
May 18, 2010

Commentary: The missing 10-year plan

The JT's Stephanie Jones has a story about Mayor John Dickert's missing 10-year plan. Here's the key quote from the mayor:
The document is in my head. I have not written out the 10-year plan anywhere ... the plan is constantly in a changing mode.
That's an amazing statement. Not only does Dickert not have a 10-year plan, other than shifting thoughts in his head, he's not concerned about not having a plan. It's a remarkably honest admission from a politician who is ignoring his No. 1 campaign promise. 

It's hard to see the strategy here. Dickert ran as the candidate who had a long-range plan to help Racine, but hasn't delivered on that project. It's becoming the mayor's defining trait. He promised to bring jobs to the city, but has created few, if any. He promised to bring development to the city, but every commercial project that's come forward has failed or is on life support. 

Dickert's main accomplishment in office is this year's budget, which held the line on property taxes, maintained most city services and  implemented the blue recycling bins to cut down on the city's garbage bill. 

But the city's 2011 budget will be tougher. Stimulus money is drying up and property values declined citywide this year. The mayor and City Council will likely have to increase property taxes or cut services to balance the budget. Either will be difficult in an election year. 

The lack of a "10-year plan" may be worse. First, it's a catchy slogan any opponent will be able to run with. I can already see the campaign lit in the mail: "Where's the 10-year plan?" Simple. Devastating. The plan is something directly under the mayor's control and came directly from his mouth. No one asked him to create a 10-year plan. He said he would do it, and hasn't followed through. Politicians often make promises they can't keep, but this is hard to overlook. 

Second, it's not that hard to write a 10-year plan - unless you're afraid of being held accountable, or you don't have any ideas. We met with the mayor back in October and asked him about the non-existent plan. We even took his ideas and laid them out into what, conceivably, could be be a 10-year plan. It took about an hour's worth of time. The writing is easy. It's the having your ideas pinned down that's difficult. 

Third, it's just a plain old lack of leadership. We've heard from several people that the mayor is tired of being bogged down with the details of running city government. He's a "big picture" guy searching out a $40 million deal with a Chinese developer" or trying to lure a company to town that will bring jobs. You should see his desk, they say. It's covered with projects and work he's pursuing. That's all great, but this isn't the time for ideas.

The mayor, and others, seem to have a vision of an outside savior coming in to save the local economy and return Racine to a time when major companies gave high school graduates high-paying jobs for life. That isn't our city any more. Racine is a mid-sized, ex-industrial city that's losing population. He talks about building homes and pursing lucrative housing developments with out-of-town money, but the local housing market is flooded with people and banks trying to sell and developers aren't building anywhere. 

On a personal level, I like the mayor. He's a good, nice man who cares about the city and the people who live here. But as a citizen and a local political observer, I'm mystified. The mayor seems to be running a textbook pre-campaign on how to weaken an incumbent and entice potential opponents. Instead of scaring people out of the race, like Gary Becker did back in 2007, Dickert seems intent on convincing as many people as possible that they can run and win next spring. 

Maybe I'm dead wrong. Maybe Dickert is taking the hit now on his 10-year plan so it's old news by next year. Maybe he will land a major development or bring in a pile of jobs. Maybe this is the end of a bumpy first year for a politician learning the ropes.

Even so, it's time for the mayor to get his ideas down on paper for the world to see. Grab your buddies, get together in the basement, take out a blank sheet of paper and actually lay out a plan to improve Racine. If you can't do that, you can't lead. If you can't do that, you won't have to worry about next April because you won't make it through February. 

Update: Reading comments here and at the JT, readers appear to be unanimously upset about the mayor's missing 10-year plan. Out of 80+ comments, I haven't seen one defending the mayor.

Update 2: The mayor's online chat at the JT is finished. Interesting that he twice mentioned he'd be rolling out his plans in the "RJT." Interesting to see the mayor buddying up the with the paper, and apparently, the paper returning the love.


  1. Dustin your commetary on this issue was nothing less than devine!!! Bravo my friend Bravo.

  2. WOW

    Never saw this coming.

    As well the Mayor will take heat about his goal to mare CAR 25 the John Dickert is God channel, hiring the PIO in a no bid contract and His idea on the new "Point Blue" development. In a housing glut who is going to buy those homes? What is in Racine to draw them? Surly not the Uptown not the bars Downtown there are no new companies in Racine hiring his buds from The PRC are in Mt Pleasant and we in Racine know the record of the PRC doing business.
    The Mayor IMO needs to call Obama not for money but a new job He is going to need it.

