
April 2, 2010

State Senate's top Republican stops in Racine, campaigns for Wanggaard

Wisconsin Senate Minority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, stopped through Racine on Thursday. He and local Republican Senate candidate Van Wanggaard ate lunch at Gus's Gyros on Douglas Avenue and talked with people in the restaurant.

A reader sent in a recap and photo:
Most of the questions from the room revolved around KRM/RTA and the high levels of unemployment in Racine. Wanggaard and Fitzgerald said government restrictions and regulations are hindering the growth of small businesses and the production of new jobs that are needed in Wisconsin.
People eating were tradesmen, doctors, small business owners, retirees, and lawyers.
When asked what brought him to Racine, Fitzgerald played to the crowd. "I came for one of Gus's Gyros," he said.
Wanggaard is running against incumbent Sen. John Lehman, D-Racine, this fall.


  1. If I had a choice between Gus's gyros and Wanggaard - I would also choose a gyro.

  2. I do get to chose between Wanggaard and Leman. I will chose Van Wanggaard. Van is more in touch with Racine while Lehman seems to be more in touch with Madison and saving his hide. The time has come for a change in our Madison representation, or lack of representation as has been the case.

  3. Be nice to see Van in and John on the high road

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. John Lehman always takes the high road for Racine. When he talks and votes - he always does what is best for Racine. He has a proven record of being open-minded and making the best decisions on what is best for the long haul.

  6. PrefersCoffee4/02/2010 4:49 PM

    Excuse me 4:03, but you and I must not know the same John Lehman.

    I was an ardent supporter of and donor to Lehman before the KRM/RTA fiasco.

    If he grows a pair, and gets RTA legislation through the Senate, maybe he'll be able to earn my vote back.

  7. Excuse me. John Lehman double talks on every hard issue. When people, like me who know him, say hi to him on the street he walks by like we don't exist. He is a self absorbed Madison operative who has lost touch with Racine. The only elected official ruder is Hewitt in Mt Pleasant. He will look right through people he knows like they don't exist unless they have political value.

  8. Got to go with Wanggaard, a life long, tax paying West Raciner. Good Cop, good family man, and a person that will work for us. I just wish he'd run for mayor. Dickert the phoney has got to go.

  9. Was this Tousis' place?

  10. Lehman does not deserve another chance, he would not back a sensible sales tax increase to fund KRM. In doing so, he thought he would get the support of those who opposed the KRM and now he finds how wrong he was. I am voting for Wangaard unless Lehman does something between now and the election to bring KRM into existance.

  11. I do not think Van can handle a Senate position. He is disabled and collecting disability from his former job.

  12. 7:39, are you mad because he's not collecting welfare. Van was seriously hurt serving Racine, an injury that ended a long sucessful career. Mr Wangaard never intended on retiring at such an early age he was forced into it. If it is Mr. Lehman's intension to turn this into a negative campaign, I am sure that the voting class that support Van for his integrity, can oblidge him.

  13. I stopped in to pick up a couple gyros for my office and had an opportunity to talk to Van and whoever the other Senator was. Van answered my question about the rising unemployment rate and gave me some of his suggestions on how to fix it. Giving businesses the tools to move forward and not be a barrier.

    He has my vote, and most of the votes in my office.

  14. Is a good guy, was a good cop, will be a great senator.

  15. Thanks Mr. Lehman. Thanks for nothing.

  16. Did someone really just criticize an ex-cop for getting disabled on the job?

  17. Senator John Lehman's my man - he represents us with honesty, integrity and intelligence with a positive view for his constituents. His opponent is from the party of "no".

  18. Yes, Tsousis' place. Didn't you see all the cops?

  19. Senate Minority Leader Fitzgerald coming down to spend the day campaigning with Wanggaard is a clear indication that Wanggaard's campaign is gaining steam...good news for those of us who want Lehman gone...

  20. anon 10:55 - Yeah, you're right! NO more taxes, NO to wasteful spending, NO to higher energy costs, NO to the socialistic takeover of America!

    Well as one of Lehman's constituents - he's been the Senator of NO. NO response when I contact him because I'm not in agreement with him.

    Better believe I'll be voting for Wanggaard - I'm tired of not being represented.

  21. "Did someone really just criticize an ex-cop for getting disabled on the job?"

    No. It's Wanggaard that's getting criticized because if he was really a man who lives by what he preaches he wouldn't be collecting disability when he can clearly work full time. Maybe not as a cop, but certainly as something else. What were his injuries that cause him to be considered fully disabled on the police force? He is so badly permanently disabled that he couldn't take a desk job?
    He is the first to get up and holler about taxes but has no problem living off the other tax payers who pay his disability.
    He's getting paid and building up another retirement plan through the county board and if he wins this election he will be able to add to that extra retirement through the state position.
    I'm shocked that you supporters of his ignore this and call leman names when he's at least honest about everything, including KRM and RTA

  22. Did Lehman forfit his benefits package from our public schools? I believe that the schools are funded on our dime, also. Lehman is also a liar about his support of KRM, it's one big Lehman show. He wants KRM but doesn't want to fund it with new taxes. How does that work? New program needs new money you liar.

