
October 4, 2010

TwoOne Republican candidates will skip legislative forum

Update, Oct. 28: Chris Wright is coming to the forum after all. We received this note from Community for Change today:
We have just heard from Chris Wright and he said his meeting was canceled this evening allowing him to participate in the forum. He will not be able to make the entire open house but will be at Gateway for the public debate. We have not heard from the Wanggaard campaign.

 Update, Oct. 5: See below.

As we reported earlier today, two Republican candidates have refused to participate in the lone legislative candidate forum scheduled so far for Racine County. The two are Van Wanggaard, who is running against John Lehman for the State Senate in the 21st District, and Chris Wright, who is running against Cory Mason in the 62nd Assembly District.

Here's the release from the three co-sponsoring organizations:
The Southeast Gateway Group Sierra Club, The Racine Branch of American Association of University Women and Community for Change will host a candidate forum and open house at Gateway Technical College in Racine on Thursday, Oct. 28. The forum will be held in the Great Lakes Room from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.

All candidates in contested races for the Wisconsin legislature were invited to participate. Wisconsin State Sen. John Lehman, Reps. Cory Mason and Robert Turner and Independent Party Assembly candidate George Meyers have indicated that they will attend.

Senate candidate Van Wanggard and Assembly candidate Chris Wright have declined our invitation. Despite the willingness of the organizations to reschedule the forum, neither was able to provide one date in which they would be able to participate within a six-week time period. Consequently, neither candidate will be participating in any public forum with the incumbents.

The public will be allowed to submit questions and overflow seating will be available with tele-conferencing in nearby rooms. Each candidate and their campaign is invited to participate in a public open house beginning at 6 p.m. and will be provided a table outside the forum room so attendees may ask questions, inquire about volunteering or pick up yard signs. Special Voter Registration Deputies from the GAB will also be in attendance to answer questions about poll locations and voting eligibility.
Melissa Warner and Betsy Georg, Southeast Gateway Group Sierra Club
Marcia Colsmith, American Association of University Women, Public Policy
Kelly Gallaher, Community for Change Coordinator
Update: "Organizers from the Sierra Club, AAUW and Community for Change are glad to add the confirmation of Libertarian candidate for State Assembly Anthony De Cubellis to the candidate forum."

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  1. This isn't a fair forum....every one of the people listed above is a member of the democratic establishment. Come about pointing that out in your reporting?

  2. AAUW and Sierra Club have hosted forums for years. Even Paul Ryan is doing one with AAUW in a few weeks. C4C ran the best forums for mayor there were last year.

    I remember when candidates did nearly a dozen forums. These guys are ducking. Put a chair and name plate where they should be sitting and take a picture of the empty seat.

    If you can't take some questions from the public then you don't deserve the job!

  3. Your surprised that Republican candidates would decline invitations by left wing organizations like this?

  4. Bill McReynolds did. Jody Harding did. Robin Vos did. But of course they actually had some confidence in their positions.

    Van turned down the Taxpayers as well and Lehman has been in their forums plenty of times, not exactly HIS biggest fans.

  5. Racine County voters should have no time whatsoever for "ghost" candidates who are more than happy to spend $$ on ads and campaign lit, but unwilling to answer questions and discuss issues in an open public forum.

    By their inaction, Wanggaard and Wright have shown voters why they don't deserve their support. It's as simple as that.

  6. Why show up to talk to a bunch of left wingers. You really think any Republican is going to sway their vote - this would be a total waste for them.

  7. Any candidate who will not stand up in front of a group of people (who do or don't agree with him) and say why they deserve to be put in office isn't qualified for the job.

    Being an elected official is supposed to be about working with and persuading others to support your ideas. If these guys won't do it for their own constituents how are they going to do it Madison?

  8. I'm one of the people who don't just vote because of party and I don't appreciate people who assume i would. I had not made up my mind until now.

  9. I see the Libertarian candidate is coming. He must not be so afraid of ladies and trees. Lol!

  10. Wangaard and Wright were at the TEA Party Town Hall event at the lakefront on Sept. 11th. All of the same candidates were invited to attend and take questions from potential voters, (booths were available). Not a Single Democrat showed took up the offer to attend. Van has been out taking questions one on one from voters, at events and doorsteps all over Racine Co. all year.

