
May 3, 2010

Mayor appointing four new members to CAR25 commission

Mayor John Dickert is appointing four new members to the city's Cable Television Commission.

The mayor is appointing Mary Jerger and Kimberly Kane, and Aldermen Ron Hart and Ray DeHahn to the commission. They'll replace Gary Alvarado and Pamela Hoadley, and Aldermen Jeff Coe and Greg Helding.

The mayor's appointments go before the City Council on Tuesday night.

Jerger is owner of Copacetic hat store at 409 Main St. She's married to County Board Supervisor Monte Osterman; they both worked on Dickert's mayoral campaign. Kane is a former TV reporter and anchor who now works for The NOVO Group. This is also co-founder of Mediaspirits, a video production and development company. The mayor is appointing both to three-year terms.

Hart and DeHahn will reach receive one-year terms.

Here's a letter from Cable Television Commission Chairman Chase Hendrix about the new appointments:
The Mayor has the right to appoint anyone he wishes (with the approval of Common Council), and it is just unfortunate that the Cable Television Commission is losing two very dedicated professionals that have put so much time and energy into serving our city and CAR25. I was just made aware of the reappointments, and obviously would have preferred to be contacted directly by the Mayor and City Administrator to provide the Cable Commission's recommendations regarding these appointments. 
As the Chairman of the Cable Television Commission, I am here to serve the city and its residents without any personal interest or influence. I welcome any new appointments to the Commission, and am sure the other members of the Cable Commission feel the same way. I am disappointed that Pam & Gary were not offered the opportunity to continue to serve as volunteers on the Cable Television Commission, however I also understand that the Mayor can appoint whomever he wishes, and trust that the newly appointed commissioners will act in the best interest of the city and public access channel. Gary Alvarado in particular has donated so much of his time, resources and technical expertise to help serve the city and CAR25, and is one of the most experienced and professional video production experts in SE Wisconsin. Much of the success we have had in growing CAR25 with such a limited budget is due to his hard work.
CAR25 is one of the most positive, cost-effective and successful assets our city has, and should remain fair, equal and open to the public. So many residents watch CAR25 on a regular basis, and it provides a great communication tool for our local government, non-profit organizations and public producers. The channel was provided to Racine as part of our municipal cable television franchise agreement (and extended with the new state cable franchise agreement), and we have recently launched CAR25 broadcasting services on AT&T in addition to Time Warner, which broadens its audience throughout SE Wisconsin. 
My only concerns regarding CAR25 are whether it has the full support of the Common Council to provide the funding it needs to continue to grow, and that the allocation of resources support both public and government fair and equally (and in accordance with PEG and FCC regulations). In November, Common Council voted unanimously to approve the 15% cable television franchise fee allocation to CAR25, however this additional funding was reallocated to Professional Services, and since the proposed consultant withdrew, that funding has since been recommended by Ald. Helding to be removed from CAR25's budget in order to pay the lawsuit settlement with Sandy Tingle. So the additional 5% funding has never really been made available to CAR25 to update its equipment. It has also been suggested that the 15% allocation would be decreased back to 10%, leaving the channel severely underfunded, with outdated equipment. 
The mayor's other new appointments to city boards and commissions, include:

* Doug Nicholson, owner of the Ivanhoe Pub and Eatery, to the Redevelopment Authority.

* Former alderman Robert Anderson to the RDA.

* Wally Rendon to the Affirmative Action Human Rights Commission.

* Alderman Jeff Coe to the Community Development Committee, which distributes the city's Community Development Block Grant money.

* Mark Kowbel to the Board of City Review.

* Mark Kowbel to the Transit and Parking Commission.

* John Heckenlively to the Traffic Commission.

* Rod Lipor to the Board of Zoning Appeals.

* Chris Flynn to the Landmark Preservation Commission.

* Alderman Eric Marcus to the Landmark Preservation Commission. (Marcus served on the commission before being elected to the City Council in April.)

* Alderman QA Shakoor II to the Community Development Committee.


  1. How many hours do I need to spend working on Dickert's reelection campaign to be appointed to a committee. Is the contribution to his campaign separate or do I have to do that to?

  2. The Translator5/03/2010 10:24 PM

    So can we assume that payback appointments are part of the 10 year plan?

