
May 13, 2010

Occupancy Permits: The Pit BBQ on DeKoven Ave.

The city issued eight occupancy permits in April for new businesses. The permits included:

* The Pit BBQ carryout restaurant at 1215 DeKoven Ave. The restaurant, former home to BBQ Time, is owned by Loren Buirge.

* Edward Guss is opening a repair garage on at 2513 Fergus Ave.

* Ricos Value City at 1817 State St. The store is owned by Yailin Felliciano.

* Gold Horizon Second Hand Jewelry at 5502 Durand Ave. The store owner is Omar Canpolat.

* 3rd Coast Bicycles at 246 Main St. The bike rental shop is owned by Donald Heckel.

* Silver Choice and Name Buckles Second Hand Jewelry at 5502 Durand Ave. The story is owned by Ahmad Khan.

* Byron Graves Photography at 1503 Washington Ave. The business is owned by Byron Graves.

* Tradewinds Bar and Banquet Hall at 1518 Washington Ave. the business is owned by Gary De Pelecyn.

All permits cost $200, except for Canpolat's, which cost $100.


  1. Although the purchase of the permit is public information, the news of the business is the business owner's to tell, not yours. By being the first to break the news, you are denying the business owner the right and ability to use their news to their advantage.

  2. Thanks Racine Post! The story is yours to tell! Keep up the good work!

  3. Maybe you should interview these business owners and ask them how they feel about the Post telling their story. It's one thing to be a reader of the National Enquirer but totally different if you are the subject matter. Until you've been in the shoes of the subject matter you really have no idea how it messes with your plans.

  4. It is almost impossible to get a business or new business press release published in the Journal Times. I would hope that the new businesses send their business news to the Post to their new business can get proper exposure. To read the Journal Times you would think there is no business activity in Racine County. The Post does a much better job.

  5. I do not see a story anywhere on this page and besides half these establishments are already open and doing business. One such place was recently profiled in a news story.
    Phony controversy double complainer poster, get a life.

    These gold buying places springing up are a bit concerning to me. I do believe the proprietors of these establishments are hoping to capitalize with the aid of petty burglars, krakheads, armed robbers and other ne'er do wells.
    I know gold is very valuable and I see Sunshine ghetto market is buying it.
    Payday loans want to buy it.
    Suv's driving around plastered with "I BUY GOLDS" signs.
    Mail your gold off for cash ?

    Secure your stuff folks.