  11. C4C is lying, they booked the Democrats first and then asked the Republicans weeks later as an afterthought. They only offered one date for a debate, and it was a date they knew the Republicans already had booked. It's all just a set up.

    C4C is the same group that sent the email around offering jobs with Advancing Wisconsin, the group going around handing out Lehman literature. It was reported right here in the Post even.

    Just look at the timing of this press release and the one from the Lehman campaign. Same issue, same day. You're going to tell me they aren't working together?

  12. I voted for Lehman in the last election. I also know Van and like him as a person. I was leaning towards voting for Van in this election. Now I'm not so sure.

  13. If you're going to let neither Republican showing up to a C4C change your vote you have no business voting. You obviously don't know the issues, where either party stands on the issues and how the forum would be slanted against the Republicans.

    I know both candidates personally and know that they weren't given a fair shot at showing up at the event and have already confirmed meetings on that date. Pete needs to do a better job following up on his story. This is lazy haphazard reporting.

    Both Wright and Van are worthy of your votes and this is merely the lefts way of smearing mud. I know that Wright is going to be at the Rotary forum.

    I also want to echo that Mason and Lehman were invited to the Tea Party, but neither showed. C4C is the same type of venue as the Tea Party would be. C4C gives itself WAY too much credit!

  14. The State GOP has advised all their candidates to not debate their opponents (particularly if they are incumbents). This is happening all over Wisconsin.

    They feel they don't have to explain their goals and ideas or they don't have any and don't want tough questions asked. Either way the voters lose.

    Lehman and Mason have shown up plenty of times for the Taxpayers which at least showed some amount of respect for their members.

  15. What's the big deal? Show up answer a couple questions, smile and shake some hands. Dodging it just makes you look lame.

  16. Please, it would be a completely one side hug fest. I've never heard that come out of anyone of @ the GOP level that would make those decisions. Showing up makes them look more lame.

  17. I don't think this would be news if it wasn't the only public forum. If there were 5 or 6 no one would care. They were right to go ahead without them.

    If they look bad now, it's their own fault.

  18. The Translator10/05/2010 9:39 AM

    To the Racine Left Post, where was your scolding of the Democrats for not attending the Tea Party Town Hall?

    Que the crickets......

    I wouldnt sit in a Kelly G, C4C, Yes we can, ACORN forum if you paid me.

  19. You mean the Republican rally that sold the
    "Where's Lee Harvey When You Need Him?" T-shirts. Yeah that was classy one. But it also wasn't a debate.

    Jody Harding, Paul Ryan, Robin Vos and Bill McReynold's have all appeared for these groups for forums in the past. What's different now? Van won't appear at any-ask the Taxpayers.


    Hmm, now why should republicans give any legitimacy to a group that pays people to campaign against them? It's a smart move to ignore blatant partisan hacks like the C4C organizers.

  21. I have never heard of challengers to incumbents who do not want to debate. It's so easy to criticize someone's record that they usually jump at the chance.

    This is kinda dumb.

  22. So Van is holding solo town halls instead of debating Lehman? Lehman should just show up and ask Wanggirl to debate him right there and then.

  23. Usually its the losing campaign that pushes for debates. It's pretty clear Lehman has polls showing that he's way behind. He's throwing everything into negative attacks with all those fliers I'm getting in the mail.

    And now Lehman is whining about debates? Yeah, he's toast. I'm sure he'll have a nice job as a lobbyist waiting for him after he loses though.

  24. The people who push for debates are the ones who aren't afraid of the questions. I agree that Lehman should go to Van's Town Halls. If Van won't debate, we'll know which it is.

  25. What's there to debate? Lehman and Mason's voting record stand for themselves.

  26. If you have a question for Wanggaard, call him up. The Lehman campaign published his home phone number. Or just wait at your house, Wanggaard has knocked on thousands of doors personally.

