
October 8, 2010

21,000+ hours of work on display at quilt show

A rainbow of colors has transformed the sanctuary of the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 322 Ohio St. Also the Fellowship Hall and the lobby.

The occasion is the biennial show of the Rainbow Quilters. Forty-five quilt-makers are displaying 210 quilts -- a riot of color, and designs ranging from traditional to whimsical -- in their "Bring 'Em, Hang 'Em, Look at 'Em" Quilt Show. The show opened today at 10 a.m. and continues until 6 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday.

The quilts represent more than 21,000 hours of work, according to an estimate provided by Barb Vallone, who quilts with three of Racine's quilt clubs: the Rainbow, Lighthouse and First Friday quilters. When pressed, she and other quilters guessed that an "average" quilt takes about 100 hours to complete; that may or may not include the time it takes to choose and purchase the fabric and thread and decide upon a design. Of course, some quilts take 600 or 700 hours...

So that 21,000 figure covers just the 210 bed quilts" on display, mostly in the Sanctuary. There are also another 46 single-square hangings done for the club's Crayon Color Challenge. Those quiltings -- all are pictured below -- are being sold via a silent auction -- pledges topped $500 before noon today -- with all the funds going to benefit the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit at All Saints. The silent auction ends at 3 p.m. Saturday.

Also on display are 10 quilts made as part of the club's Quilts for the Community project; those quilts are donated to All Saints, Ridgewood Care Center, Milwaukee Children's Hospital and Wisconsin Operation Snuggies. And some of the 150 quilts made annually by 15 members of the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection for Lutheran World Relief are also on display. 

Results of a two-color challenge: Quilters had one fat quarter each of red and tan...

Bright colors in Fellowship Hall

The 46 Crayon Challenge quilt squares, above and below...

All proceeds of the silent auction go to All Saints' Neo-Natal Unit

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  1. I'm very proud of my Mom, Alyce Hermanson, who entered several items in this year's show. Way to go, Mom!! Love -- Wendy and family

  2. Hi, that top picture has my Mom, Devi, and I in it!

  3. As the winner of highest bid for the Crayon Challenge Quilt by Jacky Tompkins, I congratulate her on a beautiful job. The Kimono and the back of it is just fabulous.
