
May 5, 2010

Recycling carts contain computer chips to track use

Update: First, let's say Racine does NOT have this policy.

But a news story out of Cleveland caught our attention. The city will use computer chips in recycling bins to fine people who don't recycle. The city will track people's use of blue bins. Anyone who does not put their bins out over a long period of time will have their garbage searched for recyclable materials. If more than 10% of the garbage is recyclables, they'll be fined $100.

Read the story here.

An employee from an independent contractor hired to build and distribute Racine's blue recycling bins pushes a stack of bins across the parking lot outside of the city's Public Works building on S. Marquette Street. (Below-right) A bar code on the side of one of Racine's blue carts. (Below left) Bins being unloaded from a truck. (Bottom) Blue recycling carts delivered to homes along Harvey Drive. 

Big Garbage is watching - and it could lead to a greener Racine.

Every blue recycling bin being distributed to homes and apartments throughout the city includes an embedded computer chip. The chip will register when a recycling bin is loaded into the truck, creating data for the city on who is recycling and when they're doing it. Each cart also comes with a bar code on the front that is tied to the address it was assigned to.

Such surveillance is common in recycling programs around the country, and there appears to be little opposition to the oversight. If anything, people have benefited from the tracking with the use of incentive programs designed to reward people for recycling.

The most popular incentive program is run by a company named RecycleBank. The company creates a system that weighs how much people recycle and rewards them with coupons or points, which can be redeemed for items.

Racine considered such a program, Public Works Commissioner Rick Jones said. But the $200,000 start-up cost was too expensive at this time. He added that simply introducing the recycling carts generates a significant increase in a community's recycling rate.

To get another boost, Jones said, communities generally go in one of two directions. One is a "pay-as-you-throw" system that charges people for the amount of garbage they put out on the curb. The second option is a system that offers something to encourage recycling.

Either system would require installing scales on dump trucks to weigh how much people throw away or recycle. Jones said the city's research found the scales don't work well under repeated use. In Racine, the scales would be used 1,000 times a day, which isn't practical with the given technology, Jones said.

Other communities have found another problem creating incentives for recycling. The scales can't differentiate between cardboard and bricks, meaning clever people can game the system to maximize their rewards without actually recycling. Incentive programs can actually reduce recycling because processing companies throwaway recyclables that are mixed with regular garbage.

More notes on Racine's new recycling program:

* Racine's blue bins allow residents to throw all of their recyclables into a single container without the use of bags. One surprising item you can't recycle: shredded paper. The reason? The shreds clog up the recycling processors' machines, Jones said. So while you can throw office paper and junk mail into the blue bins, you can't throw the same items in if you run them through a paper shredder.

* Distribution of the carts is ahead of schedule, Jones said. The city estimated it would take three weeks to build and deliver about 20,000 carts to city property owners. Now it looks like the company will finish in two weeks. Some city residents, eager to use their new bins, have already set out their recyclables at the curb, Jones said. That's created a few problems for garbage haulers who aren't equipped yet to collect the recyclables. But Jones said he didn't mind that problem. "I can't fault anyone for being eager to use their bins," he said. "It's a good sign."

* Oshkosh has implemented a blue bin recycling program, and now it's in the process of tweaking its ordinances to adjust to the bins. The council is working on an ordinance that will require homeowners to store their bins out of sight from the street. Residents had complained that neighbors were leaving their bins in front of their homes, which was unsightly.


  1. Dickert is always watching.

  2. Kickbacks to politicians are based upon usage. So politicians can easliy track how much they should receive in campaign contributions from the recycling bin manufacturer.

  3. Well I be looking into how to find and smash the chip. I am sure it can be done just like putting things in the cart that lessen the amount the City gets. If we do this in any type of numbers we can beat this.

  4. Who in the city of Racine wanted these bins? Not the majority of the people in Racine that is for sure. Everyone except the alderpersons who voted againt it should be recalled.

  5. So we have a new recycling program, too bad the save-all tire recycling company decided not to come to Racine!

  6. 6:49: How big of an idiot are you?!?! "Beat this"? WTH does that even mean? Get your backward a** head out of your butt and realize that the world is moving on without you.

    I hope the city writes you a ticket for "putting things in the cart that lessen the amount the City gets". You are being a selfish jerk.

