
May 12, 2010

What McReynolds mentioned -- and ignored -- in his annual address

Racine County Executive Bill McReynolds' state of the county address was notable for what he didn't mention.

Neither the fraud and laxity discovered last year in the county's oversight of the Wisconsin Shares child-care program (a state audit showed that the county's day care certification workers have the highest caseload of all 11 counties audited),  nor the current spate of stories regarding medical care at the County Jail that have led to the state's transferring out of inmates because the health care they receive here isn't good enough (the $29 million jail addition houses roughly 200 fewer inmates than budgeted; Kenosha County recently cancelled an $880,000 contract to house juvenile delinquents here) received even a passing glance -- not a single word! -- as McReynolds addressed the County Board with his annual appraisal of the county's health.

Instead he talked about unemployment, record numbers of foreclosesures and a "bright spot" as real estate transfer fees stablize. He praised three companies that brought a total of 138 jobs into the county -- "I consider jobs for Racine County my Number 1 priority," he said -- and praised county department heads for cutting 387 positions from the county's employment rolls, "51 slots in this year's budget alone."

He congratulated the County Board for scheduling a referendum on transportation taxes, saying, "All our residents should be able to express their views on transit and taxation in a meaningful way." Of course, the referendum is merely advisory, so ...

And he came out strongly for cooperation among local governments "to do something about duplication of services and facilities." He referred to shared buildings, shared land and "consolidation of emergency dispatch services."

Speaking of duplication, McReynolds (or his speech-writers) was apparently so proud of three facts --  that the county has reduced its debt by $143,000, "within our $50 million target;" general fund equity has increased to $45.3 million; and the county's bond ratings have gone up -- that the embargoed .pdf version of his address mentioned those points twice.

Read McReynolds' entire address here. 

(Caveat: We weren't at the County Board meeting where McReynolds delivered his State of the County address. This post is based only on the printed text released by the county. )


  1. What about naming Delagrave who is not qualified for his new position?

  2. But Delagrave is qualified. He's related to McReynolds' friend and Sheriff candidate Gonzalez...and wasn't Delagrave's father a political crony of McReynolds? That's all it takes...

    Too bad the news isn't picking up on these "qualifications".

  3. Once again The post should be labeling stories as Editorials

  4. I thought the Post was supposed to be about promoting the positive in Racine - doesn't appear to do so with this "editorial."

  5. More lies from an elected official. What's new, Racine?

  6. And when Dickert gave a rosy state of city and forgot to mention unemployment, etc... The Racine Post...

    Yeah, skipped it.

  7. 10:55

    You missed the Memo? Dickert will save Racine with more low income housing, jobs for his pals no bid contracts for his campaign workers and stopping CAR 25 from ever showing anything that might put John in a bad light Oh forgot and he will run over any who stand in his way. You got to keep up with the message!

  8. Seeing that you can't write a comment about Mr. Delagrave getting his new job. I'll have to say it here. He is not qualified. Never was and never will be. When is the County Board going to stand up against Mr. McReynolds. But I forgot, nobody stands up to him. They are his puppets. What he wants he gets. I hope the workers watch their backs.

  9. Mac Reynolds gave a job to a person, unqualified and yet some attack Dickert.

    Where is the outrage on Mac?

  10. He's clever. He blames all his mistakes on other people. People think this mans a saint. Plus, the County Board backs him up and his mistakes.

  11. While out politicking this last election cycle, one of the Board members was surprised to find out that not all is well in his district.

    He admitted to a county employee that he just trusted whatever Mac said and voted accordingly. He left in a hurry when the county employee tried explaining that Mac wasn't being completely "transparent".

    And that sums up the Board. If anyone dares to do their own research they are given the "talk to the hand", just as Diane Lange was.

    It's an "Old Boy's Club", literally.

  12. Delagrave is Mac's old campaign manager.

  13. Oops. Pete forgot that "opinion" designation again. Surely it was an oversight.

  14. Funny part about the County Board, they get paid, they get insurance and use it a lot. It's not a full time job, but full benefits. You never see who your board member is in your district, yet we are to let these people vote and ok all of Mac's orders. Again, the little puppets speak for the community. How sad.

  15. How fast people forget - Delagrave was John Dickert's campaign manager the first time he ran against Bob Turner.

  16. Dear boobs at the Post. I'm not a McReynolds at all....but....the county didn't commit the fraud, liberal left wing criminal losers who are leaches of society did....fraud that was made easier by Doyle and the democrats who continually cut funding for fraud investigations and took steps to actually make fraud easier.

    The STATE of WISCONSIN administers the program, not the County, the county just hands the free money out to these is the State's fault...a state run by democrats!

  17. 6:43, Well said my friend, well said! It always kills me how the "Liberals" are fast to point the finger of blame at Republicans, when they themselves are responsible for the problem!

  18. Mac was a Democrat before the County Repubs made him a better offer.....

  19. So, in the interest of "not raising taxes", cuts ar emade to various departments to stay within budget.

    Sort of like when you buy a house you can barely afford, and lo and behold, you have no money to furnish it. Or pay the property taxes. Or HEAT it.

    But you got this big ol' house and it's bigger than everyone else's, and you can always take in renters.... but they'll have to bring their own furniture.

    The taxes we pay are high enough, but they are being spent on things we do not need because of poor planning.

