
August 18, 2010

Mayor, JT working together to release 10-year plan

There's been a 10-year plan sighting.

One year and three months after he took office, Mayor John Dickert is preparing to release the 10-year plan for the City of Racine that he based his winning campaign on. He'll have the help of our local newspaper.

Dickert is working with The Journal Times to coordinate release of his plan. The arrangement came after JT Publisher Mark Lewis met with the mayor and ordered him to produce a 10-year plan. Dickert agreed.

Racine's daily newspaper was scheduled to release the plan this weekend, but publication was pushed back to allow the paper to follow the mayor around and document him implementing his 10-year plan. JT City Reporter Paul Sloth is on the story.

The mayor is giving the JT an exclusive on the release of his 10-year plan, something he hinted at a few months ago during an online chat at the JT's website. He will then release the document to the public.

RacinePost filed an open records request with the Mayor's office Wednesday to receive a copy of the plan.

Here's a story that looks at the history of Dickert's promise of a 10-year plan.

Dickert was elected mayor in May 2009 with the promise of making Racine a "Top 10 city in 10 years." Here's what his campaign website says, verbatim, about his plans ...
We CAN and WILL make Racine a top-ten American city, (like Surprise, Arizona, Wilmington, Delaware or Zapata, Texas) through long term planning with aggressive goals and measurable benchmarks for success.
Our Challenge:
Solve Racine’s three core issues: jobs, crime, and housing. These are interconnected:
  • If you improve job opportunities, you put people to work, giving them opportunities for a brighter future. 
  • If you reduce crime, you attract commerce and raise property values
  • If you improved housing, you attract talent, improve quality of life and strengthen civic pride
Our Solutions:
  • Offer a long term, comprehensive city plan that addresses jobs, crime, and housing in a coordinated fashion
  • Continually identify and initiate progress initiative goals and work toward accomplishing them in a comprehensive and cohesive manner. The strength of our region depends upon cooperation and coordination.
  • Establish transparent roadmap with success benchmarks that illustrate what we intend to do and our progress towards those goals — this allows an informed public to hold mayor accountable

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  1. Hi all,

    Apologies to everyone who commented earlier on this story. Our commenting system crashed and had to be replaced. The comments were lost.


  2. Why a 10 year plan? He be out of office next spring.

  3. It's ok I reposted the link on my website. They seem like strange bedfellows thats for sure. It's a shame the Mayor having to go to the Journal to help write his 10 year plan. What a crock. Next thing they'll be taking ideas from the post concerning the 10 year plan and making them their own! It's too late for him that's for sure.

  4. what about the education in this town. If the test results continue to decline, why would people want to live in Racine.

  5. Mayor Dickert is a fraud! The big guns are coming for you Johnny! Be prepared for the next election because it won't be the cake walk that you think it's going to be. Adieu.

  6. Dickert is like a flower, a blooming idiot.

  7. Who the hell is advising this idiot? What a moron. Whats even more insulting is he thinks people will buy this BS. There never was a plan and there still isn't, It's a TOTAL SCAM. His plan is to buy and flip houses in the middle of the ghetto. It's a total joke, he is a realator and believes people will be buying these homes and the city will be beuatiful again. WHAT A JOKE! Dickert is rude, arrogant, ignorant and self serving. If it doesn't directly beneifit him or his family, it's worthless. See ya later Dickert, my friends and family were fooled by you once, but won't be fooled again! Good riddance...

  8. So the 10 year plan that Dickert said he had when he was asking for votes a year and a half ago, but would not show it to anyone, is now being written and promoted by the Journal Times? Wow, talk about the media bending over for a politician.

    Mark Lewis, are your lips chapped

  9. blah blah blah, go waste your BS on someone that will listen to your lies

  10. John Dickert=Jim Jones, we not that stupid to believe you!

  11. Why doesnt Dickert have the PIO help him write this plan? Of course, come April, stick a fork in Dickert, he is done. What a joke.

  12. Mark Lewis is a TOOL! The guy is as arrogant if not more so than Dick(h)urt!!!

  13. Dickert = Stupid

  14. Seems pretty hinky, nothing was on the JT's website when you guys broke the story. You would think they would be bragging left and right about helping the Mayor "write"....I guess it's true 2 wrongs DONT make a right!

  15. C'mon Racine, Pull your heads out of your butts. This fool has done NOTHING for this city. LIes, LIes and more lies. I dare all of you to go to a common council meeting 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month and watch this idiot in action. You will understand why this city is in the state it's in with poor leadership such as this. JUst pathetic. The guy is a sleezball of arrogance.

  16. And another day of silence from the Journal Times. Do they think they can just ignore this and it will go away?

    The gig is up, we are watching.

  17. Maybe Mark Lewis should run for Mayor.

  18. I do mot live in the City of Racine so what the Mayor does or does not do is of little interest to me. However, the statement "The arrangement came after the JT Publisher Mark Lewis met with the mayor and ordered him to produce a 10-year plan. Dickert agreed.", begs the question, when did the JT receive the athority and/or the power to "order" an elected city official to do somethimg?

  19. Please provide proof that JT "ordered" Mayor Dickert to produce the 10 year plan. I find your use of the word "ordered" rather subjective. Without proof, I will simply have to consider the journalism associated with this letter to be equivalent of that which produced the NAACP report.

  20. Mayor John "Mr. Ethics" Dickert the Blago of Racine

  21. Talk to Dickert about his comments regarding Racine as a SANCTUARY city for illegals! What a scammer