  7. We need to fight this! Smash the chip! Toss in non- recyclables in yours and your neighbors bins!
    Some civil disobedience is what the City needs! Lets show them what we think!

  8. 8:18

    How will the City ever know? A cop on every block? Hell The City can not stop the kids playing the the Fountain what are they going to do? How will they ever prove it?

    Most be all for a program like RecycleBank of course The City the Black hole needs every penny to pay the no bid contracts of Dickert's pals

  9. This is a great thing. About time Racine got smart with recycling. You'll love the carts.

  10. Where in cart is chip embedded? I'm with you anonymous-es! When were they going to mention _that_ lil' feature! (did I miss it in prior reporting?) No no nononono

  11. I particularly just love the commercial on wrjn on the story of the three little recycle bins.Whoever produced this ad should be embarrased.Our city officials should be even more embarrased for allowing this commercial to be aired.The taxpayers of this city are paying a ridiculous amount of money to be talked to like we are children in preschool. If this was the work of Image Management, they should get into a different line of work!

  12. 9:08 no the PIO the guy the Mayor Hired who can not pay his taxes and hired in a way I think that his wages can not be garnished.
    The Mayor and his good old boys! Our tax money at work!

  13. Racine can afford smart garbage cans but can't afford the water fountain on 6th...

  14. 16 percent unemployment in the city and the mayor is focused on recycling, employing his friends and a train that no one wants.

  15. Wet cardboard can be really heavy.

  16. The chip can be destroyed. See what works for you a Hammer will be my tool. Once I find it POP POP

  17. I like the shredded paper part. I shred everything. I'll just make sure I always put it on the bottom.

  18. Is the new rubber sidewalk recyclable?

  19. Can it fit in the bin?

  20. What Racine should be recycling is the hired family and friends of John Dickert. Do they make a blue bin big enough for all that wonderful hair? Practice waving goodbye Mayor Dickert or should I call you Realtor Dickert again?

  21. putting garbage in with your recyclables will do absolutely nothing to the mayor, alderman, and supervisors at DPW who put this plan in place. All you will do is make a horrid job harder for the garbage men and the workers at the recycling center.
    Stop acting out like a kid. If you don't like what your politicians are doing, get involved. VOTE!
    Help out on a campaign of someone who has your views, or run yourself. That is how you punish your elected officials.

  22. Recycle now sheeple! Not enough in the bin? You're done for, now shut up slave!

  23. Just another taxpayer5/06/2010 12:13 AM

    If you destroy the chip you will probably get a bill from the city. The bins are barcoded and the barcodes will be matched up to addresses. If you decide not to pay the bill it will probably go on your property taxes or a landlord's taxes with an interest fine on top of it. Since you really don't own the bins this could be destruction of city property also - so then you could also get a fine from the police as well.

    So if you don't like the invasion of privacy don't recyle. The program then becomes a mute point and will have to be stopped and revert back to the present system which was working just fine.

    How many worker's comp cases is this new program going to create?

  24. Dear 12:13 (dumb city worker),

    It is "moot", not mute.

    The system will not go back, even if you and your errand boy Kraplan don't like it.

    There won't be any workers comp claims unless you are too stupid to figure out how to roll a cart and work a lift gate.

  25. The RF chips can fail in oh so many ways. The City could never prove someone willfully did that.
    Here's a link with interesting information:

    And should just 100 destory the RF chip and the City try to ticket that tie up the city and the city court.

    11:12 is right on one count we must vote the SOB's out of office, we must also start doing Civil disobedience

  26. Isn't this just pathetic. A chance for Racine to recyle and make money. Yet, there are fools who insist on making themselves look yet again foolish. Destroy the chip, oh sure, and cost to the taxpayers will be short in brain waves are you?

    Recyling is a good thing. I would hate to think of some of these bloggers actually having kids and how they grow up.

  27. You had your chance to vote half the SOB's out of office a month ago. Guess what happened? NOTHING. Another chance will come next spring. Guess what will happen then? NOTHING.

  28. 7:16

    The blue bags worked just fine. The carts are nothing more then a away for the City to get more money in fees, some more in fines and so Dickert can be in control.
    With CAR 25 quickly becoming the Dickert channel any attempts to educate the public on what is truly going on will be stopped. 7:34 is right we got to do a better job in tossing them out of office.
    The best we can do now is show our scorn.
    Fight the Power!

