
August 17, 2010

Racine County Sheriff candidate Schmaling posts his personnel files for all to see

Schmaling's photo included in his
Racine County Sheriff's Department
personnel file. 
Racine County Sheriff candidate Chris Schmaling released his Sheriff's Department personnel file to the public, and he's calling on his opponents to do the same.

Schmaling posted his personnel records on his campaign website. Reading through the file, it's easy to see why he made it public. The file includes several letters of commendation from the area's top law enforcement officers including: Racine Police Chief Kurt Wahlen, County Executive (and former sheriff) Bill McReynolds, Sheriff Bob Carlson, Walworth County Sheriff David Graves, Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Wade and Kenosha County Sheriff Larry Zarletti.

Schmaling's performance evaluations since he was hired in 1995 have been consistently high. One evaluation said he was a "role model" for the department.

With his personnel files public, Schmaling is calling on other Sheriff's candidates to do the same. Schmaling wrote on RacinePost Monday:
I believe the citizens need to know the facts about all of the candidates. After all, you are about to elect the person whose job it is to protect you! That is why I am the only candidate who has made FULL and UNEDITED disclosure of my ENTIRE personnel file. The best way to judge a person's character is to review what he or she has done in the past, good or bad.
Schmaling is running against Gonzalo Gonzalez and Ron Molnar for the Republican nomination for sheriff. The winner of the three-way primary on Sept. 14 will advance to the Nov. 2 general election against Democrat Joseph Buckley and Independent Jeffrey Gerrietts.

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