
September 29, 2010

MoveOn says Russ Feingold 'could lose'

Controversial political group is putting out the rallying cry for Sen. Russ Feingold. The organization sent the following letter to its members:
Dear MoveOn member,

Red alert: The latest polls show that Senator Russ Feingold could lose in November. They all have him down by at least 6 points against a tea party Republican who actually thinks climate change is caused by sunspots.
There's no better, more principled Democrat in Washington than Sen. Feingold: The only senator to vote against the Patriot Act. A steadfast opponent of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And a passionate crusader against corporate influence in politics.
But since those very corporate interests have already spent $650,000 trying to defeat him, he's now facing the fight of his political life. Because keeping Sen. Feingold's voice in the Senate is so important, this race has become our top national priority.
Sen. Feingold's campaign is up against a critical fundraising deadline that expires tomorrow.Right now he urgently needs the resources to expand his grassroots campaign, reach out to more voters and get his message out in Wisconsin. We're aiming to raise $300,000 for Sen. Feingold's campaign before the deadline. Can you chip in $5?

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  1. Are you a Moveon Member Dustin

  2. It's time for a change a real change, and the change is to get rid of liberal politics! I was a supporter of obama in the beginning, now I see that future American's will be paying off a helluva lot of debt through much higer taxes for a democratic "party", and it seems feingold, pelosi, reid, fwank and the others could care less! Yes the changing climate is just a natural phenomenon just like the last ice age. The liberals that are pushing for cap and tax and other job killing measures based upon this naturally occurring change in climate will cost us billions, perhaps trillions if feingold and his allies remain in control of congress. But that isn't likely to happen since feingold and his liberal progressive friends are getting a big time ass kicking at polls!!

  3. Please read the Milwaukee J-Sentinel interview of Feingold's opponent. It is pretty scary. Change can be good.... but not this kind of change. Senator Feingold is a man of reason and integrity.

  4. At a listening session this spring Russ lied when he told the audience he would not vote for the health care bill if abortion was covered in it with tax dollars. The truth at the time was the Senate had already voted on it and he would not have to vote again if the house passed it. Sneaky but easy for him to say and get away with cause few people knew that. He also said {without apology of 40 million abortions) HE WAS "Proud" to vote pro-abortion. Nope it's time for him to go.

  5. Good work Dustin. I like to see us liberals using any means what so ever to further our agenda. Hopefully people will get off the couch and support Russ and Obama in our quest to fundamentally change America into a socialist state. Only then can we join the New World Order.

  6. We are lucky to have Senator Russ Feingold represent us. He votes what is good for his constituents, not what is good for the rich. His opponent has many skeletons that are being increasingly found, and it is evident he would not represent the average person in the district. Russ' opponent said he will spend whatever it takes to win - does that tell you something?

  7. 1) Yes Dustan is also C4C Pete belongs to the pro-Hamas group. They have every right to belong and help there candidates win but they should really put these stories under editorial
    2) Feingold will lose

  8. Russ Finegold's opponent looks nice -but he doesn't believe in global warming, is against helping those abused by priests, says one thing about the government and does the other - as voters get smart and realize that Russ Feingold gave up a lucrative law practice and devoted his life to public service, and Ron Johnson had big bucks from the beginning and will try to buy this Senate seat - voters see the reality and will return Russ to the Senate!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. 3:21

    Russ is just another left wing Dem who will be updating his resume

  11. Yes, we need more right-wing, corporate deregulation so the extremely wealthy can continue raising prices on everything (from housing to health care) to turn Americans into corporate slaves. No unemployment insurance pay, no disability, no pension, no employer health care, no police or firemen - in fact no safety net for loser Americans. Yes to more right-wing, corporate control with less people's government is very American.