  29. You people have really lost it. Please get out from behind your computers and into the real world where most people are fine with the carts and almost no one gives a $h1t about CAR25

  30. All of you negative types out there act like the same negative tea partiers who bragged about stopping legislation that would have brought some economic energy to Racine. You may look to the past, but the future is coming whether you like it or not. Grow up and stop whining!

  31. How do you go about getting rid of the large montrosity and getting the smaller one? And what all is considered recyclable. Are papers suppose to go in with cans, bottles and plastics? This is such a stinkin joke the bin I have now could last 3 months.

  32. The fact that these bins have a computer chip makes them instantly more intelligent than 90 percent of the posters on here.

  33. I'm not certain if I can wheel the cart into my microwave to disable the RFID, but the final option under step 4 will do the trick. Thanks for the URL.

    What police powers are anticipated for 'improper' garbage?

  34. It sure would have been nice to KNOW that the bins were coming instead of just leaving them in front of your house without a letter or notice on WHEN to START using them! Not EVERYONE gets/reads the newspaper!

  35. Anon 8:21 -

    Maybe you should get/read a newspaper (or other reliable online sources, like Racine Post). How else do you expect to be informed of the activities in your community? Rumor from your neighbors? Speculation of bloggers? The city can't afford to send you a personal letter every time it does something.

  36. Why is no one addressing the upcoming problems with renters? These bins were delivered to my apartment complex the other day and I can tell you for certain that these renters are not going to use them. Also, why isn't each bin tied to the apartment number at these addresses? And what if I have no place to store these bins out-of-sight?

    The idea of holding a landlord responsible and adding fines to his/her property taxes is unethical, offensive and outright wrong. We are landlords, not the parents, legal guardians, or overseers of these tenants. We can not police them every minute of every day and force them to recycle. Why should we be held responsible for their inactions or refusal to use the system? Are renters not citizens of this city and obligated to obey the laws? Why should the innocent be fined for this?

    Also, now that dickert and his minions have shoved these bins down our throats, they are threatening us with fines if we don’t keep them out of sight!!!! What if we have no place out of sight to keep a bin? What if a landlord has no place out of sight to keep them and renters on a second story or higher refuse to take them up into their apartments? Listen here city council, you forced these on us, now you can look at them!!!!

  37. Tim the Shrubber5/06/2010 9:47 AM

    "Also, now that dickert and his minions have shoved these bins down our throats, they are threatening us with fines if we don’t keep them out of sight!!!!"

    I think you are confusing Oshkosh and Racine. The post notes that Oshkosh is working on an ordinance to keep the bins out of sight. It does not say that Racine is doing the same thing.

    "...and I can tell you for certain that these renters are not going to use them."


  38. Tim the Shrubber5/06/2010 9:50 AM

    "How many worker's comp cases is this new program going to create?"

    What? How are the recycle bins going to create workman comp cases?

  39. Tim the Shrubber5/06/2010 9:53 AM

    I have lived in a place with these exact same kind of bins. They work pretty is not a big deal..y'all can stop hyperventilating now.

  40. Big Dickert is watching.

    A quick search: the RFID chips were activated by the scanner that reads the bar codes as they were dropped off. One source places the chips in the handles. They have to be near the bar code. Hammer your cart in that area.

  41. Thank you Racine Post for bringing this to light, among the many things you two have already brought to light that nobody else will.

  42. I strongly recommend these for all city residents:

  43. "And what all is considered recyclable. Are papers suppose to go in with cans, bottles and plastics?"


    There is a flipping label on top of the damn thing that answers this question and a phone number printed there. How stupid are you people?

  44. The only sure way to hammer the chips is to place your hand directly over the barcode and smash the hammer into your hand as hard as possible to distribute the force appropriately. If you do not do it this way, there is no guarantee you will disable the chip.

  45. Duh, 11:24, you can't fool me. I know you're supposed to place your head between the hammer and bar code.

  46. "Also, now that dickert and his minions have shoved these bins down our throats, they are threatening us with fines if we don’t keep them out of sight!!!! "

    You own an apartment building, but you can't take the time to understand something you want to bitch about? No one said anything about keeping it out of sight or issuing fines for not doing so.