  3. I have a plan to cure cancer, but I'm keeping it a secret

  4. On the bright side, Dickert's friends and relatives got sweet jobs at the taxpayer's expense......

  5. When you aren't willing to write down a plan it tells us you aren't willing to be held accountable. When you aren't willing to be held accountable you shouldn't be elected mayor. Seeing that Dickert isn't willing to be held accountable he will not be re-elected as mayor. The public is tired of being fooled by shell game politics at every level of government. It will be a bad time to restart you real estate career John.

  6. Looks like Racine is still looking for a leader!

  7. Tim the Shrubber5/19/2010 8:15 AM

    Well, there is no doubt that it is politically pretty stupid to promise a 10-year-plan and then not deliver.

  8. dickert came up with the "10-year Plan" catch-phrase for no other reason than to lure voters in. He has been bombarded with requests for a full year asking him to provide an outline for it, as has been obvious on this blog site. dickert cares only about dickert, getting his family and friends city jobs, and playing "higher-stakes" in the real estate game. He promised not to raise taxes, yet every home is taxed $20 for these stupid recycle bins (apartment buildings are taxed $20 for each apartment in the unit) plus an additional $20 "fee" for the bins and he is in favor of the KRM which will significantly increase taxes. He plays games with TIF money to feed his pet projects instead of letting the entire city benefit from it, he wants to waste $300,000.00 on a stupid splash pad when the police department is having trouble meeting its financial needs.

    Lie, lie, lie, nepotism, smooth talking, say anything they want to hear to get the vote, buy out the sign industry and plaster the town with your name, because he knows people will vote based on name recognition, gavel down anyone who opposes him in the city council, ignore the vast majority of taxpayers when they want a controversial item brought up for referendum. Not to mention “no bid” and backroom deals.

    When are you people going to realize that dickert is not your friend, not a leader, not a good mayor and doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else except for his family and personal friends. He just wants to be king of the hill and never did and never will have a 10-year Plan. He just sucked you in and now sits on this throne looking down at everyone. Good grief folks!

  9. This is just pathetic....It should be no shock to anyone why Racine is in the condition it's in with this kind of poor leadership. The guy has done NOTHING to improve this community. He has givin all his friends jobs and hurt many in the process. In all seriousness, he really should just resign and allow someone with honesty and integrety to run this city the way we deserve. This city is going down fast, we need to do something now... total epic fail on part of the so called mayor, just pathetic..

  10. We in Mt. Pleasant got rid of two incumbent trustees John Hewitt and Ken Flones because all they wanted to do is spend, spend, spend and they had no new ideas of their own. These positions by these two former elected trustees have placed a heavy burden on the tax payers of Mt. Pleasant and would have continue to be a heavy load if the smart residents of Mt Pleasant hadn't removed these two long time big spenders. Racine residents: Continue to keep close track of what is going on in your community and if/when Mayor Dickert is a problem, get rid of him. No politician is safe in their seats as evident from what happened in the last election in Mt. Pleasant and what is going on across the country. We elect you we can also get you out of office. Get a citizen's group together like Mt Pleasant did with some strong direction and begin to remove Dickert and any of his cohorts who are not doing the job. It is up to you Racine!

  11. Mayor's been very good if you know him. Two friends have nice city jobs, and if he starts the new Lakefront development project just see how much tax money he can spend on pals.
    Unless someone steps up soon to run Dickert walks into another term

  12. How do you start a recall of a mayor? I beleive Dickert to be purely unprofesional and unethical. He has mislead all the public and lied to all of us. He has failed this city miserably and should either step down or be removed.

  13. Dickert & Freidel must go now! If we are to have any sense of leadership or integrity. C'mon people it's time!

  14. It's time for Mayor Slick-Hair to resign. (Don't worry--his Waxpals plus the rest of the cruds who run and ruin Racine will see that he continues to enjoy an upper-middle class lifestyle even if his house-pimping business folds.)

  15. A bad mayor can have a large influence on a city within a very short amount of time. When a city population bands together, it can recall a mayor who is found to be corrupt, incompetent or unfit to lead. The trend of recalling wayward mayors in the US has been steady since the 1950s.

  16. Recall Mayor Slick-Hair NOW!

  17. A recall is silly. We must act to find and elect a new Mayor. One with no ties to the DRC,RCEDC,or RAMAC, time for the good old boys to hit the road!

