
October 22, 2010

New C.O.P. House opens on Oct. 26

The Racine Police Department will open its newest neighborhood Community Policing House -- commonly referred to as a C.O.P. house -- on Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 4 p.m.

The new house is located at 1900 16th St., the northwest corner of 16th and Phillips Avenue. There will be a short ceremony followed by refreshments and an opportunity to tour the facility. This is the department's sixth C.O.P. house.

The renovation of this building began in May 2010, by Racine Community Outpost, the Racine Police Department, local businesses, private contractors and individuals. Begun in 1993, the C.O.P. house program is a tool to fight crime and improve the quality of life in troublesome neighborhoods. An officer is assigned to a C.O.P. house for several years and is dedicated to the neighborhood.

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  1. good job Mayor Dickert for making this happen.

  2. It seems like these work to reduce crime, why not open one on Jacato Drive in that new house that sits empty?

  3. Chief Wahlen and his department work hard and strongly believe in the COP House concept of working with the neighborhood people to improve the area. There is a COP House on Jacato.

  4. "There is a COP House on Jacato."

    If there is one on Jacato, why isn't it listed here?

  5. And we will need one for the new slums being build by Sam's Club.
    IMHO Alderman Hart only helps the rich get richer, by backing this slum.

  6. Yes, in drawing up plans for Jacato West at the old Sam's Club site, couldn't Dickert's cronies at least include a C.O.P. House in the design? After the developers have made their money and left the taxpayers to clean up the mess, we will have to build one anyway.

  7. All we hear from Wahlen is how great these COPS houses are, but we have no results to show. I would venture a guess that most people would not feel safe walking at night in any of these COP house neighborhoods at night.

    Time for Wahlen and his foolish ideas to be taken out to pasture. Racine needs real crime fighting, not some silly playhouses for his lazy officers.

  8. Take it easy Ryan.

  9. Might need a COP house or camera or armored truck over at 6th & Mound.

  10. Anon 7:27 PM...COP House ARE an effective tool in cleaning up troubled neighborhoods. Many police departments around the country have great success with them. You are a whiner and do not know the facts. COP Houses are NOT silly playhouses for lazy officers. Chief Wahlen doe NOT have foolish ideas. In fact, the Racine COP Houses are a model on how they should work. Way to go RPD. Thank you for what you do!

  11. The COP house just up the road on 6th Street sure did a lot to help this city's most recent murder victim. So much for crime prevention! You have a police station and a COP house within a stone's throw of a murder scene.

  12. If the thugs hear that the vacant house on Jacato Dr. is going to be converted to a COP house it will most likely have a mysterious fire. Maybe Dickert and Friedel could go there and have a press conferance on the chief's plans for the house? Incompetent fools that they are. City Hall needs a new direction and new leaders. Vote well come April.

  13. I have yet to see a criminal walk up to the jail (or a COP house) and turn themselves in. At best, the percentage would be very very small.

    With the police cooped up in these "houses" all day it is an obvious waste of resources. Sitting around waiting for criminals to show up at the door is comical. The purpose of having a police force is to go out and get the criminals. That concept is apparently very difficult or very foreign to some. Then again, that is the Racine Gestapo for you.

  14. there is NOT a COP house on Jacato.. there's an empty blue one in the 2400 block, but the city just bought it. The COP houses aren't there so people can turn themselves in, they're there so Officers can have a better relationship with the people in the area that actually give a damn. Ofc Prybilski out in Rubberville has done AWESOME things with the area. Ofc Mahnke (16th St) was instrumental closing the Gator. You don't build a house and expect the city to be better in a few days. It's a process, but the COP house officers are really doing a good job.

  15. The COP house on 6th Street has been there for more years than I can remember and the neighborhood is still the same. I would like to see if any of the residents even know the "cop" in the house or how many of the residents he/she knows in the area. Probably not many for either side! Maybe in a rich suburb a COP house would scare people into acting civil, but not in Racine. Time to find something new (that works)!

  16. Why do you yhink the City bought the house on Jacato? Add 2 & 2. However with the leaders at City Hall that would probly add up to 5. Morons that they are.
