
August 12, 2010

Head of Downtown Racine says Park 6 rally is cancelled

Update: Devin Sutherland, executive director of Downtown Racine Corp., emailed city officials and Downtown business owners Friday evening to say the rally in support of Park 6 has been cancelled.

Here's the email from Sutherland:

I just got off the phone with Thomas Holmes.  I tried to impress upon him my concern for people getting hurt or property being damaged during his march to City Hall after bar closing.  He indicated he was not going to have the protest this weekend and that "he was going to move things around."  I am certainly not naïve enough to believe I talked him out of having the protest but feel like it is good news regardless. 

Thomas Holmes, owner of Park 6, did not answer his phone Friday night. So, for now, we're assuming the rally is off.

Original post: Supporters of a Downtown Racine bar in danger of losing its liquor license are planning a rally on Sixth Street at bar-closing time this weekend.

Park 6, a bar located at the corner of Park and Sixth streets in Downtown Racine, may have its liquor license revoked over a series of incidents, including fights, a shooting and underage drinking violations, in or near the bar. Some believe the city is unfairly targeting the bar.

A group is organizing a rally outside of Park 6 early Saturday morning. The crowd will then march to City Hall. Organizers are opposed to city efforts to revoke Park 6's liquor license, as well as the license for Ginger/Sticky Rice at 337 Main St. They're also upset over a city committee's decision to deny Joe Harris a liquor license for a jazz- and blues-theme bar at 1111 Washington Ave.

News media from Milwaukee are planning to cover the rally, which likely will be early Saturday morning around bar-closing time.

Organizers are meeting this evening to finalize plans. They're planning to make a public statement Friday.

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