    Landlords are lying liars that lie.

  47. "We are landlords, not the parents, legal guardians, or overseers of these tenants. We can not police them every minute of every day and force them to recycle. Why should we be held responsible for their inactions or refusal to use the system?"

    Yes you can, it's called a lease, as in rules for residency and as a landlord you are responsible for your property and anyone who choses to live there.

  48. Why can't I paste?! Am I supposed to re-type all of Alderman Helding's email to me? Not on an iPhone I'm not!

  49. It seems to me that disabling the RFID tag is a sure way to wind up on the "naughty" list, since they're tracking usage. Maybe I'll glue a couple of recyclable items to the bottom of the bin and make sure it's out there at least twice a week for pickup! Heck, I might even call and ask for extra pick ups!

  50. I a so happy that Dickert is Mayor. Look at how he can spend days thinking about the Recycling carts but little time addressing the issues of Crime and unemployment. However if your a supporter lots of work to include no bid contracts and other sweet deals.


  52. “I think it (blue carts left out) is happening mostly in older neighborhoods where garages aren’t as big. The color of the carts stand out pretty well,” Oshkosh city manager Mark Rohloff said. “Proper storage would be in a garage or in back of a building.”

    Apparently Oshkosh didn't realize that this would be a concern.

    Did the Racine city council consider it? Did the DPW raise this issue as a potential disadvantage when they were pushing the idea on the council?

    It seems like a pretty obvious issue that some people will complain about. And given our "backyard police" it isn't unreasonable to think that this would be added to the items that they would complain about.

    For many people it would be relatively easy to put the cart in their garage, but I don't have room and I would have to shovel a long path just to put the cart behind the garage in the winter.

  53. Anon 11:22 is obviously someone in Dickert's office since they know what is on the lid before the rest of us get it. Maybe we can make that decision once we see it, but to be disrespectful to a resident in uncalled for. Are you the one who answers the phone in Dickert's office because you are rude there too.

  54. 2:23

    Its not Gregg but it is A Dickert Troll.

  55. Tim the Shrubber5/06/2010 2:50 PM

    "Anon 11:22 is obviously someone in Dickert's office since they know what is on the lid before the rest of us get it." do realize some people already have their recycling carts?

  56. love the carts.5/06/2010 5:14 PM

    Got mine today and have it half filled up. Glad to be getting done with these damn blue bags. In fact I am going to get the larger one when made available.

  57. I'll hammer in the morning, I'll hammer in the evening!

  58. Happy Recycler5/06/2010 6:45 PM

    I am glad something positive is happening in Racine for once. I've been recycling for a long time and am glad I no longer need to purchase the blue bags.

    I'm confused about the shredded paper though. I realize why it can't be put into the blue recycling carts, but does this mean we can't recycle shredded paper then? How are we to dispose of it?

  59. 6:45

    Yes the Blue bags were just to hard to use and did not allow Dickert to Tax I mean fee us.
    Shredded paper ask the Mayor I understand he is practicing in case the FBI come to call. A number of letters have wen out today from AM 620 to the A.G of Wisconsin. Yes Racine sure might be in the news

  60. Any positive/helpful tips on what to do with shreaded paper? We really want to recycle it.

  61. I like how all the nay-sayers can't find anything positive in this.

  62. Don't I recall all but one Alderman approving this? All of them are in Dickert's pocket? Come on... Seriously?

  63. Going to have fun putting dirty food cans in the Blue Bins around my area.

  64. bitch bitch bitch...
    complain complain complain...

    You people need to get a life.
    Or is it that you people just need some attention. Please start acting like adults.

  65. We are we going to find someone to run for Mayor and toss Dickert and his "friends" out. Remove every appointment from every board.
    We are acting to stop this petty Milosevic from destroying Racine

  66. Tim the Shrubber5/07/2010 7:27 AM

    "We are acting to stop this petty Milosevic from destroying Racine"

    ROTFLMAO...that is just wonderfully insane!

  67. Tim the Shrubber5/07/2010 7:52 AM

    "Going to have fun putting dirty food cans in the Blue Bins around my area."

    Well, that is a pretty jerky thing to do.

  68. 7:42 - Suggest that you put it in the bottom of your backyard fire pit, then pack it around the logs you plan to burn. It'll get your fire going in no time at all!