  18. Yes, recall Dickert. Then Jeff Coe can be our interim mayor. These are our options. God save us and our city.

  19. Tim the Shrubber5/19/2010 8:49 AM

    Recall? Really? By the time you could get that organized the next election will near be here anyway.

    Your time would the better spent recruiting a candidate to run in that election.

  20. Dickert=lies, corruption, arrogance, ignorance. WAKE UP RACINE! It's time!

  21. At least Coe has integrity and is honest.

  22. I see the Dicker trolls and the City PIO are at work.
    Perhas you be better off getting the Mayor to outline on paper his ten year plan, however that would mean he have to have one.

  23. You say he cares about people, yet you point out he has lied to us over and over. Liars do not care about others, they only care about themselves. You are defined by what you DO, not by what you say. Bah! You guys liked Becker, too - a drunk pedo.

  24. Mr. Block, you can't possibly be this naive so please stop the feigned outrage. The reason for a mental-version-only of the ten year plan is a typical management style - anything good that happens, "hey that was part of my plan!" - anything bad that happens, "hey that wasn't part of my plan and we couldn't have known blah blah blah".

  25. How many jobs can Dickert give his family and friends and how much money in lawsuits to his friends can he do in a year. That is a lot of damage by the time the next election rolls around.

  26. Almost forgot: party on, LYING John!

  27. "Almost forgot: party on, LYING John!"


  28. Glad the Mt Pleasant change was brought up. The new village board is already holding the staff accountable like hasn't been seen in years. The days of rubber stamping spending sprees is over. The staff seems to not have heard the voters message but 4 board members sure heard the voters.

    Milkie and the old bunch don't know how to react to someone saying no to them. Come back with cost savings and stay in budget are new words that are clearly being fought by the staff.

    Racine give strong change a try. It can be done. It took Mt Pleasant 3 elections but it has been done.

  29. Orbs Corbs - give your real name. You are just as lame

  30. It is going to be fun to see the reactions of Mt Pleasant residents when they start hearing phrases like "Sorry, but due to cutbacks the X office is now only open from 9 to noon four days a week. You will have to come back at a differnet time."

  31. Anonymous 10:07 - click on my avatar and email me. I will meet with you. I have met with others. We get together regularly to discuss events in Racine and our lives. Please join us.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Go, Mayor John Dickert! You indeed represent the "party of yes we can" -you are Mr. Positive and will make Racine better.

  34. Some years ago, a gentleman running for mayor (he did not make it)was asked about his vision for the city...he replied "Oh, I don't have one yet, but I have wanted to be mayor since I was ten years old." That's a foolish comment.

    Now we have elected a man who can't seem to get started; I too have wished him well, though he did not get my vote. What bothers me also is that he has the "assistant mayor," Tom Friedel. What are the shared, or separate, responsibilities, and what's going on so far. Looks like the only work of note so far is John Antaramian's grant-writing success.

    Mayor Smith never had a helper getting $95K plus per year? What does it all mean? Let's change things. Mayor Dickert, get going. Work on your plan. Articulate your vision!

    And if you did not vote in the last election, don't complain, please.

  35. After seeing all the puff pieces in the JT it is good to see someone take the gloves off and call it like they (correctly) see it regarding the Mayor. Nice job Dustin.

  36. Thanks for keeping a somewhat unbiased stance this time. i know it's hard for you guys when a liberal is involved.

  37. snakes and gators at the zoo and city hall. The ones at city hall are getting to be very expensive to feed and keep.

    The saying is don't wish your life away but next April's election can't comes soon enough.

  38. Shoulda called it a vision.

  39. Dickert is NO liberal.

    He is a politico. Wants the job, loves the spotlight, but no core comprehension of what his municipal leadership ought to look like.

    He's a chameleon in a starched white shirt, but he leans right, business right, Chamber of Commerce/RAMAC right, so... he's really a moderate Republicrat, comprende?

  40. The J-T/Mayor are screening questions too bad be a good thing to have an open exchange. This IMHO like so much the Mayor does is just for PR

  41. Dickert is tool of the Waxtrash Corporate Crime Family, a John-Swine Pig-Puppet if ever there were one. Neeeded: A MAYOR WITH NO TIES TO THE HOUSE OF WAX AND ITS MONEY-MONSTERS AT RAMAC, DRC AND OTHER THINLY-DISGUISED OUTPOSTS OF THE CORRUPT CARNAUBA COURT.

