
September 18, 2010

Mason has second daughter

A stork flew over our house this morning (Whew!) on its way to Rep. Cory Mason's house, where it left a baby -- Mason's second daughter.

 Mason and his wife, Rebecca, have named the little girl Amelia Earhart Mason, joining her older sister, 20-month-old Eleanor Roosevelt Mason.

Mason, a Democrat seeking his third term in the state Assembly, representing Racine's 62nd district, is opposed in the November election by Republican Chris Wright of Sturtevant. Wright and his wife, Mary, also have two children: Bria, 5, and Luke, 3.

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  1. Oh great...another Democrat.

  2. Why is this news?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Why not? He's got plenty of time on his hands.

  5. what happened to parents choosing a middle name in respect for a loved one or deceased family member? why all the historical names? sounds stupid when they grow up

  6. Which house did the stork stop at? The one in Deerfield or Racine?

  7. As a liberal, Feingold-supporting, democrat who has spawned a republican, Glenn Beck-quoting son, I wish the Mason family all the luck in the world! I taught my children to think for themselves, and my advice to a new parent might be to re-think that choice.

    And the girls have lovely names - what an honor to be named after two extraordinary women. Congratulations!

  8. Congrats to the Mason family.

    @ the haters it's pretty low to take shots at a new born baby's name. Save your negativity for real issues. Don't hate just to hate.
    Get a life and go do something positive.

  9. Congratulations! Amelia is a beautiful name.
    How can anyone be hateful regarding such wonderful news?
    Best wishes!

  10. How are all the Glen Beck, Ron Johnson people going to feel when thier Republican vote gets them more of the stalled economy and Rich, wealty representation than thier jobs and money that George Bush ushered in?

    I guess it's true when it said that pied piper is working overtime.

  11. This should not be headline news even though it is a happy time in the Mason house hold. I may not support Cory's politics, but I can say congrats on the little girl. May she grow up healthy and strong.

  12. it's news to racine liberal post because he's a democrat

  13. I hope the Racine Post is ready to publicize all elected officials who have births in their families. This must be news worthy.

  14. Congratulations Cory and Rebecca. Is there still foom in the family to keep the Cory name going? You do Racine proud. You and your family have lived in Racine for many generations - and hope this tradition will continue for more generations.

  15. Now I was not going to address this as a political story but since 1:50 has - Cory will be out the next election. The country has had it with entitlements and Cory is the king of entitlements.

  16. sir, you are a knucklehead...

  17. 7:19 - You haven't seen anything yet. November is going to bring on an entirely new political agenda - What the Democrat's have jammed through against the majority of the people's will is not working. It's amazing even the left wing Chris Matthews is now saying the same thing. Mason = Obama and most Democrats are running as far aways as they can from His Majesty!

  18. If you protest what the Racine Post choses to print as newsworthy - then why not start your own site and post what YOU chose? Until then, your complaints make you appear childish and takes away from the other points you try to make. Just sayin'.

  19. "heatherrayne said...

    If you protest what the Racine Post choses to print as newsworthy - then why not start your own site and post what YOU chose? Until then, your complaints make you appear childish and takes away from the other points you try to make. Just sayin'. "

    there's a POINT to this?

    Just sayin'

  20. Hey Heather - I've never grown up - I guess that's the problem. Ha!

  21. Never knew he had a first, don't care, vote him out!
