
August 6, 2010

Racine's best First Friday ever?

Monument Square was the place to be ... 

Was this Racine's best First Friday ever?

I'm declaring it so; feel free to argue with the designation in the comments.   Just keep in mind these indisputable facts:

  • The weather was perfect.
  • There was a musician, or two or six every few hundred feet, down Main Street and up Sixth.
  • Besides the usual attractions, there was a bone xylophone, a 1927 Nash.
  • Mean Jake rocked Monument Square for hours, playing just two slow tunes all evening  -- and one of those was offered simply to give the exhausted Mustang Sally dancers a breather.
  • Did I mention cold ice cream and cold beer?
  • Bustling bars, restaurants, art galleries and retail stores?
  • Did I mention the hula dancer who gave impromptu lessons? 
  • Chris Duerkop with his purple mohawk?

There were more people crowding the sidewalks from Monument Square to State Street than I can remember. Stopping to listen to the music, peering into the stores, greeting friends. Buying stuff. Eating ice cream with the kids. Having a great time. In Racine. With no cover charge.

Don't take my word for it. But don't miss the next one, either.

 Avis Davidson enticed (it wasn't hard!) Bill Potokar into a hula, sans shirt

Larry Fish of Kenosha, a k a Punka and the Rattle Bones (He's on YouTube, too.)
Musicians in Transition, and that '27 Nash at the Racine Heritage Museum

Schoettler Saxophone Ensemble -- six of 'em at Crosswalk Park

Mean Jake had everyone dancing on Monument Square

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