
September 14, 2010

Election results thread

Smiles lit up Chris Schmaling's election night party -- as he led the Sheriff race

 We'll post election results here as they come in ...

9:04 p.m. - We're still waiting on results. Word earlier today is some polling places were running short of ballots. Not sure anyone thought turnout would be a problem, but maybe the Republican governor's and sheriff's races brought people out. Or maybe just not enough ballots were ordered.

9:06 p.m. - State Rep. Bob Turner is declaring victory. Not sure where his numbers are coming from, but here's the statement from his campaign:

Bob Turner released the following statement after gaining the Democratic nomination to serve the people of the 61st Assembly District:
“I am so humbled by the outpouring of support from the great people of Racine. Whether you are my friend, neighbor, supporter, or just want to bring Racine back to its roots, I am so grateful to all of you, and am honored to have the chance to serve you again.
I want to first thank my wife Gloria for the time she puts in and the time she allows me to put into my campaign. Her and my three sons have been by my side since I first ran for State Assembly, and I am thankful for them every day.  I also want to thank the great volunteers that helped me have face-to-face conversations with voters. Without them, none of this would have been possible.
I also would like to recognize my opponent Jim Dematthew for his willingness to serve this district. I know that he shares a great concern for this district just as I do, and I look forward to working with him in the future to fight for hard working families.
Tonight we made a big step forward in our campaign and in the next seven weeks, I will continue to talk to voters about their concerns facing Racine.  While Republicans want to continue to help Wall Street and not Main Street, I will continue to work to make sure working families have a voice. We need to elect good democrats this fall to ensure that middle class families come first, and so we do not go back to the failed policies of the Bush administration.
I will continue to make bringing good paying, family supporting jobs to Racine my top priority. I will not stop until we bring Racine back to its roots. I believe my experience mixed with the new ideas I have, makes me the most qualified candidate to serve Racine. I look forward to continuing to earn your trust and work for you on November 2nd.”
Bob Turner represents the 61st Assembly District in the Wisconsin State Legislature, where he has served for more than 20 years. Turner also served for nearly three decades on the Racine City Council, as well as numerous local boards and committees. The general election will be held on November 2nd.

9:41 p.m. - With early results in it looks like Chris Schmaling will win the Republican nod for Sheriff. He's blowing away Ron Molnar and Gonzalo Gonzalez at the moment, but few results from the city are in. It's possible the east end could even things out.

10:20 p.m. - Schmaling continues to more than double Molnar and Gonzalez combined.

10:21 p.m. - Scott Walker easily defeated Mark Neumann for the Republican nomination for governor. Looks like Rebecca Kleefisch is also going to win.

10:49 p.m. - Looks like it'll be Walker/Kleefisch vs. Barrett/Nelson for governor.

11:59 p.m. - Gonzalez and Molnar combined couldn't beat Schmaling in this election. An aggressive campaign, a decent amount of money, and a strong candidate added up to a route for the Sheriff's Department investigator. Wonder if Schmaling is going to return to work or extend his leave of absence through the Nov. 2 general election.

No surprises tonight. Turner and Wannggaard rolled, as did Walker. Some good news out in Union Grove where voters approved money to build some new science classrooms. That's only to help the district lure Mount Pleasant students away from Racine Unified.

The County Clerk's office appeared to struggle a bit with this election. Not sure what happened, but it's rare that we have to wait until after midnight for election results. Voter turnout was projected at around 33 percent, which is pretty good for an election many people didn't even know was going on.


  1. It appears that Tony DeCubulis the Liberatarian for the 62 Assembly hasn't got any votes yet. Even in the ward he lives in. What happens if nobody gets a vote in an unopposed race?

  2. Wow, no idea. You gotta think DeCubulis voted for himself, right?

  3. I’m concerned about the sub-rosa messages of campaign ads that have emerged against Mayor Tom Barrett. His opponent pictured in boxing gloves, for example. I saw another anti-Barrett TV ad tonight featuring an arm-wrestling match in a bar, as if to telegraph that Barrett, without the use of one hand, is somehow deficient.

