
August 5, 2010

Knapp Elementary also seeking Kohls Cares $500,000

With all the attention given to Mitchell Middle School's attempt to win $500,000 in the Kohls Cares competition, we missed the fact that another Racine school has entered.

Unfortunately, that school -- Knapp Elementary -- is equally needy as it approaches its 100th anniversary next year. Knapp is far down in the rankings, but most of us still have more votes left, so if you can spare five more clicks, here's where to put them. My five votes just pushed Knapp up to 414, so it has a way to go to reach the top 20 who will receive funding.

Vanessa Hetchler, PTA President at Knapp Elementary School, says: "We are a very low income school with close to 95% of our children on free and reduced lunch. This money would help us provide additional learning experiences for our children. Most of our parents don't have computers at home, so I really need to get the word out to the community. Could you please help us out and spread the word? I would really appreciate it!"

Mitchell Middle School, by the way, has dropped to 23rd place as I write this Thursday morning. That's out of the money despite its 4,761 votes. Interestingly enough, a quick scan of the top-rated schools shows more than a dozen of the present top 20 are Hebrew schools located all across the country. The No. 1 school has over 14,000 votes.

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