
April 16, 2010

Youth As Resources makes three grants

Youth As Resources granted $2,454 today to three youth-led, youth-designed community service projects.

Members of Girl Scout Troop 5536 will create a perennial garden featuring over thirty plant species native to Wisconsin in their project, “Medicine Wheel Garden.” The garden, located at the Eco-Justice Center in Caledonia, will be 25 feet in diameter and will be planted in quadrants using color combinations found in traditional Native American medicine wheel gardens. Rock paths will lead to a peace pole in the center of the garden.

Youth from Racine Family Literacy will promote cultural awareness and inter-generational friendship through their project, “Joining Generations Fiesta.” They will serve an authentic Mexican meal and play traditional games with the residents of St. Monica’s Senior Home. The fiesta will feature live music performed by the youth and information about Mexican culture and Cinco de Mayo.

Girl Scout Troop 5754’s project, “Dogs and Cats Galore,” will support the animals at Countryside Humane Society. The girls will create and distribute brochures about pet care issues at one of Countryside’s vaccination clinics, and will make seven pet beds for animals waiting to be adopted. While helping at shelter, the girls will help soothe the animals by reading books to them. The books  to be read include The Cat in the Hat and Harry Potter. The scouts will also make pet care kits with homemade pet toys and treats to be sent home with newly adopted dogs and cats.

The next YAR grant deadline is Friday, April 30, at 4:30 p.m. YAR offers free grantwriting workshops to youth and adults. For more information, or to obtain a grant application, go online here or contact program coordinator Jessica Safransky at 898-2251. Youth groups from Racine County are invited to apply for up to $1,000 to fund a community service project that addresses a specific community need. The projects must be led, designed, and implemented by youth through age 24.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah YAR, It is so cool that you have this group so that youth can have money for awesome projects.
