
May 9, 2010

Chris Wright to kick-off Assembly campaign May 17

Chris Wright will formally kick off his campaign for the 62nd Assembly District seat now held by Cory Mason on Monday, May 17. The event, free and open to the public, will be held at Mike and Angelo’s, 6214 Washington Ave., from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

“I’m excited about beginning the campaign and getting to meet the people of the 62nd district,” said Wright. “I believe that the leadership in Madison has lost touch with the people they have been elected to represent. I am committed to changing that when I am elected.”

The district consists of Sturtevant, Elmwood Park, most of Mount Pleasant and parts of southern and western Racine.

“I commit to working to improve the business climate, reducing the tax burden and bringing integrity back to Madison,” said Wright.

Wright has been a Sturtevant trustee for three years. Mason has been in the Assembly since 2006.


  1. Why is he running? Business in Racine is for KRM to help with the business climate so I can safety say he is for high speed rail. If not his press release is a lie.

  2. Actually, anon, there are plenty of businesses in Racine that are against KRM - coincidentally, some of them are downtown. All we ever hear about are the high profile businesses in favor that the news media chooses to highlight.

  3. Then they should say something instead of being so quiet. I read alternative news sites and I don't see them speaking out to them

  4. Is his voting record consistent with a communist or conservative?

  5. Anon 6:40= Ken Brown or Denis Navratil.

    Sorry, but the businesses who hire hundreds of people have more influence than you and your small (but lovely) stores.

  6. The Translator5/10/2010 8:30 AM

    Thank you for running against Mason, Chris. I am glad that we will have a conservative, pro taxpayer candidate that actually has a vested interest in the district. I read your voting record in Sturtevant in the meeting minutes and your consistant support of lower taxes, business development and public safety is to be commended.

  7. Dustin and Pete, why wouldn't you provide more information on this gentleman e.g. education, work history, policial affiliation - nice photograph, but how about some indepth information.

  8. Anon 8:35 - Why dont you attend the event and ask him yourself? Do your own homework!

  9. As a progressive thinking downtown business owner, I believe we missed an opportunity by not being more supportive of the KRM. The support was there, unfortunately Mason and Lehman listened to a vocal minority who oppose investing in the future of Racine or for that matter investing in anything that will help this city.

  10. 10:12 - vocal minority??? I think you've got that wrong. If this ever went to a referendum - the vote would be very one sided against KRM. Most don't want higher taxes for a train no one will use. The majority of usage would be for individuals taking it down to Chicago, not the reverse. That ridership has no benefit to the community at all.

  11. Did you ever ride the train to chicago from Kenosha and back? It's usually loaded with people! Many from Racine!

  12. Wright = Failure

  13. I noticed that Chris Wright was absent when the Sturtevant trustees voted to approve a $3.9 million budget for the year 2010. If he is so concerned about integrity, taxes and money, he should have been there.

  14. It is time to clean house. Wisconsin is going broke with Lehman, Turner and Mason running Racine. The unions vote them in and then they have job and salary protection, we just can't keep providing that anymore.

  15. Obviously there are those who enjoy the possibity of higher taxes and representatives who vote party lines....not necessarily what the people in your district REALLY feel. You have the opportunity to elect an individual who is not a part of the political status quo and a person with intigrity. Don't pass judgement on Chris Wright until you have a chance to meet him and seek answers to your doubt...Attend his kick-off and educate yourself! Be a well informed voter and then vote the facts and not your party lines. We need fresh ideas in government!

  16. People in Glass Houses...5/10/2010 1:56 PM

    Anon 11:54,

    You mean the the budget that didnt have to raise taxes on the village while most other local units did? I attend meetings in Sturtevant sometimes, and Mr Wright was and has been an active voice on the budget process, as are all the trustees. Just look at all the commissions that your friend Cory Mason is on that he is mot able to attend. I bet it's a heck of alot more than Mr. Wright.

  17. It sounds like the tea party people and the Republicans will support Chris Wright. You can bet he has and will vote that party line.

  18. Glad to see an alternative to tax and spend Mason. Mason's loyalty to Doyle and the Madison gang has hurt Racine County badly. I hopee we can get Chris elected so there can be someone in Madison representing us not the failed policies of the past 8 years.

    All the predictions are that had decisions will be needed for the next state budget because Obama bucks won't be there to allow the legislature to play the games they did with the last budget.

