
July 16, 2010

Sheriff candidate Molnar says he'd put jail inmates to work

Racine County Sheriff candidate Ron Molnar said Friday he'd put jail inmates to work if elected.

“There are many healthy, able-bodied individuals that can make a contribution to the society they victimized,” he said in a prepared statement.

Molnar (right) is one of three Republicans running to replace outgoing Sheriff Bob Carlson, who is retiring. Christopher Schmaling and Gonzalo Gonzalez are also running as Republicans. One of the three candidates will advance to the general election following a Sept. 14 primary.

Joseph Buckley is running for Sheriff as a Democrat, and Jeffrey Gerrietts is running as an independent. Both will appear on the general election ballot.

Molnar said jail inmates were potential source of labor for the county.

"There’s too much work to be done," he said in his statement. "Creating partnerships throughout Racine County, inmate labor can assist with service projects that make a difference to our taxpayers. They can cut brush and remove trash. Or work to keep our parks beautiful by mowing, cleaning and painting.”

He added inmates can also work for Habitat for Humanity and help maintain community buildings. He also wants inmates to grow some of their own food in a community garden.

“Not a single inmate will lounge his time away while incarcerated," Molnar said. "They will pay their way, just like the rest of Racine County taxpayers,” says Molnar. “Racine County taxpayers should expect nothing less from their Sheriff.”