
June 14, 2010

Note to readers

Dear Readers,

A quick note on changes underway at RacinePost. After 2 1/2 year, we're getting (somewhat) serious about this little website's business model. We're getting great daily support from the community, enough that we can start planning to expand our news, advertising and business operations. We've always operated out in the open, so we wanted to to update you on some exciting improvements to our business.

Here's what we're working on ... 

1. The redesign is continually evolving, but we're happy so far with the results. It's created a number of featured advertising spaces to generate clicks and brand recognition for local businesses. Learn more about advertising on RacinePost at: 

2. Our readers are incredibly supportive. Many have asked about "subscribing" to RacinePost over the years and we've never really had a good model for it - until now. In the right sidebar you'll see a link for a service called Kachingle. Through the service, you sign up to pay $5 per month and the money is distributed based on how often you visit sites with "kachingle" medallions. Once you sign up, Kachingle works automatically. It's a great way to support sites like RacinePost at a relatively low cost. As a side note, we see about 8,000 unique visitors a month (with many coming back on a regular basis). Even a fraction of this number signing with Kachingle would create a significant revenue stream to keep RacinePost going - and growing.

3. We're now offering media consulting business for small businesses and organizations looking to expand and improve their presence on the Internet. There are several free or low-cost options available online that will help you attract new customers and clients. We can help you implement these services and ensure you know how to use and update them without paying regular maintenance fees. Contact Dustin Block for information about our media consulting services.

We have great hope for the future of RacinePost and what it can bring to the community. Thank you to all who have brought us this far. We're truly appreciative for your support. 

-Dustin and Pete