
May 13, 2010

Gateway cuts ribbon at Advanced Propulsion Lab

Nicholas Pinchuk, CEO of Snap-on Inc., speaks at ribbon cutting. 
Others are, from left, Jane Oates, Bryan Albrecht and Gov. Jim Doyle

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held today in Kenosha for Gateway Technical College's Advanced Propulsion Lab.

Among those present were Gov. Jim Doyle and Jane Oates, of the U.S. Dept. of Labor.

"This is a world-class center and you should be proud it is in your community," said Oates, assistant secretary of the Employment and Training Administration. "This facility is at the cutting edge."

The 12,800 sq. ft. lab is at 4940-88th Ave. in Kenosha, at the Horizon Center for Transportation Technology. It will provide training focused on diesel and related “green” technologies.

“Advanced propulsion is an all-encompassing term and this facility will provide training for qualified technicians in many different areas of the transportation industry,” said Gateway President Bryan Albrecht. Students will learn how to mix biodiesel fuel and will be trained on charging stations for vehicles powered by electricity.

Gov. Doyle said, "It is critical that we have workers trained to meet the needs of the changing world of transportation.”

Nicholas T. Pinchuk, Snap-on Incorporated chairman and CEO, said, "This is exactly what we need to compete in the global marketplace.”  Students will train on state-of-the-art Snap-on diagnostics and in a “green garage” sponsored by Snap-on which will use only sustainable or other environmentally friendly chemicals and related processes.

Other features include an engine “run” room for mimicking real-world drive conditions and a hydraulics lab for practicing what they learn.


  1. ...assistant secretary of the Employment and Training Administration...

    One more item for the "We can cut" list.

  2. Everything at Gateway is quote "state of the art". Problem is state-of-the-art, by definition, changes constantly. Gateway is constantly building and renovating. They claim to be so great because they're so quick to respond to the community's needs, but what they do is such a monumental waste of taxpayer money. They're in constant "self promotion" mode. Manufacturing jobs have left and are continuing to leave the community. Gateway needs to reassess their mission to the local taxpayers. The welding lab is a good example. The graduates of the new multi-million dollar welding lab can't even find jobs in our region. Gateway says the low employment of welding graduates is due to the fact that the graduates don't have "transporation" to get to the jobs. Bingo! The jobs aren't here. Same with this "advanced propulsion lab". Where are the graduates going to work? What Gateway is doing is spending local taxpayer money to train people who won't ever work in the local community. Nice use of our property taxes.