  19. "It sounds like the tea party people and the Republicans will support Chris Wright. You can bet he has and will vote that party line."

    Please do not speculate he will. I know Chris and he will listen and represent the people of the district proudly and honorably unlike our present State Assemblyman...Mr. Mason!

  20. There is many ways to improve the business climate without supporting KRM. How narrow minded to think that Mr. Wright is pro KRM because he wants to improve the business climate.

  21. Ah, Josephus recommends that Mr. Wright select the right tea for those parties he will attend. May I suggest Earl Grey. It has a smoky flavor with a tinge of right-wing bitterness. He will blast those tax-and-spend Dems from the bowels of the evil Capitol, and replace them with his tax-cut-and spend philosophy. No more taxes on businesses, cut the parks, cut education, on and on and on. He and Robin Vos will be libertarians regarding what they think the people should tolerate and suffer through, but corporate socialism is wunderbar. Josephus says, "He who slashes and trashes programs that will help a society grow into the future, but will cut taxes for the wealthy, is helping to destroy the middle class and our country."

  22. Josephus...You obviously are as far left as you accuse Mr. Wright being to the right. I can also tell you support Pres. Obamas socialist views. The government (State and Federal)need to realize that money does not "grow on trees." Don't cry foul or complain about how high your taxes are. These programs come at a cost....a cost many Americans can not bear. Taking care of the TRUE needy is one thing, however, it is time to purge programs for CAREER welfare users! The tax and spend ways we now see must stop. It is time to clip the wings of the far left liberals and ground there policies!

  23. Check the facts - Tommy T and his Republican majority in the legislature really grew government jobs and spending. Doyle and the Democrats have greatly balanced the budget - and don't tax and spend as the conservatives imply. CHECK THE FACTS BEFORE YOU SPEAK!

  24. The question that needs to be answered...what was the state deficit before Doyle and the democrats took office and what is the state deficit now? If the deficit has increased then your statement is false and you need to check the facts again.

  25. No! The big question to ask is what was the deficit when Tommy and the republican majority took office, and what was the dreficit when Tommy and the republicans got voted out.

  26. Ah, Mr. Anonymous of 7:38 am you are not a follower of history. We are paying the lowest taxes in over thirty years (local,state,federal).The sainted Reagan tripled the national debt from 1-4 trillion, and Bush 2 doubled it again to 8 trillion and practically ruined our financial system doing it (alas, with the help of some misguided Democrats). Our revered "energizer bunny," Tommy Thompson doubled the size of state government during his tenure as governor. The reason that you feel taxes are so high is that corporate America has received numerous tax breaks at the expense of the middle class who have to make up the difference. Alas, Mr. Anonymous of 7:38 am, so many jobs have been outsourced to low-wage countries that I am angry too! One must stop watching Fox, although I admit they have the best looking women on cable, and immerse yourself in more factual material.

  27. The administration of Tommy Thompson is long gone. Since you are trying to compare apples to apples....what is the difference in increase between the two? Who had the biggest increase during their tenure (figuring the same amount of years for both). Has Doyle decreased the debt he inherited from Tommy or has it increased. Bottom line is we need a change in how our government is ran. It is time our governments, state and federal, live within there means. If a business or corporation over spends repeatedly what happens....they eventially file for bankruptcy. Our goverments are a business...their product is a productive, vialable economy. The federal government owes China and other countries BILLIONS of dollars in loans because of over spending. How much outstanding loan debt has Wisconsin was occured by each administration figuring the same time in office? COMPARE APPLES TO APPLES NOT APPLES TO ORANGES!

  28. Funny how Mason's supporters are so scared that they have had to make this thred into a Doyle/Obama/Mason good and Reagan/Bush Wright bad thread.

  29. Ah, Mr. Josephus, Here's the reality of the State debt:

    Information from:

    Figures show that debt rose the most - by $1.8 billion- under Thompson between 1996 and 2001, when he resigned to become a cabinet secretary for President Bush. Debt increased by more than $1.5 billion in Doyle's first three years.

    5 years for Thompson..3 years for Doyle!

    Federal Debt

    Information from:

    When the Pelosi/Reid left-wing Democrats took control of Congress, the national debt stood at $9 trillion.