  3. It's official. Dickert is bad for Racine!

  4. Chase Hendrix - Chairman, Cable Television Commission5/03/2010 11:44 PM

    As Chairman of the Racine Cable Television Commission, I would like to publicly thank both Pamela Hoadley and Gary Alvarado for volunteering their time to the Commission and CAR25 for so many years. It is unfortunate that they were not asked to continue to serve on the Commission, as CAR25 has become one of the leading public access channels in Wisconsin and the Midwest with their tremendous help and support. Many events from Prom to the 4th of July Parade to City Council meetings would not have been possible without their time and expertise. They have also been instrumental in managing relationships with Time Warner Cable and AT&T, and working as advocates for fair and equal access to cable services and CAR25's public access channel resources for residents, businesses and non-profit organizations throughout this city. Their many years of dedication and experience will be truly missed on the Cable Television Commission, and their contribution should not go unnoticed. Thank you Pam & Gary for serving our city and community with great professionalism and leadership throughout your terms on the Cable Television Commission.

  5. He is a SNAKE.... Just watch your back!

  6. Dickert's at it again.....Surprise, surprise. Many thanks to all you knuckleheads that voted him into office. Next election use your brains (if you have any) and not your heart when voting. The sexy pick isn't so sexy anymore.

  7. I would also like to thank Pam & Gary.

  8. I cry SHAME for the politicization of CAR 25. I do hope that the Common council stops this. Next Wednesday's Committee of the Whole should show the whole disgusting tale of the effort to place a "consultant" within CAR 25

  9. If I was Jim Smith I would be asking... Do you miss me yet?

  10. So you get a professional like Kimberly Kane on the comission and that is not good for you. Yes, Jerger is a friend. How many friends has Mac appointed?

  11. Welcome to the dickert television channel. Even more so now than ever.

    The mayor and the city council should not be involved in this at all. Campaign workers and financial supporters of these politicos should also be exempt. They are biased and political and will not report fairly or objectively or air any programs or news articles that taint dickert or his city council cronies. We might as well not even watch it any more because it is only going to be one long re-election commercial for dickert. Very sad.

  12. All I know is that Kenosha's channel 14 is superb. They have a beautiful studio too and real shows. Jason is Kenosha is the best along with the rest of his staff. We need to take a lesson from them and get our channel together!

  13. Gary - please do not do the coverage of the Prom. It was the worst coverage ever and your hosts were atrocious. You have no business being involved in this kind of event.

  14. Will all 25 viewers of CAR25 please raise their hands?

  15. Please stop this ridiculous behavior by Dickert. When will this stop?! CAR25 is probably the best access channel in the state. Dickert comes messing around and starts depleating and ruining our channel.....Please Common Council STOP THIS FOOL!

  16. When will Racine realize that Dickert is only out for himself and his friends? What will it take? This move is shameful. Because he didn't get his campaign worker a city job, let's remove good, hard working folks from the commission? Everything Dickert touches turns to sh-it, don't let him touch this!

  17. Mayor appoints best friends wife? BAHAHAHA what a joke. These are the politics that are ruining this city. Dickert is a waste,how many things within the city can he destroy within a year?

  18. "Gary - please do not do the coverage of the Prom. It was the worst coverage ever and your hosts were atrocious. You have no business being involved in this kind of event."
    Thanks for that!! The male/female duo announcing 4th of July were comical. What they were talking about was not showing on the screen...Also agree on prom coverage. Trying to be hip I guess

  19. My whole family watches that channel. WE really enjoy it and have for years. Parades, Common Council Meetings, local events etc.... We just love it and hate to see the politics of this mayor interfering. It's really to bad this mayor gets involved and screws everything! Keep up the good work CAR25! We enjoy it!

  20. Jim Smith is the worst and most corrupt mayor Racine has ever had.

  21. 10:03 and also the dumbest!

  22. I thought it was Joyce Smith?

  23. Wow all of these great ideas. When will anonymous put his /her name on the ballot?

  24. Anon 8:20; Dickert tried to hire someone full-time like Jason is in Kenosha but that was bad too. I guess nothing is good enough.

  25. dickhert hires more friends for city positions.

    i am totally surprised.

  26. who got hired? Did you read - or did it not fit your agenda?

  27. "CAR25 is probably the best access channel in the state" HA! Good one! Obviously you've never been to ANY other city and seen their cable channels! I think my elementary school had a better cable channel 20 years ago! I'm glad they appointed new people, the only way it can go is up!

  28. City Insider5/04/2010 11:33 AM

    this is a consistent trend form Dickert. Appointing campaign contributers, family members and friends to city commissions.

    Doug Nicholson is a campaign contributor, and a vendor with the City of Racine. He has a financial interest and contract with the City.

    Mary Jerger was his campaign Treasurer, and wife of Monte Osterman. Osterman was Dickert's campaign coordinator.

    Tom Friedel is Dickert's cousin.

    it never ends...

  29. I'd surround myself with people I know and trust - It is done all the time in the business world, so get over it.

  30. Gee and this is news. Becker did it, so did Smith, Davies....

    Does Mac Reynolds do it. You betcha. Ryan...ditto. Where are the stories on that?