  42. Tim the Shrubber5/19/2010 12:52 PM


    So, your are saying that we need to elect a mayor from outside the area...perhaps even someone from another state. I mean we will probably have to go that far to find someone who is reasonably capable, would want the job, and has no ties to groups like Johnson Wax, RAMAC, DRC, the current city gov't, etc.

    I mean there is not a huge pool of uninvolved talent just sitting around untapped in Racine. If someone lives in Racine and has ability and the possible inclination to be mayor, then they probably already have some sort of connection to these 'hated' groups.

  43. Tim the Shrubber5/19/2010 12:59 PM

    "Shoulda called it a vision."

    What...I actually agree with Randolph? Hah...what a day!

  44. The next mayor doesn't need to be a walking brain trust or a prodigy. If he's honest and free from WAX, he'll do just fine.

  45. 10:41 - I don't know of anyone that wants to link themselves with "Yes We Can".Unless you mean yes we can by bankrupting the country. The big bailouts and Obama Care (many of those that voted for it did not even read it)will be the demise of this country and democracy. The sooner we get these idiots out of Washington the better. Since this past fall - the tide is changing quickly.

  46. To the last Mt Pleasant blog. The only group being told to come back by the new Village Board is the staff when they propose a fire station that is nearly 50% over budget. There haven't been service cuts just staff being held accountable for their actions.

    I realize accountability is a new word over there but that is what it sounds like.

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. Hear the take of Storm Racine on blog talk radio on the first year of the Mayor

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    live at 9:00 AM

  51. Everyone pisses and moans about the state of our city and lack of leadership. Is it a shock to anyone that a politician doesn't keep promises or doesn't want to be held accountable? It is up to us as citizens of Racine to make the community better. It is easier to point fingers at a politician than to look in the mirror though.

  52. The one big event that would have developed many new jobs in Racine was canceled because it lacked support from our community leaders/organizations. The city will spend thousands of dollars to try and attract large business, only to fail.

    Last year someone came along and offered to host a Franchise & Business Opportunity Show at Festival Park (Which would have been this weekend, May 22) - But the exhibitor had to cancel because the city and community leaders would not endorse it.

    The economy will come back to life because of small business. Our mayor should be doing everything possible to encourage this, yet he did nothing when the opportunity was presented to him.

  53. One day I was having coffee at Dunn Brothers and overheard the mayor scolding a group of people for wanting to move the Walden III School into Downtown. I believe it was the Zahn's building or the Post Office that was under discussion.

    They seemed to try and defend their desire for this but he would not take the time to sit down with them and listen. It seems he has plans for those buildings and wanted these parents to stop their efforts. Is there more to this?

    Maybe the mayor's plans are in his head, as I have not heard of alternate plans for these two facilities.

  54. The only Dickert plans for the Zahn's building or the Point Blue land is to line his own pockets.

  55. The mayor certainly isn't a smooth politician. But he's a good and honest man, and he deserves the benefit of the doubt. He's doing what he knows, and he's learning on the job, just as any anyone in a new position would have to do. He's asking citizens and businesses for ideas. Clearly Racine is on a downward spiral and I challenge any of you to come up with some real workable ideas to improve our community. I can't count the number of times I've read comments complaining that he's hired his friends. How in the world is that bad?? Hire people you know and trust. Sounds normal to me. You want the mayor to support new businesses yet at the same time you want him to have no ties to the Downtown Racine Corporation and RAMAC? Ridiculous.

  56. A "good and honest man" does not LIE!

    We are tired of being lied to by politicians. 80% of the country is ticked off at government because it lies and lies to us. So, what does Dickert do? He lies about a ten year plan.

    Liars out of office! We are sinking fast. We cannot afford anymore liars and their lies.

  57. I believe John Dickert to be a good and decent man with great intentions. However I simply disagree with his methods, and I THINK I disagree with his 10 year Plan.

    Of course we want to have new businesses interested in coming to our city. We should not be throwing carrots, (TIFS and sweetheart deals), at the businesses interested in moving here, nor should we be beating those businesses already here with Sticks, (excessive Taxes and Govt. intervention). We need to get Govt. micro-management out of the way, lower taxes and reduce the idea that govt. is the solution to our problems. As Reagan Said: It's not the solution it's the PROBLEM!

