
September 27, 2010

Mozol proposes changes to fireworks ordinance

Alderman Bob Mozol is seeking changes to how the city gives out permits for professional fireworks displays.

Referring to Ord. #66-518, Mozol is asking the Public Safety and Licensing Committee to change the city law to include a time frame, require the operator to be certified to shoot off professional-sized fireworks, and to raise the permit fee from $50 to at least $200.

Mozol's request comes in response to a fireworks show on Sept. 4 for a wedding on the city's north side. Some residents complained the show took place too late and was too loud.

The Public Safety and Licensing Committee is scheduled to take up the ordinance tonight.

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  1. Most everybody liked that display. Let's not make it too hard for people to have a good time, and for neighbors to enjoy the show, too.

  2. If you were able to see it from your home and were awake at that time of night, I'm sure it was a good show. For the 1000's of the rest of us, it was a giant pain in the butt. The City has no business giving a permit for something in Lake Michigan as that is under County jurisdiction. Racine ordinances also have a 10:00pm curfew for the noise such displays generate. This was a complete botched mess and done only to please the guests. Everyone else be damned! Go get 'em Mozel.

  3. OK, make it 10 p.m. then, and it probably makes sense to make sure a professional show is done by a professional, but why raise the fee, putting the fun out of reach of more people?

  4. OK - does anyone bitch about the street sweeper that comes through the same neighborhood at 1:30 every Tuesday morning? Why does the city get to do this? If I decide that I have to cut the grass at that time because of my work schedule I'll be paying a fine.

  5. Dude was a terrible cop, and now, even worse "Alderman".....This city is embarrassing.

  6. aww i like fireworks.

  7. can't appease all the complainers.

  8. Why increase the fees? This is a punishment tactic by Mozel that will be passed on to the groups that host fireworks such as Italianfest, 4th Fest etc.

    Racine = high cost of doing business. Fees, fees and more fees. That's Racine

  9. Mozol = Far left Liberal that = TAX TAX TAX

    Thier should be a no fee permit to shoot off fireworks if your a profesional. and have a 10:00 curfew.

  10. The fireworks were great - taxing is not the answer. If they want to put a time limit of 10:00 pm, so be it. People should lighten up - there are far more imprortant issues. Mozol should not be wasting time on the small stuff, maybe I should run against him in the next election.

  11. Here's an idea -make the fee $200,000,000. That will get those rich people! Think about it - Dickert/Friedel/O'Connell can pay conmsultants a few million bux to develop a study that will show that Racine will give out at least ten permits a year, and they can start spending those billions of dollars before we have it. Poor people drinking forties on their porches every morning at 10 because there is no train to take them to a job? Hey, EVERYONE will have their OWN train in the Racine of the future!

  12. It was no louder than the thunder last week; Shall we regulate that as well?

  13. Sir, I hope you do run against him, I would vote for you over him in a heartbeat!

  14. 7:41 - Thanks, but you may the only one that would.

  15. Here's hoping that someone bans fireworks forever. During a depression there's no excuse for turning money into noise, smoke and stench.

  16. 4:58 - If someone wants the fun and has the money to do so, then so be it. The last I heard is that we have freedom in America. If you do not want freedom go elsewhere.

  17. Sir - I have considered it myself... even talked to other Alderman and people in the district. Mozol - instead of worrying about thits lets worry about those who are not keeping up their properties, voting AGAINST the affordable housing program and other more important issues than a permit fee for fireworks. And yes.. that 1:30am Tuesday streetsweeper is loud... issue him a citation. GEEZ... get our priorities straight here people. Insane.
