
May 25, 2010

James DeMatthew will challenge Rep. Turner in primary

For only the third time in his 20-year legislative career, Bob Turner will have a primary election opponent.

Turner, who also served on the City Council from 1976-2004, was first elected as representative of Racine's 61st Assembly district in 1990 after a four three-person primary (John Dickert was one of his opponents). The next time he had a primary opponent in the heavily Democratic district was 2002 (again it was John Dickert). Neither have Republicans chosen to challenge Turner. He had Republican opposition once: Stella Young challenged him in 1992.

Well, this year Turner will again have an opponent, and it's not Dickert. Investment advisor and financial planner James R. DeMatthew filed a declaration of candidacy with the Wisconsin State Election Board. He will oppose Turner in the Sept. 14 primary.

This will be DeMatthew's first attempt at public office. Although he filed his candidacy papers last week, he has not yet issued a formal candidacy announcement.

"I want to see some things change," he said. "I'm looking for a new Racine, not the status quo." DeMatthew promised a fuller explanation of why he's running within the next week.

DeMatthew, 48, is a lifelong Racine resident and "a Democrat all my life." He's a graduate of UW-Whitewater, with a degree in political science. He worked for 14 years for the Social Security Administration, and for the past 10 years has been an investment advisor with DeMatthew, Gorichanaz and Associates, located at 5402 Douglas Ave.  He's married; he and his wife, Kathleen, have two children, a boy and a girl, ages 18 and 16. Kathleen has served on the city's Water Works Commission and Wastewater Commission since 2006.

DeMatthew's older brother, Dan, who was the Racine Police Department's support services manager, was seriously injured in a bicycle accident last August. Another brother, Jeff, is an attorney with Becker, French and DeMatthew.


  1. So how long till someone uses the race card.

  2. Great another Becker cronie! Yes, I said it! I believe he is the youngest brother of "Gary the Molester".

  3. He is not Gary Becker's brother.
    Try critiquing him - positive or negative - on his own merits.

  4. S-O-O-0 he is friends with Gary!! Your point?

  5. If things need to change at a local level than he should run for City Council or County Board first, prior to running for state office. How egotistical can a person be? That is truly what we need in Madison one more arrogant politician. Don't we have enough? This is just another financial guru who will protect the wealthy and his interests. Tell me how that will keep the middle class alive? If he announces that he will not take a salary and give it back to Racine County then I would consider his bid sincere.

  6. I believe his point was "Try critiquing him - positive or negative - on his own merits."

    Or are those words to big to understand.

  7. Great, so he has the sympathy vote, the attorney vote, and the votes who still believe Becker was railroaded.

  8. This is one of those guys who is running for office to raise money in large amounts so he can use it later to run for one of those smaller races like 1:41 mentioned. That's half the reason half these idiots run.
    And, he's no democrat he's just using that so he does't upset the republican money gathering operations.

  9. Anybody who has better grammar & diction than Turner gets my vote.

  10. A Crony of the Mayor.

    Will be calling Bob to see how I can help.

  11. Brother of Becker no, cousin of Becker yes. That is a fact and he will have to address it in his campaign. I'm not saying that there is any guilt by association because you can't pick your relatives but he will need to admit they are related.

  12. why is he not a democrat??

    KAY said "he's no democrat he's just using that so he does't upset the republican money gathering operations."

  13. Anon 3:34 He may identify with the Democrat party but he has not joined the party.

  14. ok but coming from someone in a position such as KAY saying he's not a democrat and then referencing republicans sure sounds to me like she's trying to say that hes a republican. I was just curious what she was trying to say.

  15. So, let me clarify myself. When I say "he's no democrat" I mean as far as I can tell he is not a member of the democratic party, nor has been in recent history. I am also not aware of him being active in any democratic *pushes* such as working on the Obama campaign, health care reform, etc. etc.
    Add to that the fact that his first political campaign is for a statewide seat makes me think that he is unrealistic in his goal or has another agenda. I'm going with the *another agenda* reason.

  16. Why not ask the man Kay?

  17. I like Bob turner. He is down to earth and truly tries to represent his district - and Racine. Bob is an open, honest and hard-working man. He is respected by many in the community. When you talk to Bob, or hear him speak, you really feel he is "up front" and telling you like it is.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. What I find interesting is the fact that nobody looked to see if Jim DeMatthew is a member of the Democratic party. He is.

  20. Dickert is behind this for payback. IMHO he fired the members of the Cable Commission for saying no to the sweetheart no bid consultant. I wonder what he has in store for others who have stood up to King John 1?

  21. 2 plus 2 truly equals 4. Political strategy to divide and conquer. It will be interesting to see his source of support be it republican or democrat. The air stinks and given time it will all be revealed. Rock On children, BECKER is alive and well from ??? PRISON!!!!!!