    But the idea that his 10 year plan is in his head, and the media has allowed him to pull this crap off for over a year is a dis-service to all of us! It's time Mr. Mayor to write it we can fairly judge your "plan". I have an imaginary Castle with Unicorns swimming in my moat, vote for me?? C'mon we are all grown ups. Put it out there for your voters to analyze.

    BTW Mr. Mayor if your "plan" is to keep Walden off the Square..I support that decision! See how easy that was?

  58. Help us understand why you would not want a small high school on the square?

  59. Anonymous 11:48am: We're so tired of hearing your whining "lies, lies and more lies". Why don't you do something productive with your incessant outrage.

  60. News flash to everyone complaining about how taxes are preventing businesses from moving to Racine. Taxes are not Racine's number one problem. We have much bigger problems, not the least of which is our off-the-beaten-path location, and our history of low-skilled manufacturing jobs that are leaving and are not coming back. The same jobs that settled Racine and resulted in its growth are now causing its demise. Racine has got to stop pipe dreaming about attracting manufacturing jobs. Stopping our local tax dollars from funding our increasingly expensive, overpaid technical college that is training our citizens for jobs that don't exist could be step number one.

  61. Bottom line is: "If you were a business looking to relocate to Racine, would you trust the likes of Dickert, Freidel and O'Connell?" They are just all shady, dishonest and arrogant. Until we rid this city of this type of government we are doomed.

  62. I don't wish a "small high school" which is a Public school. if a smart entrepreneur wants to purchase and renovate the building into a PRIVATE self-funded school I would welcome that.
    I would also support a School Choice school paid in part with vouchers. Walden has a building, which might need a lot of work but would be worthless if we abandoned the building. As long as people are willing to go to great lengths to get their kids into the Walden program it means that demand is up...thus we are reaching the education "customer" we need.

    Waldenites are the "Green Schoolers". Isn't it better for the planet to continue to "re-cycle" the current Walden building? Imagine the Eco foot-print when we tear down the Walden building and then the city decides to go in and spend a bunch of "Stimulus Money" we don't have to build houses we don't need, and will result in de-valuing of other homes in our community. It's just backwards. Allow a private business to purchase the Zahn's building and then keep the City Govt. micro-managers out of the process as much as possible!

  63. Wasnt there a former alderman that was going to run for mayor? I can't remember his name, he owns a couple of businesses. He would be a could mayor having business experience and all.

  64. Well get ready Downtown Brown... on top of all the new RUSD construction contained in the Fall 2010 referendum, you're about to see an increased Gateway property tax levy, coupled with an RUSD referendum asking for millions of dollars to build a new public "Gateway high school" on Lake Ave/8th Street. If that isn't a waste of taxpayer money I don't know what is.

  65. When only 18% of the registered voters of Racine take the time to participate in the process, people like Dickert are elected.

    Stop complaining and get in the booth and vote!

    Heck, maybe you can even get Jamel "Chuck Chambliss" Guhari and Jim Smith to lead the GOTV effort for the next mayoral election! What a pair they make...bookend losers.

  66. Write down the 10 year plan so that we can all get behind the plan. It is bordering on moronic to say it is in your head and changes. That is definition of Not planning. We have all these wonderful resources and talented people who can help develope the thoughts in your head to a real plan. Otherwise stuff just works out and you go hey that was my plan. Silly rabbit.

  67. I voted for Dickert thinking he was the best out of the folks running and I stand by that position,but I believe Racine needs more. When will someone qualified to hold this position step up. The problem is the pay, no one worth a damn is going to run for a position that pays less than a school teacher.

    Having spent a long time in business, I know a ten year plan is rediculous, in this economic climate we need to think about solving immediate problems with an eye on the future. Racine has far too many immediate problems lets get solutions with a solid plan for moving forward. While at it get rid of that adminitrative position and find a pro city planner with proven credentials and no ties to anyone.

  68. So why and what makes you stand by your vote? Recognize that you at least made a mistake voting. I voted for this moron and I now suffer from voters remorse and vow not to make the same mistake.

  69. The mayor makes close to $70k. Not only is that more than a school teacher that is certainly more than the failed realtor ever made in a year.

  70. There is a bigger picture that most are missing, in my opinion.

    Racine is but a relatively small city between two very large population zones. Heck, they all are but merged the way most of them act today. But there is more consider.

    When you consider that all cities have some pretty big issues coming simultaneously, you might then get a handle on how difficult it will become to deal with these issues.