    Based on Obama's overview of his $4 trillion $1.75 trillion deficit budget, the chart predicts that, by 2010 -- after the Democrats have controlled congress for only four years, the national debt will stand at $17.6 trillion. That is very nearly double the $8.67 trillion debt the Democrats "inherited."

    For the record I do watch Fox because I get deomcratic and republican views unlike CNN that is afraid to give oppossing views!

    Check my sources!

    I did my homework...enough said!

  30. Faux News. Anon 5:15. I watch MSNBC and I get both sides of the arguement too.

  31. Tell me another story about getting Democratic news on Fox! You only get negative spin about Progressives, and the "rosy" look at conservative ideas!

  32. There is no Fox "News." It is 24/7 negative diatribes against the Obama Administration and his policies. The reason Obama has had to spend money is to get us out of the financial disaster that the Republicans got us into. Obama's real problem is Iraq and Afghanistan, two wars that Americans seem oblivious to. We need to get out and let these two countries settle their own differences. History shows that empires who extend themselves beyond their financial and political means, face disaster. The big problem is that no one in our country wants to sacrifice for the common good. We have become selfish and self-absorbed, with many corporations and the very wealthy seeking to get as many things and money when they can while they can. They have very little allegiance to the welfare of the United States. Just witness the past eight years. Enough said!

  33. Have any of you who is negative about Fox News ever watch Fox News or are you just assuming this from the negative Fox attacks by CNN and it's viewers against Fox. Although I have never watched MSNBC (I have watched CNN) I will check it out as I like to be an educated voter. FYI, Fox will debate political issues on a regular basis and have both democrat and republicans debating the issue. Some news analyst like Glenn Beck, Hannity and Huckabee have invited people with oppossing views to come on their shows and it seems they do not want to debate the issues and decline. This invitation has come as high as Mr. Obama!

  34. Ah Josephus, You do realize that the democrats have been in control of congress before Obama took office. That being said, they had ample time to put halts on everything President Bush had on his agenda during his last term. I wonder why they didn't. Obama has been in office for over a year and all he has done so far is ram a health care package down the throats of America, buy the auto/banking industries (GM=Government Motors) and now is going after wall Street. . Keep in mind that the MAJORITY of Americans did not want the health care bill. This was done with payoffs and behind closed doors. Hardly the reaching across the aisle he promised during the election. This is why Chris Wright's district would do well if he is elected. NO ties or favors owed to anyone or organization.

  35. The reality is that every time Democrats introduced a bill during the last two years of the Bush fiasco, the Republicans filibustered. When any Dem tried to reach across the aisle, the Repubs said NO! The truth is, the Republicans who are now controlled by right-wing extremists, want the Obama Administration to fail. Also, where were Paul Ryan and the Republicans when they had control regarding health care reform? They didn't care and don't care about the MAJORITY of the American people. Also, if the Fed and the Obama Administration didn't intervene with the bailout and stimulus, we would be in another depression. Beck, Hannity, and Huckabee are news analysts? They are demogogues posing as truthtellers. They are false prophets who seek to lead this country down the road toward authoritarian control. They appeal to people who are too lazy to think for themselves.

  36. Ah Josephus,

    The Liberals who refuse to debate the issues are scared that their followers will see the truth about the Obama administration, although the polls say the majority already know. Obama's popularity is lower than Bush's ever was! The numbers have to come from Democrats as well as republican.
    There is a difference between fixing health care and taking total control of it. The big issues of health care such as pre-existing condition & policy limits could have been addressed without the government taking total control of health care. When the Obama administration MAKES me get health care or face a penalty I consider THAT total control and socialist. The cost for every American to get health care is not FREE. The cost of premiums are on the rise! I recently talk a small business owner who said his premiums have increased 30% since the health care bill passed! When the federal gov't comes in fires corporate officers and dictates how the corporation WILL conduct business that is socialism. Our founding fathers did not intend on the federal gov't to have total power however this is the case now.

    The road to socialism: Gov't takeover of banking-DONE, Gov't takeover of Auto industry-DONE, Gov't takeover of Health Care-DONE, NEXT Gov't takeover of Wall Street-being done as we speak. WELCOME Comrad to the USA or United Socialist of America!

  37. If Fox is the truth, Heaven help us!

  38. Anon 7:46 You have swallowed the conservative "spin" pill without thinking. Obama has saved America from a seveere economic depression - including heloping the auto industry and banks. They are all paying back to the Government with interest ahead of time. Be positive!

