
August 3, 2010

Caledonia considering $3.5 million asphalt plant on Thursday night

Caledonia's Village Board and Plan Commission will hold a Special Joint meeting on Thursday to discuss a proposed asphalt production and recycle facility at 3205 West 3 Mile Road in the Town of Raymond.

The village has an interest in the $3.5 million project because it can control development in Raymond along the town's border.

Thursday's meet will be at 6 p.m. at the East Side Community Center, 6156 Douglas Ave. Northwest Asphalt Products Inc. will make a presentation for an asphalt production and recycle facility in Raymond. It will be followed be a presentation from opponents of the project, and then citizen comments.

The Plan Commission and Village Board are then scheduled to take action on the project. The commission and board's decision will be based on the "proposed development’s consistency with the Caledonia/Raymond Cooperative Plan."

The Raymond Town Board approved the project despite opposition from town residents. The project needs approval from Caledonia and Racine County to move forward.

Here's an article in BizTimes about the project.

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