
August 20, 2010

Feds give RUSD $4.5 million for teachers

The Racine Unified School District will receive $4,568,722 million in aid from the federal Education Jobs Fund.  Wisconsin schools are getting a total of $179 million.

Today's grant was announced by State Reps. Bob Tuner and Cory Mason.

“These dollars will help to keep teachers and support staffers employed in the short-term, but they will have an economic impact in the long-term also,” said Turner.  “Investments in education are down payments on our children’s future success.”

RUSD may use its allocation to pay the salaries and benefits of teachers and support staff, to retain education employees or rehire those who have been laid off.  Federal officials are encouraging district administrators to move quickly to bring staff back quickly, before the school year begins.

"This aid is coming at a critical time, just before we send our kids back to school.  Keeping class sizes small will ensure they receive the best education we can provide,” said Mason.

The funds cannot be used for administrative costs or services.

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  1. "D-3. Which employees may an LEA support with Ed Jobs funds?

    An LEA may use the funds to pay the salaries of teachers and other employees who provide school-level educational and related services. In addition to teachers, employees supported with program funds may include, among others, principals, assistant principals, academic coaches, in-service teacher trainers, classroom aides, counselors, librarians, secretaries, social workers, psychologists, interpreters, physical therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, information technology personnel, nurses, athletic coaches, security officers, custodians, maintenance workers, bus drivers, and cafeteria workers."

    The above is from

  2. So what does RUSD do next year when they are required to keep these teachers under the stimulus plan and there are no more stimulus dollars coming in the future to continue paying them? Sounds like a real swell plan - Idiot Democrats. We have to get them out of office.

  3. Sure, sir, it makes much, much more sense to add to unemployment by laying off even more people in a recession. That way, there will be far fewer dollars circulating in the economy to support local businesses in the recovery.

  4. Bailout for all Randolph will pay for it

  5. Randy - you're not serious are you? You're just trying to rattle the cage - right? You don't seriously think we can spend our way out of the situation do you?
    And if you do, why just teachers?

  6. Randy - are you going to pay for these teacher's salaries next year when RUSD is not allowed to lay them off and there is no money to pay them. Once again you have displayed your ignorance.

  7. This money will be put to good use. Unified takes all types of students - and many have special needs that are very costly to provide. Private schools can charge big bucks and be very selective in who they enroll. Public schools are the backbone of America and have helped make this country great! They have helped provide education for all!

  8. So this recent federal funding just delays cuts another year and adds billions more to the debt. Remember all this money isn't really funded. This round of unsustainable federal "funding" was created by stealing from food stamps and other programs that will have to be refunded soon. The funding for this project was just another Washington shell game being played out as a job saving program.

    I'm a former teacher and REA member. If Washington game players think this is going to get my vote in November they are sadly mistaken. This is just another example of how Washington has lost touch with the country and voters.
