
July 7, 2010

City may automatically disqualify developers, contractors

Developers with unpaid taxes, outstanding health code violations or a record of unfinished work with the Redevelopment Authority would be automatically disqualified from RDA projects under a new proposal.

The Redevelopment Authority was scheduled to take up the proposal on Friday. The resolution would establish "minimum qualifications" for potential developers and contractors. Here's the resolution:

WHEREAS, from time to time, the Redevelopment Authority receives proposals to purchase of property owned by the Authority and proposed contracts for construction, rehabilitation, and environmental remediation; and
WHEREAS, the public interest is served by having generally applicable, minimum qualifications for such potential developers and contractors; and 
WHEREAS, fairness requires that these minimum qualifications be stated formally and in advance of consideration of specific proposals from developers or
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Redevelopment Authority adopts the following policies:
A. Proposals will be rejected from any party (as an individual or as part of an entity) who:

  • Has delinquent real or personal property taxes in the City of Racine
  • Has had property acquired by the County of Racine through tax-foreclosure within the previous five years
  • Has an outstanding judgment from the City of Racine
  • Has outstanding health or building code violations or orders from the City’s
  • Health Department or Building Inspection Department that are not actively being abated
  • Has been convicted of a felony that causes concern with respect to neighborhood stability, health, safety or welfare
  • Has uncompleted performance on a RDA or City sale agreement, outstanding offer to purchase, or contract except upon approval of the Executive Director based on history of performance, or
  • Is listed on the federal list of debarred contractors,

B. Tax and court records will be checked prior to closing on a property sale or execution of a contract. If any of these conditions are found to exist, the development proposal or proposed contract is automatically
disqualified and rejected, and the Executive Director shall not execute any option to purchase, agreement for sale, or proposed contract with such a
C. Appeal of a determination by the Executive Director that a party is disqualified and rejected shall be made to the Authority in writing, explaining why the determination is in error. The appeal shall be considered by the Authority at a regularly scheduled meeting.