    Where's Lehman? He skips out of any event as soon as possible. The only group he wants a debate in front of pays his campaign workers $10 an hour. Then he gets the debate scheduled when republicans can't attend and issues a pair of press releases, one from his campaign, one from C4C.

    If C4C really wanted republicans, they should have asked them to come ahead of time, not at the last minute.

    Go ahead Racine Post, ask Kelly when she booked Lehman, Mason and Turner, and then ask her when she told the other candidates about the event. I challenge you to do some real reporting on this issue and not just copy a press release.

  27. Soon Sen. Wanggaard and Rep. Wright will be processing the affairs of state for this great state, and memories of measly little communist gnats will be already fading like mist....

  28. Josephus believes that both Van Wangaard and Chris Wright were told by the Republican Party not to appear at any public forum, give no interviews, and remain mute because heavily-funded outside groups will blitz the media outlets with false and ugly political ads defaming both John Lehman and Cory Mason. Why show up for anything while other groups will do it for you? It is like mommy and daddy doing their child's homework so he/she can get into the best prep school. Why work when someone else will enable you. Van Wangaard and Chris Wright as well as the Republican Party have no shame. If they are elected, I suppose the wealthy plutocrats will tell them how to vote also. Can't they think for themselves? If not, then they should not run for political office.

  29. Look around....Lehman, Mason, Turner......failed us. They are a big reason why Racine is in the bad way it is. You've had your chances to do something for Racine and what have you done? See ya'all later it's time for some new blood to try and turn this fiasco around!

  30. Why is it that many conservatives across the USA are afraid to debate and discuss the issues? Their out-of-state money does ads in the paper, on the radio and tv, but we never really know the details of their positions. Progressives (Democrats) are always will to publicly discuss and debate the issues in public - regardless of who sponsors the debates. I know where Assemblyman Cory Mason and Senator John Lehman stand on the issues - but know little about their opponents. If you can't stand the heat of the kitchen - then I don't want you to represent me! I appreciate that Mason and Lehman will tell you how they stand on an issue - but have no idea (other than a few one liners), what their opponents would do if elected. I vote for someone I know. Why buy a car without trying it out?

  31. @5:11pm - Call them and ask! Both are more than happy to answer any questions you have. Neither are afraid to debate and to assume that just makes you look ignorant.

  32. Call them?! The point of a debate is to stand up and defend your ideas against the opponent. Madison is in deadlock and we need politicians who can work and talk with each other and get something done.

    These guys aren't willing to even talk to a bunch of ladies and treehuggers!

    Good for the two Libertarian guys coming.

  33. Ricardo says: One who is willing to express, discuss and debate ideas can be trusted - one who does not cannot be trusted!

  34. Debates = sound bites. They are totally useless.

  35. You people complain that Wanguard and Wright are not attending. When was the last time that any democrat knocked on 100 to 200 doors a day to get first hand opinions from the voters. I have lived in West Racine for 13 years and have never seen Bob Turner. All I get from the democrats are destroyed and stolen yard signs. Taking away my freedom of speech!!! Also, why would you go somewhere and talk to people who are out to crucify you because you say you are a Republican or conserative?

  36. anonymous 2:04
    Have you been home to tsalk to these men? I know they are out in their areas knocking on doors. Something the DEMs are not. I have known Chris Wright for years and he would ben over backward to help the people in his district. DEMs only close their ears and start mud slinging when they know they have an opponent that will get the job done. What does Lieman and Turner look like? I have never seen them. I can only assume they only care for the special interest groups that fund their lifestyles.

  37. Just the kind of questions one could ask at a candidate forum and also have the advantage of hearing their opponents feedback as well.

  38. It is a known fact that John Lehman has knocked on at least 12,000 doors - and I would say he has a real pulse on the people and their ideas in his district!

  39. PrefersCoffee10/06/2010 4:01 PM

    Are you serious?

    You expect me to wait to ask any questions until Van or Chris randomly knock on my door?!

    What if I'm not at home? I just miss my opportunity?

    The whole point of a forum/debate is so that people can hear how candidates compare on the issues.

    Chris Wright and Van Wanggaard are both cowards not worthy of the offices they seek.

