I'm opposed to many things he does including the budget just past. So dream on fella!

  31. You can always listen to the alternative news source in Racine-WRJN AM 1400. Radio is Free! Now, don't start trashing me because I said it. The show is live 5:30am-11am, and 2pm-6pm and call ins, comments, etc are welcome. Even the privledged and the underpriveleged can speak their mind.

    Best of everything to you Justin. It was a pleasure meeting you at the United Way Kick off event. Sincerely and with respect, Trudy ~|~

  32. That second grader I saw on the corner last winter waiting for the bus, the zipper of his jacket broken, the wind whipping him and the snot frozen to his face as he cried, his stomach empty, his mother passed out, his father absent, I told him to quit whining and to make something of himself. I was glad to help.

  33. Orbs - Good for you. I'm proud of you for giving him this advice - now if you'd only take your own advice.

    11:29 - Those programs on WRJN are God awful, unless however you are a left winged Obama, Pelosi, Reed lover.

  34. Best of luck guys...I hope you are able to find success in your next endeavors. However, I do find it a bit ironic that Dustin is leaving to work for a large media corporation...the same thing he used to bash on this website.

  35. George said... "However, I do find it a bit ironic that Dustin is leaving to work for a large media corporation...the same thing he used to bash on this website."

    I couldn't agree more with that statement.

  36. Pete and Dustin - You will be missed. Your web site was a daily must for my reading. I was always amazed how a few people could put on so many negative blogs - maybe this was good for their mental health release! You ran good articles, and Randolph and a few others added depth and positive reflections. Ricardo will have to look elsewhere to print positive thoughts. Another great activity ends. Thanks Pete and Dustin

  37. I will miss the clear thinking of Randolpu, Orbs, Ricardo, Jowephus and others, but won't miss the diatribes and negtives of Denis, Sir and a few others. I always believed if you can't say something in a constructive way - don't say anything!

  38. I think that the portion of posts that were positive or constructive was much higher on the Post than when the newspaper site was wide open........a credit to the environment created by Dustin and Pete.

    I'm going to miss the daily opportunity to read good writing in the Post's email.

  39. Darn... I liked looking at this.

  40. Tim the Shrubber11/18/2010 11:01 PM

    Meh...never really lived up to its potential anyway.

  41. Tim the Shrubber11/18/2010 11:06 PM

    "SIR must be endulging alongside his Dickert with a bottle of bubbly tonight. Enjoy the freedom you swine. Your party will be short lived."

    I will miss this insanity.

  42. Dustin and Pete we will all miss the both of you! God Bless and good luck!

  43. Welcome to journalism. Journal Sentinel is not hyphenated. You should know that by now.

  44. Sad. But happy for you. Not only for the new position, Dustin, but to both of you for taking such a leap and creating a really successful and respected website/blog. You will be missed.

    Good luck to both of you!!

  45. Also, I really love the cartoon...fabulous!!

    On the WRJN comments - I listen every morning but only because there is no other options for local talk radio. They could really do something with that station if the became more current and had some young blood in there. It has become archaic with the same ole same ole...and people have GOT to be sick of hearing the same whiney voices everyday. Man, I would LOVE to be a radio personality...I would probably do it for free LOL :)

  46. yeah wrjn sucks. rosen is a moron and repeats the same stuff every day. the same 3 callers call in each day. there's the black guy, the southern guy, and out of work guy with no self esteem.
    sick of hearing 'hockey puck' and 'teabagger'

  47. Timmy - not sure where you make a connection with me and Dickert - not on the same page with him and totally against his budget. So, get your thoughts correct or just shut up!

  48. I'll bet that the Racine Urinal Times is pleased!!

    The best thing about your local news site was that after four decades of writing checks to the Journal Times you gave me a alternative to quit them.

    Gold Stars -- Go to Dustin and Pete.


  49. Best of luck to Pete and Dustin. (And thank you to Randolph and Heather.)

    PS, If Patch is, as I've been reading, the Walmart of on-line local news, The JT won't be so pleased as Anon 12:02 thinks.

  50. If not for the Post we would have never known about The Uptown Fraud The BS with J Wax, Point Blue and other "scams"
    Racine is now more then ever a company town.

    God save Us

  51. Tim the Shrubber11/20/2010 3:20 PM

    "Timmy - not sure where you make a connection with me and Dickert - not on the same page with him and totally against his budget. So, get your thoughts correct or just shut up!"

    So, and I will also miss your insanity also sir. Your over defensiveness is almost as much fun as the insane conspiracy theorist I quoted. (Note the quote marks. Their presence mean that I am calling the person I quoted insane.)

  52. Wow shows how much Pete and Dustin care about all the loyal readers... They can't even comment to say thanks for all the well-wishes?!?! Not surprised, at all!

  53. Timmy - for once you got me - reread your post!

  54. Anon, 11:47,

    I think they said thanks up top in the story.

  55. THANK YOU, gentlemen, for fulfilling the promise of freedom of the press: an informed citizenry.

  56. Randolph,
    Any thoughts about helping Pete out and continuing the Post? This was a valuable alternative to the now very biased Dickert propaganda machine known as the JT.

  57. If I thought I could, I would.

  58. I thought your reporting of SCJ matters was biased and one-sided (anything anti-SCJ went in; anything pro-SCJ was glossed over or ignored.) Not good journalism. ... Good luck with that.

  59. The problem with Sound Off is Don Rosen.

  60. I turned on WRJN when Becker was arrested. Don Rosen was crying on the air about Becker spending the night in jail. "Can you imagine how awful it was?" he asked. Gee, can you imagine how awful it is to be a child molested by a monster, Mr. Rosen? That is the last time I listened to that godforsaken station. Another of the joke "media" in Racine.

