
August 28, 2010

Art Squared winners announced
(and proceeds given to Food Bank)

DeeDee Dumont, Jim Chaplin and Janet Mrazek with the Food Bank's check

 The Racine Art Guild's second Art Squared project ended in Monument Square today, a success in every way:
  •  All 100 of the food-themed canvasses were sold.
  • A $2,000 check was presented to the Racine County Food Bank.
  • Purchasers happily picked up the 6"x6" canvasses they had won in the project's random drawing.
  • Three award winners chosen by popular vote were announced.
 The three winners are:

1st Prize, $250: Lydia Fervoy: Summer squash (oil)

Of her painting, she wrote: "The colors and sculptural shapes of the squash were appealing to me."

2nd Place: $125: Cindy Peterson: Chocolate strawberries (acrylic)

She wrote: "I chose to capture the decadence and flavor of chocolate-covered strawberries in my piece. Something a viewer can look at and say, "That looks delicious!" To me, these are romantic, festive and universally savored. A real "food for the heart" in my opinion."

3rd Place: $75: Russell Bohn: Forbidden Fruit (acrylic and papier mache)

Of his three-dimensional sculpture and canvass, Bohn wrote: "The world needs food to survive. Hunger is caused by those who eat forbidden frut: The fruit of power, greed or disinterest."

Posters showing the 100 canvasses are available in three sizes from the Art Guild.

Here are our story and photos from last year's Art Squared project, a benefit for the Racine Theatre Guild, in which the canvasses were themed to the play Godspell.

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  1. Excellent!

  2. Wow! That piece by Lydia Fervoy is stunning.

  3. Russ Bohn is my favorite local artist.

  4. Cindy Peterson's piece just popped out at me. Delicious!

  5. What a great community project! Congratulations to the Racine Art Guild!

  6. Cindy Peterson's piece is beautiful! Very realistic!