    But, really, what more should I expect from the party of no?

  40. Preferscoffee said>
    You are a prime example of liberal bias. You liberal democrats love to spend other peoples money! You follow the party line like a sheep. I know the people I am voting for and against. I know their records and their stances. Can you say the same? The 10,000 doors could not have been done in the last few months by Lehman. It takes at least 3-4 hours to contact 100 homes and this is if 1/2 of them don't answer the door and literature is just left. A person could only hit approx. 250 doors per a soild 8 hour day with not time for rest breaks. You liberals are good at preaching your venom and never getting to know the other guy. I pity you!

  41. I was wrong about John Lehman - he has visited more than 14,000+ doors. Also, we don't need your pity. We have gotten to know the other side, and don't like what we see. The conservatives is a "change we don't need"!

  42. Josephus says to Anon 6:44 pm, "Get thee to a fact machine." What two presidents since World War II ran up super deficits during their eight years as president; more than any other president? Answer: Ronald "the Republican god" Reagan and George W. "who cut taxes and spent money off budget like a drunken monkey" Bush. And now we are paying for it. If Republicans gain control both statewide and nationally, all of us will suffer through program cuts that hit the middle class. Who gains? The multinational corporations, banks, insurance companies, Wall Street moguls, and politicians who never met a lobbyist with cash in hand they didn't like. Afghanistan is corrupt? They can't compete with us on that score. Money and power corrupts every facet of our lives. Finis!

  43. Anon 8:04 p.m.
    Did lehman do it by himself (not) or had an army of cronies doing the knocking? It does not count unless he did it all!!!! Nothing like fabricating the truth or should I say lie.

  44. Ricardo says: Beware of one who is unwilling and afraid to tell what they believe in and is not willing to defend it. No amount of excuses can justify this weakness!

  45. Why would Wiengarrd want to debate when McReynolds advised him not to?

  46. So according to the Journal Times, Wanggaard and Wright are having a "town hall" on the 20th with just themselves and didn't invite their opponents.

    It's interesting they have now found a date they are available, but still aren't debating.

  47. Mr. Wright claims on his website that he is "100% pro-life". These days that is interpreted to mean that he would prohibit abortions even in the circumstances of incest and rape. 100% is 100% after all.

    Mr. Wright would force women and young women who have been raped or victims of incest to carry to full term the pregnancy caused by their attacker.

    I am curious how we would enforce that? Would these women and girls be monitored by the government to be certain they delivered? Would they be jailed if they sought or attempted an illegal abortion? Would OB-GYN's have to report every pregnancy to officials?

    Wanggaard is already on the record in 2006 as supporting the right of pharmacists to refuse birth control based on the moral prerogatives of the individual pharmacist. He expects women to go from store to store to find one willing to dispense legal birth control prescribed by a woman's doctor because a pharmacist's rights superceed a woman's right to safe and legal family planning.

    Too bad we can't actually ask them these questions in a candidate debate.

  48. >>Too bad we can't actually ask them these questions in a candidate debate.

    Actually, you can -- sorta. Wanggaard and Wright are holding their own "town hall" meeting on Oct. 20 at the Village Hall in Sturtevant (2801 89th St.)

    Why not show up and ask them then? I'm sure they want the session to be just their dearest friends and softball questions, but there's no way to keep us out ... even if they don't have the guts to stand up with their opponents.

  49. Sorry, forgot the time: 4-6 p.m.

  50. Typical democrats banter. They are all for murder in the womb. they love to hurl hate to anyone who cares about life before and after birth. If the mother does not want the child, put the child up for adoption. there are alot of people who want to be moms and dads and can't. What would have happened if your mothers decided that you were not worth the time to carry you to term? Oh yea, I would not be writing to you.

  51. Typical republican'ts banter. They are all for smaller government except when it comes to a woman's own body. If a woman believes these decisions are best made by her rather than the government she's a murderer and should be forced to carry a pregnancy caused by incest or rape.

    Perhaps you can answer the actual question 9:31. How exactly would you enforce compulsory pregnancy from rape or incest? Jail? Government monitoring? Would you have doctors report all pregnancies?