  69. ............and ya know, it is only a few people who bitch day after day and making up to a dozen entries - some from one person. Pathetic.

  70. I am glad to see that County Supervisor Monte Osterman & Mayor John Dickert along with their cronies are actively blogging. Way to communicate with your constituents. Way to earn your overpaid salary John.

  71. People talk about the chip and smashing it and that we could possibly get a fine or whatever, garbage cans get thrown around all the time, I see it when they come through, they'll just toss it back on the lawn. Who's to say that the can getting banged around to much wouldn't ruin the chip. I'm all for recycling, but I'll be damned if I am going to be tracked, they can KMA

  72. @RacinePost Got email from Alderman G. Helding re my anti- chip post. Appreciate yor sharing views, Mr Helding. I'll guard it (cart) diligently. No chip! This will only be the beginning of how tracking will be used & you know it! I'll bet I'm back in a yr or two, 'see? See? I told you...'. No chip Burlington you discuss in your email & how they handled it more adroitly than some of us Racine-ites are approaching this - carts also chipped? Thank you for enlightening me that I did indeed miss this information previously. So, I'm ticked off now instead of earlier in the process. Tell me - would it have made ANY GD DIFFERENCE TO ANY OF YOU IF YOU'D KNOWN? No! And no, I will not be changing my mind when $ or contests or other stupid incentives are dangled before my eyes. No chip!

  73. "No they are not RFID. Thanks for your inquiry. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Sincerely, Kevin M. LahnerCity AdministratorCity of Burlington262.342.1161 "
    No chip! compromise, Greg? I'll use you de-chip!

  74. Hmmm .......if there is no chip in the bins what did we pay for and when did the chip come out of RJ's original plan?

  75. If they can track the use of these carts with chips how about putting them in the government cars and trucks to those can be tracked. I bet they will find a "technical" reason that can't be done.

  76. I think my biggest problem is that city gov't didn't give us a CHOICE! Mine is more likely going in my shed and I will simply not recycle.

  77. Mine showed up today at the start of my driveway... I can genuinely say I was excited! Parked it right next to my backdoor in a little nook below the window above my kitchen sink... Rinse, toss right out the window in to the can. It's kind of sad to see so many people up in arms over something that can be so easily added in to your daily routine. Green Racine... here we come! ... hopefully.

  78. I love Green Racine a great Podcast on Blog Talk Radio!

  79. I like the idea of the Blue Carts, but I do not like the bar codes or the chips embedded in the carts. I would think that a very strong magnet should disable the chip. I am sure there is a way to disable it. I have seen a cart and looks like the bar code is put on via a sticker which was half way off.

  80. Tim, in your 05/06/2010 9:47 AM posting you cite my quote, "...and I can tell you for certain that these renters are not going to use them" and then you ask "Why?" Use your head, man.

    To answer you question: first and foremost, I have never seen a blue bag out in front of my apartment buildings, ever. Not once. Second: well over half of the renters in Racine are low-income and welfare types that don't give a rats ass in the least about anything, except getting their next check. They live in squalor and we are lucky that they even take out the trash at all, much less separate recyclables. Very little moves them to get off the sofa and away from their cable TV and cell phones that us taxpayers provide via monthly checks that reward this behavior. They are generally fat, lazy, filthy people that couldn't care less about our landfills. In fact, most of them would be right at home living in them.

    This isn't speculation, it is experience from having to deal with these people. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to discriminate. If I was allowed to rent to who I want, and reject anyone I want for any reason I see fit, I could probably get people that wouldn't destroy my flats and would probably recycle. But, with a mayor and city council that seems to WANT to perpetuate Racine as a low-income community, I don't see things getting any better.

  81. Mine went behind my house today. That is where it will stay. Everything the fascists that run Racine want put in it will go into the regular garbage.

    Say "Sieg Heil" to the nice people.

  82. They are delivering these today, Sunday Mothers Day. How much extra is that costing the City?

  83. I have a question for our City fathers. As they placed these carts in front of homes that are under foreclosure, who is watching those homes as the cooper thieves brake into thses vacant homes. This was like puting a sign in front of those homes saying stop here no one is watching.

  84. Donny - it's kind of sad you make your neighbors have to see that stinkin thing in the back of your house - great neighbor you are!

