
May 22, 2010

Dickert's 'plan' gets its own YouTube parody

John Dickert's statement earlier this week that the "10-year-plan" that was the centerpiece of his successful campaign for mayor last year is... well, somewhat ephemerel -- "The document is in my head. I have not written out the 10-year plan anywhere," is what he said -- has come in for quick and predictable criticism. Like Dustin's, here.

But that was Tuesday. Today it's become the subject of parody, and put on YouTube for the world to see. John Polodna wrote the following ditty, and created what he calls "a fitting tribute to my heart we are already a Top Ten City."

You can listen and watch here. John's complete lyrics are below.

Here is the link.

Sung to the tune of  He's got the whole world in his hands.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.
   His top ten plan in his head.
   Locked up tight in his head.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   He went to the mountain for the plan.
   Climbed that big ol mountain for the plan.
   Found NO children's fountain in the plan.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   There were cop houses in the plan.
   New cop houses in the plan.
   No flop houses in the plan.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   All goodness is detected in the plan
   His city is selected in the plan
   He is re-elected in the plan.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   There's a lot of boasting in the plan.
   There's no EPA or OSHA in the plan.
   We're even better than Kenosha in the plan.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   There's a lot of talk in the plan.
   Not a lot of chalk in the plan.
   Golden sidewalks in the plan.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   All brownfields are in the plan.
   Turned to bountiful yield in the plan.
   But NO Mike Shields in the plan.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   It's the latest scoop in the plan.
   The real poop in the plan.
   Lots of chicken coops in the plan.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   Lots of seeds and stems in the plan.
   Plenty o' old time Dems in the plan.
   Shiny new KRM in the plan.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   He took it on the chin for the plan.
   Stayed real thin for the plan.
   Delivered recycling bins for the plan.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   There's a North Beach trolley in the plan.
   For folley and falderal in the plan.
   Lots of girls volleyball in the plan.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.

   Secret and alive is the plan.
   In overdrive is the plan.
  On CAR 25 is the plan.
  He's got the whole plan in his head.

   He's got the whole plan in his head.
   His top ten plan in his head.
   Locked up tight in his head.
   He's got the whole plan in his head.


  1. I think that his head is definately over capacity.

  2. This video was brilliant,

  3. See John you might be able to control CAR 25 but not the internet.
    Now the whole world can know what we think of you and the poor job your doing.
    Going to be sending links to this to everyone I can think of.
    Oh, I understand that George Meyers is working on some too.

  4. Free Speech at it finest

  5. Where is one on Paul Ryan?

  6. Many videos on that great man. Lets get back to today's entertainment the end of John Dickert as mayor

  7. It is pretty absurd that he thinks he can tell us the plan is in his head and that we would buy that. Great video!

  8. Is this the same John Polonda that worked with disgraced Dem Party Chair Kurt Vlanch?

    Remember he was the guy who had to resign as party chair for disgusting photo's on the internet.

  9. Dickert Trolls are a foot!! I think that Mr. Polonda had nothing to do with what Vlanch did. Try harder Trolls, you guy is going down!
    Hell I vote for Mason before I vote for Dickert

  10. actually he did. It's documented. BTW: If you understood from Norse Mythology what a troll is you would consider your statement to be quite incorrect. You sir..are part of Hanlon's razor.

  11. Actually yes, John Polodna was a big part of the Dem party takeover plot by Kurt Vlach and I do believe they had documentation regarding that.
    Besides losing all respect I might have had for John Polodna back then, isn't he currently on a city committee? I hope that if he is, he had the sense to resign from the committee before creating this video as it's always been my understanding a city committee member is supposed to represent the city.

  12. Grandma Ruth5/23/2010 2:07 PM

    At least he claims to have a vision for Racine. More than some of the idiots that post here do. I thought that people commenting on that Delagrave person was interesting but I guess when some people have a vendetta this makes a better story. I am so sorry I live here. At least my grandkids who live elsewhere are away from these people.

  13. Hanlon's Razor, got that right exposing the fool that is the Mayor!
    What city Committee is Polodna on? Not The Cable Commission, oh someone ask The Mayor why one of his new appointees could not make her first meeting?
    Yes Dickert,you might control CAR 25 you do not control the Internet.

  14. Anon 2:43. I was referencing you. You have issues with the mayor. More than anything political - it's personal. Your hate is a disease on this community.

  15. "Anonymous said...

    actually he did. It's documented. BTW: If you understood from Norse Mythology what a troll is you would consider your statement to be quite incorrect. You sir..are part of Hanlon's razor. "

    lame comeback. maybe dickhert gets his 10 year plan ideas from you too.

    funny how you point out mythology like you're the smart guy when you're *ignorant* of what an internet troll is.

  16. Thinking what isd the Mayor doing tonight? Watch Lost no, he is thinking how does he get back at John Polodna. What Crony will he ask to do the job.
    Like he has done with others would do not bow before John I King of Racine its all about getting even.
    Well the way he is running the City he has shown he get even with us his own "Nero Decree" .

  17. What crony will get back at him? You seem to have all the answers.

  18. "Johnnie Boy" send a copy of this to your boy Barrack!!!

  19. John will move quickly to end the public access to CAR 25 before this sort of thing shows up there.
    I am sure he will call Barrack and cry about needing a new job. Dickert knows what is coming, unemployment.

  20. The pink iphone man secretary strikes again.

  21. The man sitting in his underwear ready to rule the world commenting again.

  22. John Polodna has done more than 38 videos that have shown on CAR 25 - his works are creative, humorous and factual. He is a treasure that helps keep the GREAT city of Racine out thee. John Dickert is also making a super effort to make Racine a nice place to live in and visit. Come on bloggers - you can get more lpositive things with honey than vinegar. I believe in getting behind good efforts and making them successful.

  23. Like remove John Dickert as Mayor! That be a great thing!

  24. Anon 4:42 There you go again

  25. Did Becker get a video?
