
October 11, 2010

JT reports city spokesman owes back taxes

The JT is showing some bite. Reporter Paul Sloth went after city Spokesman Mark Eickhorst this morning with a story reporting he owes back taxes to the state. It's a notable hit piece given Eickhorst's part-time, and relatively minor, position with the city. Beware all city employees with a mention in CCAP.

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  1. Of course he neglected to mention the tax lien against Eickhorst for failure to pay property taxes. This is why Dickert is running his salary through RAMAC. Racine would have seized Eickhorst's money right away. At least this way, Dickert fooled the state for a couple months.

  2. It was news when he was hired not so much now. What is news is, what has he done on the job?
    Where's the Twitter Account, The You Tube,Yahoo,and other accounts to host video for free? If the job of the PIO is PR on the city where the hell is it? Lets hope its more the WRJN

  3. Note to the Mayor:

    When your hand picked PR guy needs a PR person it is time to end the RAMAC contract and hire someone who isn't such a liability. Or better yet don't hire another PR person. The need for a PR person is a sign you have bigger issues to address.

  4. The Mayor is stealing OUR money with fake positions like this. This guy has done nothing to earn 25k. The Mayor and city council should be embarressed by this scam.

  5. Only humans feel shame or embarrassment.

  6. He isn't the only Dickert pal that doesnt like to pay taxes. Mr Racine cant even write a press release.

  7. What about M O ???

  8. Funny, the Post tries to smear all city employees who earned more than 50K, yet warn all city employees who might be on CCAP of Paul Sloth and the JT......Hypocrites at their finest, or retards, I'm not sure which.

  9. Dickert's man secretary better watch out, he is next. Lots of skeletons in that closet.

  10. Dickerts man on the County Board owes boat loads too. Over $50,000 to people he ripped off. The community organizer
