
May 7, 2010

The cartoon @

Go here for more on this trashy story.


  1. Supreme Troll5/07/2010 7:35 PM

    A bin more intelligent than the comments of this post.

  2. @RacinePost Got email from Alderman G. Helding re my anti- chip post. Appreciate yor sharing views, Mr Helding. I'll guard it (cart) diligently. No chip! This will only be the beginning of how tracking will be used & you know it! I'll bet I'm back in a yr or two, 'see? See? I told you...'. No chip Burlington you discuss in your email & how they handled it more adroitly than some of us Racine-ites are approaching this - carts also chipped? NO, They Are NOT! Thank you for enlightening me that I did indeed miss this information previously. So, I'm ticked off now instead of earlier in the process. Tell me - would it have made ANY GD DIFFERENCE TO ANY OF YOU IF YOU'D KNOWN? No! And no, I will not be changing my mind when $ or contests or other stupid incentives are dangled before my eyes. No chip!

  3. Alderman Greg Helding, et al:
    "No they are not RFID. Thanks for your inquiry. Please let me know if you have any additionalquestions. Sincerely, Kevin M. LahnerCity AdministratorCity of Burlington262.342.1161

  4. Lets recycle the Mayor's office to someone with a clue, someone who understands the Office of Mayor is not met to enrich your friends nor punish your enemies.

  5. Recycle to whom: Jim "ice cream" Smith, Gary "come here little girl" Becker?

  6. The council needs to be chipped.

  7. At first glance the guy in the cartoon looks like he's holding his "business". Anyone else see that???

  8. With any luck, these recycle bins will be dickert's one-way ticket out of office.