    Specifically look at the following list:

    1. Climate change.
    2. Peak Oil.
    3. The collapse of the oceans.
    4. Deforestation
    5. Food crisis
    6. World population.
    7. The resultant economic crisis we have yet to see.

    Some have a direct impact here and some do not. But taken as a whole we are part of the mix that will have a trickle down path that will impact our local economy and our individual lives. Heck, even the Federal government can not deal with these issues effectively. But we all will feel the effects of the above list eventually. More than likely sooner rather than later.

    So, if that is the list you are looking for maybe we can work together to become a more resilient community by offering positive ideas which will help and not hinder progress. Yes, if the Mayor suggested he has a plan he should own up to it. But gang, we are all in this together. The sooner we start talking like we are together the sooner we will be able to effectively plan for the changes that are coming. It is better to plan for change than be taken by surprise.

    A meeting of Transition Racine will be held on June 5, 2010 to help form an initiative here to plan for the future changes and our response to them. 11:00am at Perkins restaurant (by Shopko) It will be a positive forum with a speaker from Transition Milwaukee. Let's try to come together to plan for our future and your children's future. It will take more than a Mayor to handle these problems. It will take the entire community. Thanks


    Very funny video on this subject. Hats off to John P. for doing the how and the Post for posting the story.

  72. Rees - you've got to be kidding. None of the things mentioned are potential problems - oh, by the way, where's Al Gore - what a joke. He made milions because of clowns like you. You forgot one other item. The world is coming to an end.

  73. Hey Reese;

    Our city Council and Mayor CAN NOT spend millions of dollars to chase after your and Al GORE'S Windmills. We need to be fiscally responsible in our City so we can afford to provide the ESSENTIAL services that are REQUIRED as part of the Municipal Charter.

    Now after we save you and your Lefty friends lots of money because of your newly lowered taxes. Which I'm sure will sadden you. But do not fear.. you all can get together and pool your saved tax money to support whatever cause makes you "Feel Good." Same thing applies at the School, County, State and Federal level.


  74. Mr. Brown:

    Can you please point out to me where I mentioned we should spend millions of dollars? Or even one cent? I believe what I said and I quote myself:

    "if that is the list you are looking for maybe we can work together to become a more resilient community by offering positive ideas which will help and not hinder progress."

    Also, "The sooner we start talking like we are together the sooner we will be able to effectively plan for the changes that are coming. It is better to plan for change than be taken by surprise."

    The key is to "Plan" for change. For example, think what might happen if an unstable government which controls a lot of oil which we import suddenly has some reason to stop sending us those imports. What do we do? Do we scream and holler? Do we jump up and down in anger? How will that help?

    If, on the other hand we come up with some kind of plan on what our community should do if confronted with such an event.....wouldn't that be better than be taken by surprise and no plan at all?

    That is just an example of what I am attempting to get across. However, some wish only to believe I am trying to say the sky is falling. Nothing is further from the actual truth.

    You need to understand that I am NOT for spending our way out of these problems. But I am for talking and planning about such events because like in the 1970's we could find ourselves stuck with either long gas lines, very high prices at the gas pump or both.

    So how do we deal with these kind of issues? Do we just stick our heads in the sand and think it won't happen? Do some research. Google the term "Peak Oil" or go to YouTube and likewise search for the same phrase. You will have much to ponder. It was an eye opener for me as I believe it would be for most reasonable people. Or click on my name which will take you to the Transition Wisconsin site.

    The world is not coming to an end. But we might need to relearn skills our grand fathers knew well as we descend into the terminal decline of oil.

    Just like every oil well ever drilled, an oil field, an oil producing country as well as the entire world's output of petroleum can and will decline after it's peak is reached. That is why we need to talk about and plan what our community wishes to do when we find ourselves in those circumstances.

    I recognize this subject can be difficult to deal with. But if we don't talk about these issues, the alternative is to just have a knee jerk reaction to whatever comes. I just can not help but think that would not be very pleasant.

    So, which is it? Complain to me that we come up with plans or complain that the Mayor has a plan which doesn't exist? You can not have it both ways.

  75. Rees Roberts from the Wisconsin Relators Board? BAHAHAHAHA go cry to your pal Dickert


    Never ever met Dickert.
    Never have sold a house. A computer, yup I have sold those 20 years ago. I'm retired now. Disabled too.

    Too funny. But my message was serious. Did you do your Google look up as I suggested?