  85. Richard Jones is A Facist Pig. I destroyed my container

  86. Inigo Montoya5/10/2010 2:06 PM

    "Richard Jones is A Facist Pig."

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  87. Inigo Montoya, INCONCEIVABLE!

  88. Hey, Mr. Jones...can we recycle 3x5 magnets? What a waste of taxpayers' money!

  89. Now that I have the bin for my recycling, I no longer need my stock of blue bags, right? So, being frugal, I used them for regular trash and put them out today with the rest of my trash bags, NEXT to the recycling bin - ONLY TO HAVE THEM LEFT ON THE CURB AND TAGGED AS NOT CONTAINING RECYCLABLES.

    &^%$ing genius city employees...

  90. Soooo WHERE is the chip imbedded, please? Using it once to ensure they don't think it's a flukey cart and replace with a new one! THEN dechipping.

  91. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  92. Any community that implements this is just asking for legal court battles. IE more costs to the community budget. This is a camouflaged TAX. How many will they have to add to the budget to manage this? WHAT is the ACTUAL COST? Why don't they just motivate by paying or giving a land/property tax credit for participation of the bins? I live where I PAY to have my refuse removed by a private company. I recycle by taking my recycle bits to local collection points. They try to force me in my city and I will take them to court. Can you say more ways to collect revenue? Recycling makes sense, but forcing people is just plain wrong, because the real abusers won't be affected. Why don't they go after the abandoned building owners? The people that abuse animals, drop their trash anywhere, junk cars, inefficient city budgets, city or township lazy employees and their unions that allow them to sleep on the job? How many times have you said geez "1 guy working and 6 watching"? Man that's the tip of the iceberg. Wasteful landscaping and lighting for communities. Just look around your community and see where they have just plain old wasted millions!!!!! Oh and how many have found out later that the brother or relative of a city leader got a contract thru a friend of a friend?????????? Ok my rant is over. Remember I support Recycling, I hate corrupt/inept leadership.

  93. Wait, wait wait. So you can't shred documents with, say, personal info. But if you don't recycle enough, strangers will go through your trash and recycling, seeing anything like bank letters or financial account information.
    What is wrong with you people? (Are you *trying* to cause budget overruns? What could this possibly solve?)

  94. Another reason--in addition to the State's use of police to throw citizens in jail for civil debt collection--for NEVER setting-up my businesses, with thousands of jobs, in the Fascist, arrogant, Orwellian state. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!

  95. I doubt that any of you will be able to find and destroy the microchip. It's maybe 1/20th the thickness of a human hair and woven into the plastic at random.

  96. Continuing with my last post (@6:51 pm), but responding to another's post (@1:10 pm):

    It's far more Orwellian than you imagine. (1) The cost is now almost zero. (2) Following Wal-Mart's lead, EVERYTHING will soon contain one or more such chips. (3) Business can use all of their computing power and (what will soon be) TRILLIONS, then QUADRILLIONS, then QUINTILLIONS of such chips to monitor every rumble of your stomach and sneeze you make from cradle to grave. Routinely. (4) That's right, they'll soon be placed in all processed food and medicine that you consume; then, in all fresh produce and meat that goes commercial. (5) They'll eventually be routinely equipped with GPS (enabling remote monitoring 24/365) and cameras, as miniaturization continues apace. (6) Only the extraordinarily wealthy, who'll have the wherewithal to mask their movements within the system and access to places and products that never enter the system, will have ANY freedom whatsoever. (7) We are soon to be what our masters have always desired us to be--either STOCK, if we're of any value to them, or VERMIN, if we're "useless" or dangerous to them. (8) As bad as the Guv'mint's intentions are, the Corporations and Hereditary, Multi-national Wealth's are far worse. (9) Care to guess what method's they have in mind to reduce "overpoulation"? (10) See? There's always a silver lining; the Earth Firsters will be able to cheer our collective demise.

  97. @11:38,

    Your Q: "What could this possible solve?"

    My A: The "problems" posed by our freedoms.

    Q: "What is wrong with you people?"

    A: They are fools, many willfully so, who are led astray by what Ayn Rand called "Attilla" and the "Witch Doctor".

    It's all for our own good, don't you know, and, in any case, "Resistance is futile."