    What is the problem...if you want to serve apply for a commission. Run for something.

    You are right he did it. If you were such an insider, you would be on one too.

  31. If Dickert wants a war over CAR 25 he will sure have one. Groups from both the right and left are talking to each other on programing to highlight what they see as nothing less then the creation of The John Dickert Channel.
    The fight to stop this starts today.

  32. Wow!!! Once again no minorities to the committees and commissions. What a joke and someone needs to call him on this fact. Inclusion what a bunch of BULL!! Dustin write a story about DICKERT'S RACIST A--!!!!!

  33. "So you get a professional like Kimberly Kane on the comission and that is not good for you."

    In what way her web page sucks she is nothing more then yet again another crony.

  34. Dickert just makes me sick in so many ways.....How about doing something for this city you loser! Let's recall his ass on unethical dealings!

  35. CAR25 is great.....Don't let Dickert touch it or it will turn to SHI-T!!! DO the right thing for once Common Council!

  36. 12:28 - Car is a crap station who cares what they do with it. If you watch it, you need to get a life. I'd rather you stab me in the eye rather than watch that crap.

  37. 11:33

    It only ends when we have someone running to kick Dickert out of office.
    Please someone run!

  38. I miss Jim Smith. He got a lot of things going in this town without making a lot of empty promises.

  39. Rather see Jim Smith then John Dickert. Hell I rather see a crack head

  40. Dickert is a complete FAILURE! He has done NOTHING for this City and should resign on his ethics alone! The residents should be pissed off about the actions of the so called mayor. I want my vote back!

  41. Cracking up over the comments here. The accusation of racism takes the cake - as if Racine is filled with compentent, educated African-Americans in business. That's funny!

    Appointing friends? Wake up, people, to how business runs. The complainers are likely union lackeys who think every unqualified, unconnected common person should be given a shot at any job, big or small, technical or not, professional or menial.

    I'm no fan of Dickert, but you people do not "get it" about how things run in the world. Call it politics, but outside of politics, successful buinesses run on connections. But by all means, continue tp believe it's a white, rich-man's club out there. Enjoy your welfare check (or your union pension.)

  42. 2:26 (PIO)

    Check out the soon to be shows talking about the Drug dealing in the River View area or how 80+ jobs turned into 0 jobs. Trust me thinking a show call it True Racine will be just the show the Mayor wants the public in other cities to see.
    Maybe the fist show will be on how so many of Dickert's pals get nice things as the City has 15% if not higher unemployment.

  43. 2:26 - You called it right!These people do not have a clue and again it's not a matter if I like Dickert or not!

  44. Glad to see the Dickert Trolls out and about. Is the PIO coordinating the effort?
    Will we see the Troll Show when Car 25 becomes the John Dickert Channel?

  45. The troll show:

    Starring: Mike Shields

    With guests: Jody Harding, Jameel Quari

  46. You liked Jim Smith?! You need a Neurologist.

  47. Jim Smith a far better man then John Dickert, then too Ed Gein was a better man

  48. Dickert isn't qualified to be a Meter-Maid. Give him the boot for god's sake. He is a born moron.

  49. Does the Lemon Law apply to Dickert? Can I get a refund?

  50. Anon 4:19. You, my friend, are no better than Alister Crowley.

  51. "Pants around your ankles, pants around your ankles......Lookin' like a fool with yo pants around your ankles........"

    Does anyone have a cigarette we taxpayers can share?

  52. Business as usual for the Mayor. Why not put another slow bill payer in city business? April cant come soon enough, then it's back to selling real estate.

  53. Remember a guy that used to post here awhile ago that called himself "SIR". He is now our Great Mayor Dickert. Can you believe we have that dummy for our mayor. Remember the stupid things he used to say. Just heard that, thought you would all want to know.

  54. People keep saying "that how people run businesses, they hire friends". This isn't a business its the City of Racine. He doesn't own the city (he could do what he wants if he owned his own business). I hope everyone is happy that voted for him. And I hope EVERYONE in Racine has learned a lesson for next election.

  55. Alister Crowley a great guy wrote books that still sell today. Worked for the US Navy between the wars, explorer of mysteries, not bad I say. John Dickert a petty dictator who is doing a job worse then say H.H. Homes

  56. 6:28 - you once again show your ignorance. A city is a business, if you think otherwise - well I guess I already said that. And we are talking about corporate America you moron. CEO/VP's don't own the business - but they do hire there friends. You must be a union guy.