  52. Crickets. Just like I thought...all blab and no solutions.

  53. Josephus says, "He who does not want to publicly debate issues while running for public office has something to hide, is unpatriotic and violates a key principle in a democratic society; namely, the right for people to know." Both Wangaard and Wright want to be stealth candidates because their controllers know that they can't think on their feet Good strategy, but lousy democracy. Josephus fears a right-wing extremist takeover of our country if this kind of thinking continues. And the Fox Republican Network with its looney toons on parade every evening is leading the way.

  54. Ricardo says: Josephus is one intelligent and insightful individual. The comments by Josephus are filled with facts, historical analysis and good common sense. The advice by Josephus would be wise for all of us to take heed!

  55. Community for Change is a leftist Obama group - The fix is in. Why would a Republican participate in their own ambush by this lefty group?

  56. Whine all you want when you don't get your way. Valid groups with non partison agendas do not badger the candidates and publish slanted articles that propagate falsehoods about the candidates, just because there happens to be a scheduling conflict and those candidates are unavailable. I guess the C4C imagines itself so magestic they believe all candidates should check with them to be sure their schedules are run according to the needs of C4C's agenda. Get a grip.

  57. The word is out that both Waanggard and Wright were asked to pick a date or dates for the debate - the best excuse they later gave was that there were conflicts with their schedules. Guess it's a case of two chicken littles! It takes guts and having something to stand for to take part in a debate!

  58. Ah, RacineGal. Josephus is not whining. I am just disgusted by the Republican's tactics in not coming out in the open in a free debate. However, alas, I have been predicting a right-wing takeover of our country for months now. Some facts to consider, which you True Believers don't believe in anyway. If Republican extremists (Libertarians) gain control of our country, they will attempt to privatize firefighters, police, municipal water, social security, Medicare, and Medicaid. China has just bought 600,000 thousand acres of Texas for oil and natural gas exploration. Racinegal, you and others are totally unaware of what is happening to this country. I have grandchildren, and I am fearful of the future they will inherit. Start reading and examining what is really happening. However, I know that you won't and will live in blissful ignorance.

  59. We can add Ron Johnson to the Wangaard, Wright "chicken squad". Johnson does his best not to have his appearances covered by the press by not letting the press know of his appearances in advance. Just another Republican strategy to avoid "kooky" candidates getting their extreme opinions on the record. By the way, where does Wangaard stand on global warming, stem cell research, abortion in cases of incest and rape, equal rights for gays, public education vs. public funding of private schools? With no debate on the record we will never know.
    PS How do we know who was typing answers for the JT misnamed "forum"?

  60. 8:41 - do you mean global warming? no, I meant global climate change, no, I meant global climate disruption, no, I meant B.S.

  61. Ricardo says: "Sir" is a confused individual - this is a switch; usually the answers are spinned - not the question has been spinned!

  62. Sir, I'm glad you know more than 99% of the world's university educated climate scientists. Hey Sir, your ignorance is showing!

  63. Racine Gal, it was reported that the two missing candidates were asked to suggest any dates they were available, but chose not to debate. I cannot believe you and others persist in promoting their unbelievable excuse. There is clearly a Republican strategy to keep their candidates from going on the record in debate situtions. This is probably a good strategy, just ride the wave of anger over the economy without having to reveal extreme religious right positions or inarticulate responses. Candidates like Wangaard and Johnson would have trouble if people knew where they really stood on many social issues.

  64. 6:57 - 99%, show me your proof! Secondly, I wouldn't listen to too many university educators. They are left of left and live in a dream world, smoking their pipes while growing beards - that's the men I'm referring too.

  65. Well what low blows with the liberal do now on Wright? The hatred from the left to anyone who does not agree with them is horrible. I am tired of all the hate mail from the democrats in my mail box.

  66. lefties and righties fighting whilst the country turns into China. Good job all your party line voters.

  67. I haven't talked to one person in Racine County who plans to vote for either Lehman or Mason. Their budget tricks and lack of representation of Racine County is coming to roost.
