
May 6, 2010

City gets $1 million EPA brownfield grant

Racine has been awarded a $1 million brownfield grant from the Environmental Protection Agency.

The revolving loan fund grant will be used to clean up contaminated land in Racine to prepare it for development, according to Mayor John Dickert. (One site the city might use the money for is the former Walker Manufacturing site along the lake, for which the city has already managed to extend TIF #2 to provide ongoing funds for "environmental remediation.")

Through the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2002, the EPA is working to help states and communities around the country cleanup and revitalize brownfield sites. Racine will work with Deborah Orr, EPA's regional brownfield coordinator, to negotiate a cooperative agreement.

For Racine to attract developers or businesses, Dickert said, "it is imperative to give them a clean site to work with. A contaminated site is an immediate turn-off."


  1. Good work Mayor Dickert. Take that negative bloggers!

  2. This is old news....this means virtually nothing, sorry to break it to you.

  3. Let's hope the City Fathers use the money properly. I pray that they'll utilize it constructively and refrain from purchasing art with it! We don't need any more $50,000.00 chunks of Nic Noblique's scrap metal.

  4. it is old news and will be used to try to restart Point Blue

  5. OINK - OINK - Prime WI pork!

  6. Maybe this is why they are pushing to have all the street's in that area to be repaved at a huge assessment to the area property owner's.
    Gotta make it look pretty!

  7. I hope the Post looks into this, be very interesting if this investment can be link to the Mayor getting some money on the deal or say the old head of the RDA

  8. Would like to see Pugh's developing a RIVER WALK along that north side and use their three old historic buildings --- now that the Fergus deal went sour.

    The city should revisit the idea of a Museum at the Walker site. They canned it because of greed!

    Mayor Dickert -- build our destination museum on the lakefront -- Give people a reason to visit Racine again. The plans were all done. We just need a visionary to push them. Think of the asset to have hundreds of thousands of people visiting Racine again!!

  9. "We just need a visionary to push them." That would not be John Dickert. IMHO all his ideas are how to make money for himself and hurt anyone that does not agree with him.

  10. How are the " Hundred's of thousand's of people"
    going to get here. WE HAVE NO TRAIN!

  11. 10:55

    1) They are not coming to crime filled high unemployment slum city
    2) If they were they DRIVE

  12. Anon 9:11-

    Pete and Dustin are friends with Mayor Dickert. There will be no story. GUARANTEED!

  13. Washington takes our money and then doles it out to those deserving.

    What makes any of you think the city should be in the business of building museums?

    The city should unload that land to the highest bidder. Pretty soon you sheeple will allow the city to tell you what kind of garbage can to use.

  14. Where are all you Dickert naysayers -I'm not a strong proponent of Dickert, but he should deserve some credit for this.

  15. Did that grant hunter the city hired finally get a grant or was this something in the works from long ago. Seems to me she isn't producing....

  16. Why should John Dickert take credit for this money when Gary Becker was the Mayor that applied for the grant. Is there anything that Dickert can take credit for that was done when Owen Davies was Mayor?

  17. Only thing in Dickert history that he'll be able to take credit for is his stupid proclaimation days and being the absoluted worse mayor in Racine's history.

  18. Are they considering a basic IQ requirement for this site? Maybe it's time.

  19. Hooray, a million of our tax dollars granted to City Hall to give away to cronies!

    Hooray, John Dickert spends our money!

    Hooray, hooray!

  20. These comments are ridiculous. Are the kids home from school or something? Sure sounds childlike to me.

  21. Looks like the latest tactic from the Dickert city employees (family) is to poo poo the comments on here. How about if Dickert actually does his job? That may make the comments better.

  22. So, if I understand some of you trolls, there is no good purpose for spending any government money on anything, even preparing polluted sites to bring jobs. Our city has very limited clean available land to promote jobs.

    But if we bring federal money to help us attract jobs, he is wasting YOUR money? Again, if Racine didn't apply and win this money, someone else would have won. If we didn't win, a Mayor somewhere else would be making this announcement.

    And someone else would have spent YOUR money. How is that better?

    So when you are done hating on every elected official past and present, open an economics textbook and learn simple economics.

    The money will be spent here or elsewhere. And that is not Dickert's fault.

  23. Good for Racine, and THANKS go not to really specifically to Friedel or Dickert, but to John Antaramian, former smart and successful, visionary mayor of Kenosha. HE IS THE GRANT PERSON on contract here...regardless of who else may be on staff, and he knows how to get these dollars. He's probably the kind of person who just gets the job done, does not need accolades.

    Thank you, John!

  24. Well Mayor Becker did a good job in getting Racine this grant. I am not shocked that Dickert will take credit for the work. After all soon via CAR 25 it will become the John Dickert Network where all goods things are from John and all bad things are the fault of others.
    We will get to know why more Fees and Taxes are good for us and why we need him for Mayor.
    Perhaps we will have to have a chip in our homes to insure we watch the John Dickert Network, All Hail John Dickert

  25. Interesting how Racine bought up all the land they could to open the view of Lake Michigan and preserved it as public space. Then in last 20 years the mind set has focused on greed and how can we develop it into a place for Rich to have condos.

    I guess Pooh pooh to the average folks! It's the deep pockets that can enjoy the Harbor views.

    I just wonder what kind of taxes they pay on Gas Light Point. I'm sure there was some deal cutting there! I'll bet 10 cents on the dollar compared to regular house taxes.

    The land would have been bought and payed for without tax payers money!

    Samuel C. Johnson gave the Heritage Museum 1.4 million to buy the site. But the Scott Fergus deal and his good old boy crap -- killed it.

    Then you had a moron who said -- Hey! We got a old garbage dump down buy the old Elk's Club. How about that? It's right downtown! Oh boy ----- what a deal.

    That's when Racine kissed a multi-million dollar tourist attraction --- GOODBYE!

    You just have to love the - people running the show here.