  22. Anon 6:10. I'm curious, when did he join?

  23. You would think after 20 years, Turner would have learned the English language. I can't understand a word he says.

  24. I only wish I ran the democratic party........however, I have literally no control or influence over the party whatsoever. I'm just a little worker ant in a very large colony.

    I admit that I completely missed his name on the membership list. I rarely even look at it and forgot the De before the Matthew.
    I publicly apologize to Mr. DeMatthew for my error. I also apologize to everyone else that was mislead by that statement.

    I find it quite interesting that I would be listed with Scott and Penny Sharp by someone not owning up to what their real name is. That intell is worse than me stating DeMatthew is not a member of the party. Seems we have a disgruntled dem member posting here as anonymous....don't get caught, it won't work out well at all.

    And, a FYI, anyone who has ever talked to me about campaigns knows I am always opposed to primaries within the party of a sitting incumbant. Incumbants have a huge advantage and to give that advantage up in an election is just poor political strategy IMHO. Unless, of course, the incumbant is Joe Lieberman or someone else like him.

  25. Democrat's say goodbye - you are on your way out - you've caused so many issues I wonder if the country will ever recover.

  26. To Anon: 1:46 pm, the country will recover. The trouble with Republicans is that they are backward-looking, negative people who are being used by corporate America and don't even know it.They like to control people's lives from the bedroom to the boardroom. Look at the crazies who are running for office: a guy in North Carolina who believes that the Ark of the Covenant is in Arizona; a chicken lady in Nevada, Sue Lowden, who is just plain goofy. Rand Paul in Kentucky who doesn't know what the Civil Rights Bill stands for. Whatever he says now, he knows he is against it in his "heart of hearts." If this is the future of our country, God help us all! As for Turner, I will vote for him. He tells it straight.

  27. 2:25 - Can you tell me what is in the ObamaCare bill, how Democrats could approve it without even reading it, how much it will cost the country, how much our taxes will increase, where are the Dr's and nurses going to come from since there is already a shortage, how many Dr's will retire because they will not be able to stay in practice because their cut in pay and increase in malpractice premiums? Can you tell me why the economy has not improved now the the government owns the automobile industry and banks? Can you tell me how the trillions of dollars in debt will effect the lives of our children and their children? Can you tell me why he has not done anything to help the oil leak? Can you tell me why he had to wait for Arizona to in act their illegal immigrant bill before he did anything about illegals? Do you want more??? My slogan is also "Yes We Can" - remove the Democrats from office, and it is and will continue to happen.

  28. 2:25 - One more thing, I won't vote for someone who has not mastered the English language - who even knows what Turner is saying?

  29. Tim the Shrubber5/26/2010 3:12 PM

    "I only wish I ran the democratic party..."

    Kay, I wish you did also...because it would be the end of the Dems.

  30. BTW Van Wanggaard has some competition in his run against Lehman. Some Alpaca farmer from out in the county. He says Wanggaard has no balls. Lol

  31. Knowing the way Bob Turner returns calls and handles issues -- it's doubtful he'll loose his seat anytime soon.

    Every dealing I had with Robert Turner has been positive. He shows strong leadership and that's a plus for Racine.

  32. You are luckier than I am 9:07. Turner has never responded to any inquiry I have made of his office.

  33. Maybe 9:07 talks Turner's language.

  34. I'm sure.

    I did things like give him specific data about KRM and asked him to defend it....

  35. I have heard Rep Bob Turner talk many times, and I always understood what he was saying. He cares about his constituants, and always votes to benefit those he represents. Bob always seems to care for what is best for the people of Racine. He is a good man!

  36. I never hear anything that the conservatives do other than be against progress . Most of the significant legislation over the many past years was brought forth by Democrats. Let's keep this progress going and not go backwards and make America a second-rate nation. Democrats are the "Party for the people".

  37. This is a Dickert guy. Look for the Dickert machine try to get DeMatthew elected and pay back Turner for running against him.

  38. 2:54 - You might as well stay home and not vote then. Very few people can say that they've "mastered" the English language.

  39. 9:19 - I have, but Bobby sure has not - he stumbles over ever word. By the time he gets it out you don't have any idea what he said.

  40. 9:19

    Dickert trolls like yourself sicken me and make me want to work harder to remove Dickert from office.

  41. What's this have to do with Dickert - you got a guy who does know how to articulate. Dickert's your problem not mine. So it sound like you are the Troll and I suggest you do some real work. It sounds like you need the money.

  42. Dickert got one of his friends to run against his long time enemy. How hard is it to understand that? Unless of course your job is to misdirect and have us look in another direction.

  43. The direction you are looking is at a person who cannot even speak english. You need an interpreter to understand what he is saying, and then you find out it is of no value.

  44. Bob turn is a good man. He is a Vietnam Veteran and a long time public servant. Those who are making fun of the way he talks should be ashamed of themselves. He could have a physical disability that may be the cause of this problem?

    You do not vote for a person because the way he speaks. It is what he does for his constituents and community that counts!