    These clearly are subliminal messages relating to last year’s attack on Tom Barrett that cost him the full use of one of his hands and arm, as if, now, to somehow be interpreted as some kind of weakness on his part.

    I’m sorry. In reality this is a demonstration of one of Tom Barrett’s great strengths. No “wimp” goes up against an assailant armed with a crowbar for any reason, not the least of which is to protect a defenseless woman and child. A crowbar can be such a vicious weapon, it’s the equivalent of walking into a hail of bullets.

    Such a response testifies to great strength of character and courage, and a willingness to sacrifice for the well being of others, even to the point of serious bodily harm, perhaps even death.

    To try to subvert, even denigrate, this courageous instinct for political purposes is reprehensible.

    Agree or disagree with his policies and politics, but Tom Barrett clearly is a hero.

    Oh, that we should all display such raw courage if and when the time comes.

  4. Tom Barrett has done great things for milwaukee.... without privatizing schools, parks, roads, and public transportation... wow.
    Congrats to Rep. Turner- he's right-on.

  5. Thank you for providing the extensive breakdown link by ward, etc. I find that very helpful and interesting. Good job guys, as usual!!

  6. What is with all the Racine County "republicans" voting for Schamlling? He is a DEMOCRAT's hand-picked successor. Nice job, people.

  7. Racine Couty did right by voting for Schmling. Congrats Chris. Talk about hand-picked, that's what Bill McReynolds tried to do with his kiss-of-death endorsement for Ron Molnar.

  8. I am glad that the voters saw through Dickert and his boy DeMatthew. We will remember in April.

  9. Not sure how close Dickert was to the actual campaign, but it's clear DeMatthew never got any traction. Not sure why he choose to run without plans for a massive campaign. It's tough to kick out an incumbent in a primary, though Larsen did it to Plale last night up in Milwaukee.

  10. No votes for the WOW addict?

  11. "Not sure how close Dickert was to the actual campaign,.."

    Dickert's Crones put up yard signs and did door to door for DeMathew,IMHO one also had one of his employees work too. All legal free will interesting how far the hate goes

  12. "Tom Barrett has done great things for milwaukee.... without privatizing schools"

    No he only wanted to take control of the schools away from the voters who elect the School Board. Bonus led more jobs to leave Milwaukee but who needs jobs

  13. Hate....????

    When did hate ever come into this. Why is it such a bad thing to have a choice.

  14. Anon 11:44, or can we call you Zorro?

    JT Comments: I’m concerned about the sub-rosa messages of campaign ads that have emerged against Mayor Tom Barrett. His opponent pictured in boxing gloves, for example. I saw another anti-Barrett TV ad tonight featuring an arm-wrestling match in a bar, as if to telegraph that Barrett, without the use of one hand, is somehow deficient.

    Anonymous here: I’m concerned about the sub-rosa messages of campaign ads that have emerged against Mayor Tom Barrett. His opponent pictured in boxing gloves, for example. I saw another anti-Barrett TV ad tonight featuring an arm-wrestling match in a bar, as if to telegraph that Barrett, without the use of one hand, is somehow deficient.

    Can't you even type in fresh words?

    Seriously what a joke, you really want to foster the position that an ad where Walker wore boxing gloves is some awful subliminal attack and you have no issues with Barrett using the same attack for political gain?

    Hypocrite: See, Zorro.

  15. Why do you idiots always have to tie Mayor Dickert to everything? He had nothing to do with DeMatthew's campaign. I watched this race closely to figure out who to vote for and the onle people I saw was DeMatthew and another kid.
    Get your facts straight before you say something that's untrue.
    I'm so sick of everyone's negativity on here

  16. I think the strick party line voting killed DeMatthew's chances. Many Republican's would have voted for him had they not had to vote strictly party lines. With only 7,500 Democrat's voting - Jim would have had a great opportunity to boot Turner out. Turner was elected because of the process not on his merits.

  17. Just goes to show you that hard work, dedication and sincerity in Schmaling's
    got him elected. The best choise for sure for Sheriff of Racine County.