  57. 1:04 - in your dreams - you moron - Sir

  58. Historically, local elected officials get their supporters and known people into to volunteer roles on committees to cover their back and get their agenda through committees. Not new news.

    It is worse in state and federal government where the top elected folks name their supporters and friends to high paying jobs. Again not new news just the way it goes.

    Dickert is now leading the way in what is becoming a troubling local trend to putting his friends and supporters in paid consultant and employee roles. I don't ever remember so many unqualified friends and supporters getting good paying government jobs and consultant contracts. This is troubling because local government is supposed to hire experienced professionals in these roles. I know there are some similar examples in other governments in the area like Mt. Pleasant but not to the level going on in the city. It isn't supposed to work this way.

  59. 8:32 - It works the way the mayor, CEO, VP etc. want it to work. The only difference is the you have no say about the CEO or VP - in the case of the mayor wait until election time if you are not pleased.

  60. UNETHICAL, AND MORALLY WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS.....I made the biggest mistake by voting for this clown!

  61. Pete and Dustin: How can you be friends with Dickert??

    Just curious.

  62. 8:51 - you guys live in a dream world - that's the way it is and has been for years. It is what it is - if you don't like it, change the process.

  63. You saying unethical is not going to change a thing - get out and do something if you don't like it. Don't be a whiner that does not back up their words.

  64. Tim the Shrubber5/05/2010 10:13 AM

    Well, in reality we really have two choices...

    1. Have a system where elected officials appoint friends and allies to city positions.


    2. Have an independent bureaucracy that pretty much does whatever it pleases regardless of the wishes of the elected officals and/or voters.

    Pick your poison.

  65. Would like to see Pugh's developing a RIVER WALK along that north side and use their three old historic buildings --- now that the Fergus deal went sour.

    The city should revisit the idea of a Museum at the Walker site. They canned it because of greed!

    Mayor Dickert -- build our destination museum on the lakefront -- Give people a reason to visit Racine again. The plans were all done. We just need a visionary to push them. Think of the asset to have hundreds of thousands of people visiting Racine again!!

  66. Anon 10:32 Racine does not need another Public obligation, like a Museum, especially not built on a prime building site like the Lakefront. The best bet is to make sure some private developer be allowed to build something there. No Govt. assistance on the project. Just get out of the way and let the Free Market work. If Anon wants to use his/ her money to build a Museum then so be it. but to have the taxpayers take on yet another losing financial obligation is crazy. It is not Greed, to sell off our assets for a premium dollar, but The city should get out of the Real Estate business. Around State St Transit center is another place to sell off those lots.

  67. Jim Smith was a joke of a mayor who has zero credibility in this town.

  68. John Dickert is a joke of a mayor who has zero credibility in this town.

  69. Hey, why don't you say it again knucklehead.

  70. May a real man a great leader become Mayor of Racine like say Barny Fife, when you compare the two Barny is so much better then John "What pal can I apoint" Dickert

  71. John Dickert is a joke of a mayor who has zero credibility in this town.

  72. I got an idea let's get Jim Smith to run against John Dickert and we can let the people of Racine decide who is the better of the two. Jim Smith wouldn't have a chance in the world of winning an election in Racine against anyone at this point! That's why he doesnt run for anything. Even Spanky would spank Jim Smith in an election.

  73. John Dickert is not evil just incompetent. Why else would he back so many things that blew up on him. First the Phoenix idea, then Point Blue, then River Bend, then American Tire. When he destroys CAR 25 after enriching a crony just be another notch on his belt

  74. Jim Smith is evil.

  75. Jim Smith isn't in office. Dickert is...and we are screwed without a kiss!

  76. Please someone run so we can remove Dickert from office and get our City back from the Good Old Boys.

  77. Those that don't like the good old boys are those that are not part of it - too bad loser. You have no clout.

  78. Anon 1:15, who's the racist here? Why is it that every time anything is formed it must have a black or hispanic involved? That is racist. What dickert did is wrong, as I see no way CAR-25 can be non-biased or impartial now that it's been politicized. But just because there isn't minority involved doesn't mean it's intentional. Did you stop to think that maybe a minority person didn't step up to the plate?

  79. "Scotty said...

    who got hired? Did you read - or did it not fit your agenda? "

    hired / appointed / named.

    whats the difference.
    and i bet they arent doing it for free.
    what else you got dickhert fanboy

  80. I've always enjoyed CAR25 - it presents some down-to-earth programs about this great city. I've also seen John Dickert as a very positive, progressive and caring mayor. He is for what is good in Racine and making an honest effort tp build up racine. Right on John!

  81. 9:27 PI.

    John Dickert = Little Milosevic

  82. For fun, google "Kimberly Kane"...and be sure to check out the images!