  61. Orbs - this is scary - I agree with you once again.

  62. Alderman Jim Kaplan11/24/2010 10:04 AM

    Wheaton Franciscan Health Care All Saints bids you ado as well, I do. May the Lord bless your future Dustin and Pete. Together you made a great picture and writer team. I do believe that sometimes you lost your objective way in favor of your liberal political following, but for the most part you gave great details and stuck to the storyline. Editorializing will always be a temptation when one reports the news. Editors and reporters should always be two separate positions in all forms of news media. God Bless you two, Dustin and Pete, Racine, and her resident's.

  63. Would like to see Pugh's developing a RIVER WALK along that north side and use their three old historic buildings --- now that the Fergus deal went sour.

    The city should revisit the idea of a Museum at the Walker site. They canned it because of greed!

    Mayor Dickert -- build our destination museum on the lakefront -- Give people a reason to visit Racine again. The plans were all done. We just need a visionary to push them. Think of the asset to have hundreds of thousands of people visiting Racine again!!

  64. Sounds like a 10-year plan!

  65. Sam Johnson thought it was a great plan -- He give the Museum 1.4 million to buy the land. I wonder if he would be happy seeing it a weed lot?

    Racine should take full advantage of it's historical past to bring money in. Frankly, other avenues look pretty dull.

    I wonder if the House on the Rock makes money??? Showing off a neat house and lots of Junk!

    Keep the lakefront and river front lands for the People --

  66. Jimbo K. - Why don't you marry him!

  67. Well now the conservative weirdos will have to find a new sounding board to whine.

    Dustin and Pete thank you so much for your efforts. You created some excitement in this rather dull city.

  68. 8:14 - We don't whine - look who is in office now. Obama being the next to go.

  69. We'll see what the Grand Old Party will change! Most of them are bags of wind.

    Look at Wisconsin -- Republican Tommy Thompsen put Wisconsin in the worst debt in the 150 + year history. It's interesting that you ding bats blame everyone else for what was done by your Republican -- spenders.

    Pretty quite out there right now -- a lot of people are scared that they voted without thinking. Time will tell -- if the pain gets worse they'll be crying. I'll feel bad for them -- but they made they're bed and they'll have to sleep in it.

  70. Wondered how long until ^^^^ devolved into name-calling. Way to keep it above water and in a mature fashion....

    Do you care to remember how the business climate was before Tommy? Yes, his downside was that he allowed too much money to be spent on his watch. That wasn't a good thing then and it certainly isn't now.

    I see what you did, you tried to use what voters and the media were saying about those that voted for Obama to explain what happened in the last election. You sneaky-Pete you, you almost had us there....

  71. Dustin- now that you have a high paying job how about coming in for long deserved cup of green tea.. in the true spirit of things, we'll charge you double.

    Cheers and thanks for a great option for local news.... Circa.

  72. Both Bush and Tommy allowed to much to be spent however who was in Congress at that time? It is time to quit this foolish spending which has and will be the demise of this country. Repeal everything that was pushed through Congress the last 18 months that the "majority" was against. Time for Obama to get off his egotistical platform - time for him to listen to what the majority wants!

  73. who was in Congress at that time

    Mark Newman ---> a Republican -- so cut the crap!

  74. 12:41 - Oh, that's right. One individual makes up the Congress -

  75. You have a answer for everything -- but I'm sure we'll never see you name on a ballot. Few whiners step up to the plate. They just sit on the sidelines and cry about everything.

  76. 1:55 - No I have "an" answer for everything. That's why you should rely on my intelligence. Who's whining now? Not conservatives.

  77. No, not conservatives. They're just voting against tax cuts, but at the same time voting for expanding entitlements for hundreds of thousands more children to get free lunches. Where's the Tea Party when you need it, huh?

  78. If they are voting for expanding entitlements, they are not true conservatives.

  79. Conservative --> self centered person - who rarely shares anything -- Keeps a tight pocket book -- considers women servants -- may have a child or two -- But have the constant battle over the cost related to caring for the children.

    Walks pass a old lady who fell -- because he or she doesn't feel it's their job to help those who can't help themselves. The old lady should have set aside enough money for her old age! Then she would have someone there to help her up the curb.

    No entitlements -- if they have no food let the little rug rats die!!

    It's not my job to feed or care for the dead beats who don't work!

    on and on!

  80. 9:44 To be conservative - isn't it great and on and on. Too bad loser.

  81. "Sir" -You are dismissed for good - Thank Heavens! Your boy and girl political winners are off to a bad start! Time heals all wounds, and the Dems will be back.

  82. 1:56 - Can't you come up with your own saying?? I'd say we were off to a good start - keep them Bush tax rates!!!

  83. Going to miss the post. Best of luck to both of you in your future endeavors.

  84. Dustin and Pete: A belated but sincere note about your great work with The Racine Post. It has been wonderful to have a front row seat with this new experiment in journalism. Thank you.

    P.S. Dustin, what's the timeline for the new Patch? And may In encourage you to have a health section there? Let me know how I can be helpful with that.

  85. Thank you -- you created a excitement rarely seen in this old factory town. Great job guys!!!

  86. I will surely miss the laughable comments of "Sir" - I hope Sir goes "at ease" or is court marshalled forever!

  87. I'm sure everyone will miss my comments - 12:56, you are dismissed. I am done with you :)

  88. Not liking Patch so far.....miss the Post.

  89. Patch is mediocre compared to what you two did here.

  90. So, to clarify, an idea that could have been great, but ended up becoming a subjective political tool for two "journalists" will be coming to an end...because Dustin sold out and you care so much about Racine that you don't want to spend any time reporting it's news. Got it.

  91. Gonna miss that nut job on here who quoted history, and was a wanna-be poet.

  92. Josephus and Ricardo - your gems of insight and knowledge will be missed.