  20. Michael Kroes5/12/2010 11:11 PM

    For those that claim Mr. Delagrave is unqualified, would you please cite some examples? I'm assuming that you must have the job description and are making some type of fair comparison of the job requirements to Delagrave's credentials. Facts are always more meaningful to me than general statements.

    Thank you.

  21. Wow, seems like there's only one person posting all this Delagrave hate? I'd agree with Mr. Kroes - let's have some facts.

    The man has an undergrad and grad degree in a related field; has been working in that field for some time; and was also an elected official for years.

    If you have some hard facts to back up your many statements, please present them, otherwise I'll just assume they're based on some personal bias or vendetta.

  22. Yes - look at the qualifications listed on the job descriptions for each of the positions Mr. Delagrave has held with Racine County. Then look at his qualifications. They do not match for this position nor his past positions. Where is the Racine County Human Resources Director? Isn't it her job to make sure candidates meet the qualifications for county positions?

  23. This man had many jobs and did not do them well. Yes, I have facts and yes I know the qualifications. If I put them down, I would not only be harrased by the County Board, I would also be harrased against Mac. It has happened before and it would happen again. The funny part is, he couldnt' do one job as the Finacial supervisor, he was then put to Ridgewood. A little scarey.

  24. Does Mr Delagrave have a MSW. No. His degree has nothing to do with Human Services.

    Does he have a MBA or MPA. No.

    Has he directed a Social Service agency. Briefly.

    Is he involved in Human Services around Racine County. "Cannot find that"

    Was he President of Caledonia. Yes.

    This appointment makes any of Dickert's appointments look non-political.

    Should Mac Reynolds appointments be held to the same standards. Yes.

    Please...take a look at the qualifcations that Delegrave brings to Human Services and compare to Kenosha, Waukesha...etc. He is not qualified.

    I believe Racine should have the best people possible...I do not believe he fits that qualification.

  25. You are so right Susan. This man had many jobs, this was to prepare him for being the Director. Ms. Jossart never had the qualifications either. Look at her track record. I just can't believe the Board passed to let him in. But again, these people who say they are qualified must not be. To the Human Services Board. What makes him so qualifed other than to be a Mac good old boy. If I listed all the jobs this man did, I would take up all of the comment section. But, all the Board does is collect a paycheck and Health Insurance that they aren't qualified either. Do I sound hateful? You bet. I repeat, workers, hope you have a strong Union. You'll need it.

  26. What is so funny about Delagrave is that when you look him up on the web all you see is donations to Vos.

    So, if you are a citizen of Racine send money to Vos and you too can get a job you have no qualifications for.

  27. Plus if you send money to Vos, you to can be on the board

  28. I have a comment regarding inmates cutting grass for Racine County... First of all, these inmates are being supervised. They hired 2 people to do this....yes hired new people to do this. They are being paid more than the DPW workers that were doing the job. The inmates are not unsupervised. Let's look at another issue. How about a multi-million dollar jail that your so called elected officials pushed on all the taxes payers? This jail has not caused any revenue to come into the county. In fact it is draining the county dry! It loses millions a year. Why isn't this published in the paper? because mac doesn't have the cahonies to tell you that his "super project" is losing this amount of money for all of the taxpayers. He is looking a one petty argument regarding an issue that directly violates a contract he and the county made with their employees; whether they be union or non-union. I don't think anyone would sit tight and let their employer or company do to them what mac is trying to do to these employees. I know I wouldn't, and I am definitely NOT a union employee! I believe there was a time and a place for them, and in some situations, there still is a direct need for them. All the issues aren't as black and white as you would all like to think.

  29. to the moron don't have a clue. The law mowing is supervised by volunteers, not employees you idiot.

    the jail brings in over a million dollars a year in bed rental money over the last three years.

    If you don't have the facts just your pie hole.

  30. The union and the county are both missing a huge point here. The Sheriff, and the Sheriff alone has the ability to decide where and when he assigns inmates to work. The dpw union contract can't control what the Sheriff does with the inmates, where he assigns them to work, and so forth. Neither can the idiot mcreynolds

  31. Inmates are being supervised by "volunteers"? What sort of "volunteers"?

    One million in three years doesn't sound too impressive.

  32. Pie hole? This kind of "debate" only comes from an a-hole.

    What are your credentials that you can aver these are "volunteers" and not paid workers? Are these volunteers off-duty officers? Won't they get in trouble with their union?

  33. "I thought the Post was supposed to be about promoting the positive in Racine - doesn't appear to do so with this "editorial." "

    maybe McReynolds isnt a liberal?

  34. Gee Mc Reynolds gets treated like Dickert for one day and his thin-skinned crony's get upset.

    how does it feel?

  35. My last message for the day. For the people that have been sticking up for Mac. I have a question. Have any of you worked for him? If you haven't, then shut your mouths. He is not fair and it is all for himself. He wants to make a name for himself. Maybe if Walker gets to be the Gov. he'll take his buddy Mac with him. Then we can get a new County Ex. That's what we really need. Then clean up the Board and all the buddies he has.

  36. could someone help me out please, I have just moved back to the area and am wondering this mcreynolds, is he the same guy who used to teach drivers ed in Union Grove, the same guy who would be drunk daily and have the police drive him home???? Just curious

  37. YES!!!! He IS!!!

    Everyone of a certain age west of the I has seen Mac in the Grove at R&R falling off the stool.

    But, we're not supposed to speak of it.
