
May 20, 2010

Peregrine falcon Cooper's hawk takes a break

A peregrine falcon has been hanging around the grounds of The DeKoven Center this spring. The handsome bird, likely from the nest in the Racine County Courthouse, can be spotted in trees on the west end of the property. We caught the snaps above and below on Wednesday.


  1. Nice pictures!

  2. I've seen this bird in my yard a couple of times and wondered what it is! Thanks for clearing it up!

  3. I don't want to be that guy...but that's a Cooper's Hawk. Very common in these parts. Best way to see the peregrine is to go to the court house. They have a camera set up on the roof. Very cool.

    Keep searching...because the peregrine's hunting style is the most exciting of any bird. 200 mph dive bomb from 3000 feet, a membrane to protect their eyes. It's no wonder the air force and jet manufacturers try to replicate the peregrine.

  4. Thanks, Kevin. I was wondering about that. Seems like we've been mistaking a Hawk for the Falcon (both in Atlanta, though! ... little sports joke).

  5. Bald Eagles are getting closer to SE Wisconsin too. They have become a pretty common sight in mid and northern Wisconsin. The sightings seem to be more rare down in this part of the state.

    Good pictures.

  6. I think it's a Sparrow Hawk, I've seen them in West Racine.

  7. I think it's a Chicken Hawk...
