
October 9, 2010

Mom, whose kids were trapped on Ferris Wheel, shares her story

A mom whose children were trapped on the Ferris Wheel at Party on the Pavement wants to send thanks out to the firefighters and police officers who helped defuse a scary situation.

Dawn Ivanowski, a Racine native who now lives out of town, said the officer who talked with her while her young children were stuck on the Ferris Wheel was "phenomenal."

"I send out thanks to the firefighters and police who offered such great support," Ivanowski said.

One person she wasn't impressed with: Mayor John Dickert.

Ivanowski said the mayor came across as insincere and lacked the compassion of the rescue workers.

"You can tell when someone isn't sincere," she said about Dickert.

During the rescue the mayor was calling up to the kids on the Ferris Wheel that hot chocolate was waiting for them when they got down. Ivanowski said her kids were indifferent, but not bothered, by the mayor's efforts to lighten the mood.

"He was distracting, so distracting at that point is good," she said.

Ivanowski was watching the Ferris Wheel when she heard the first, "pop." She knew something was wrong then, but the operator let it continue to run until a railing fell off. "At that point I was freaked," Ivanowski said.

Thanks to quick thinking rescue workers no one was injured in the potentially serious incident. Everyone on the Ferris Wheel was on the ground about two hours after the wheel was stopped.

"It was definitely a positive outcome," Ivanowski said.

In the days since the incident Ivanowski said her kids' pictures have appeared around the country. While her daughter is enjoying telling the story, her son isn't as thrilled. One picture shows him crying, which is a little embarrassing for a 7-year-old.

The state Department of Commerce is investigating the Ferris Wheel incident. So far, there's no report on why the ride broke.

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  1. An insincere politician? No, can't be!?

  2. DICKert is a used car salesmen. Nothing more. How many jobs have LEFT Racine since he got into office? I thought he was going to BRING jobs here. What a putz.

  3. Mayor Slick-Hair is the lackey of a corporate crime family whose members want to see Mitt Romney in the White House. That's all we need to know about him.

  4. Next year there should be NO FERRIS WHEEL! Ditto no Mayor Dickert. On election day, let's send him back to peddling palaces to richie-poo oppressors and/or selling used cars.

  5. THESE comments get left, but mine deleted?? Wow. Guess I should be an anonymous fraidy cat too...

  6. Dear Heather Rayne, Until The House of Wax and its finagling fiscal fiends cease to control Racine, anonymity is pure prudence. After we switch to socialism and strip our oppressors of their monetary might, it will be a different story. (I know an old gal whose progressive ideas got her and her elderly Mom $27,000.00 worth of trouble from filthy UNIT. Under such circumstances, anyone would be "an anonymous fraidy cat.")

  7. It coul be worse. People could be dumb enough to elect Van Wangaurrd to the Senate.

  8. He looked concerned and sincere to me.

  9. 9:56 - Dickert is a Democrat who has no interest in Rommney being in the White House. If you want to trash the mayor - fine, but get your story right - knucklehead.

  10. Although Dickert may be a Dem, he serves an oligarchy whose members are extremely fond of Romney.(A certain big-buck babe who owns the Bugspray Bank likes Romney and his clique.) If you look at Romney's record, you'll see that he could pass for a conservative Dem. So,a Dem of Dickert's type could be chummy with pro-Romney people.

  11. Yea, Yea, Yea - You guys/girls are such idiots -you sure love that word oligarchy, don't you Mr. Angry. Any chance you have to throw the word in there. Why not come up with some new material.

  12. Dear Sir, One reason some Racinians associate Dickert with Romney is our mayor's fixation on his appearance. Like Mitt Romney, Dickert takes superb care of his hair. Since a well-groomed mane is seen as a sign of corporate connections and cash, quite a few locals think that Dickert is a rich Republican or, at the very least, a right-wing Independent. (Another reason Dickert's misidentified as a Republican is his tendency to hobnob with the Waxclan. By and large, traditional left-leaning Dems don't dote on The Sons of Sam.)

  13. Frankly, I feel sorry for Dickert. IMHO he'll be a lot happier once he's out of office and back in business as a realtor.

  14. 9:39 - I guess he should look like a slob like you.

  15. Sir, everyone knows who you are! Your "unbiased" comments are very transparent. Go kiss your boy the mayor's ass a little more. BTW, your boy is a dumb ass! He'll burn in May.

  16. We don't need to "burn" Dickert. If enough of us turn up at the polls and vote against him, he'll cease to be a problem.

  17. a lot of people in racine could learn something about how to dress from the mayor. I've never seen such a motley collection of ghetto hoodrat fashion and affliction/tap out clothes on the majority of people here.

    take note people, it's better to look good than to feel good.

  18. What happened to his fancy Chrome sunglasses. Did someone tell him that wearing $400 sunglasses might piss off the voters?

  19. Dear Fashion Cop, If you want to see folks who can afford a wardrobe like Mayor Dickert's, please attend a gala at "Whitebread." There a gal I'll call "Ms. Yellin'" will have plenty of yuppies for you to admire. Meanwhile, the ordinary residents of Racine will dress as decently as they can or may in a system designed to impoverish them for the benefit of the stylish elite.

  20. Dear 10/12/2010 6:11 PM, You bet! After Becker's infamous designer glasses, Mayor Dickert would be a fool to flaunt and vaunt his $400.00 specs.

  21. HOLY COW!! So many of you are ones to say how people should be able to make money and spend it as they wish...the whole capitalist idea, isn't it?? Its all ABOUT the money for you Republicans. Yet you are going to criticize someone for a decent haircut and pair of glasses. You will be taken seriously when you stop sounding like middle schoolers and can be consistent for five freakin minutes. Gesh.

  22. 10:00 PM - I am not into ass's, so I'll pass. And you have no idea who I am, but I know who you are - Knucklehead.

  23. Dear Sir, Please don't call anyone a "knucklehead." Alas, "knuckleheads" tend to have--and use--heavy fists. Thank you very much.

  24. 4:01 - I give you credit for recognizing you are one.