  39. How about unemployment! Still hovering around 10%! How has Obama's great stimulus plan helped get people back to work? Although they may be paying back the "loans" investigate who controls the industries. These organizations must answer to Obama and his administration. There is no conservative "spin" pill just facts. I encourage, NO, dare you to watch Fox News.Take off your liberal hat and hear what is being said. My opinion is not based on just Fox. As I stated before I have watched CNN and MSNBC. I have heard everyone talk how bad the Tea party is. How many of you realize that this movement is not made up of just right wing conservatives but moderate independents and yes Democrats! Do not let Obama mesmerize you with his rhetoric. Think about how many campaign promises were made and how many he has actually kept. He has given allies like Israel a cold shoulder and now is talking to the Afganistan's President Karzai about reconciling with the Taliban. The same Taliban that tried to bomb New York!

    Info from Chicago Tribune:,0,5006066.story

    Headline: Obama may embrace plan to reconcile with Afghan Taliban

    How can I be positive with this administration?

  40. Anon 11:24, as I mentioned, look at the many things Obama has done - and will do- and be positive. You are such a nay sayer - and speak as a conservative with blinders. The people of the world love Obama - as do many Americans - and he is a breath of fresh air in the political world. I know you will never look beyond your political mind-set - but we must all work toward a better world and get off such a negative outlook. America will do fine - in spite of those who are not willing to look at the many positive events that are happening.

  41. Chris Wright has brough out so many negative comments - not a good omen for this candidate!

  42. While some folks who comment here may have negative/useless comments, many folks are commenting about government decisions that have or are currently affecting them. This is precisely what any good candidate can achieve and he didn't even author this article.

    While I haven't made up my mind just yet, my homework thus far tells me that this fellow is a far better choice for Madison than Cory Mason who has shown with his actions, that he isn't the right choice.

    You can bicker all you want about Republican versus Democrat, but at the end of the day I think we should all come together and agree that politicians in America are not interested in what the citizens want (regardless of your political stance), just how they can satisfy their self-interest. Perhaps then you would see Mr. Wright is honestly trying to fix that...

  43. Anon 11:24
    I am not a conservative with blinders but rather a very digruntled democrat! The one with blinders might be all other democrats who think Obama is this great gift to the politcal arena. He ideologies really scare me. If you believe this man is great so be it. Just remember these conversations when things go aray! Pleae inform me the "good things" Obama has done other than the health care the majority did not want.
    Thank You Anonymous 9:19 AM. I agree with you 100%!

  44. Anon 2:55 The ususal line about being a Democrat. Be honest! Obama is just starting bein a man of the people - not just for the rich as some previous Presidents were. The many big topics he is getting into are only a start. The majority of Americans like and trust Obama - he has two and a half more years to go in his first Presidency, and many more issues to tackle. Don't believe the "spin" words of the conservatives - they really have nothing to offer other than just say "no". His second term will continue with solving big issues, and he will go down in history as one of the best Presidents!

  45. Anon 2:55 Yeah sure - a Democrat huh?

  46. I am a democrat and guess what, I am very capable of forming my own opinions based on the facts. My opinions are formed on educated research of the topics and NOT based solely on "conservative views or liberal views ". I beleive in being open minded. The problem is most people say I'm a republican or I'm a democrat and blindly follow those views. Guess what, both parties have major problems. I investigate both sides to form my opinions and as of right now I do not see what you claim when it comes to Obama. He has not created jobs or helped the common citizen with their financial problems such as mortgage foreclosures. HIs bailout of the banks did nothing to help you or me. Obama made campaign promises of reaching across the aisle to republicans and then totally shut them out when forming the health care bill. No wonder republicans fight him tooth amd nail. There were promises of "Change" in how the gov't will be run and then backroom deals by Obama and Pelosi for votes were made that in essence were bribes for votes. Where's the change in how Gov't is ran. It seems business as usual to me!

    I guarentee there are many more democrats that feel the way I do. My future voting will be based on the most qualified candidate and not based on voting any particular party line. As I see it now Chris Wright brings much more to the table then Mr. Mason. My opinion, now form your own "educated" opinion based on facts and not party lines. Attend each canidates rallies and see for yourself how each stands on the issues.