  23. "Did someone really just criticize an ex-cop for getting disabled on the job?"

    Hell yeah. He is so "disabled" that he can walk all over the place campaigning. He looks able-bodied to me, but he is from the party (Republican) that says "pull yourself up from your own bootstraps" and hates it when able-bodied black folks get a check.

  24. The cops are there for the same reason they go to Dunn Bros - free or discounted products. If you give a deal to the cops, they eat at your place. If cops are always at your place, people won't mess with you.

    Either that or the cops like teenage girls wearing t-shirts with "saucy" phrases on them.

  25. I've known both these guys for over 10 years. It is time for a change. I have watched John become a Madison insider and out of touch with Racine. John seems to struggle to even say hi to someone on the street when he is in town.

    Van has evolved into a very engaged and informed County Board supervisor who will challenge issues and the majority view. He will spend time talking and listening to people.

    I don't see Van getting caught up in the Madison Koolaid drinking club. I'm not involved in either campaign so don't go there. My opinion comes from watching both these guys for over 10 years evolve and change.

  26. Pete & Dustin:

    Why don't you guys investigate why the cops do hang out at Gus's business??

    Shouldn't tax payers be able to get some answers?

    I'll be waiting for the big story.

    Thank you.

  27. The wee and early hours seem to bring out some of the least informed and most foolish posters.

  28. John Lehman's opponent is part of the tea party movement - that's scary.

  29. Actually Van Wanggaard, the Tea Party, the Republican Party, and all other Americans that have had it up to here with the Government Hijackers we now have running our country, are all part of the same movement just different branches. BTW, can someone express their thoughts without being called crazy? I thought all you "liberals" believe in free speach. Doesn't "liberal" mean free by definition? Apparently, not anymore.

  30. John Lehman is part of the Weiner Party.

  31. If Van is elected to the legislature, it would only be right for him to give up his disability pay for his term of office. We do not need another "double dipper" taking money from the tax payer.

  32. I see some paranoia and misplaced aggression. No liberal has hurt your freedom of expression. Just don't let the minority shout down the majority. Check out the Coffee Movement - at least there is some dialog with this group!

  33. Van Wangaard along with Robin Vos and Paul Ryan have allied themselves with the Republican extremists whose sole objective is power so that they can control our lives. If you pay close attention, these people are actually authoritarian, angry, hateful, and use fear to achieve their objectives. They also live in the past wishing that an "Ozzie and Harriet" world will return. Well, it won't. I want my grandchildren to live in a world of possibilities, innovation, and hope; not in a world of looking backward, stagnation and fear. Van Wangaard represents the past, not the future.

  34. Josephus - Your insights are deep and to the heart of the issue.

  35. Josephus - did you forget to take your meds?

  36. I'd like my grandchildren to grow up in a country that doesn't serve as their "nanny" and is governed by the Constitution.

  37. Yeah, but that Constitution--which was designed to protect the oligarchy and its property from the common man--is obsolete. Under the Constitution, we have a federal government which can neither govern the nation nor provide its citizens with economic security. For everyone except the rich, the Constitution is worthless.

  38. 4:31am - Thank you for your comments Mr. President.

  39. Anon 9:21...I figured it out for you - you mental midget.

    The cops go brace yourself for Cops are entitled to eat lunch like everyone else.

  40. Racine Officer4/04/2010 11:17 AM

    And the bathrooms are the cleanest in the city.

  41. Josephus:

    Lehman and the democratic extremists are the authoritarians. They've taken over your health care, they're trying to take over your elections and enable massive fraud. They hate personal achievement, and view your assets as their personal piggy bank to "spread the wealth" to the lazy, dumb, and incompetent.

  42. Anon 8:53 I'm sure glad you are in the minority - lighten up and smell the roses!

  43. I do not like what the Democrats are doing, I do not like the direction the Republicans are going as well. It seems to be more how my party can beat your party. Not how this country will win regardless if my party supports your bill.

    Although I do not like John's recent actions and comments, Van seems to me to be what I described above. I HOPE someone proves me wrong on this. That's who will get my vote.

  44. I'm all out of hope, and I only have a little bit of change left in my pocket.

  45. You voted for "change" and now that's all you got, and for how long?

  46. Now Lehman the draft dodging coward and his democrat pals are trying to take the voting rights won and secured for us by those who did serve.

    They support the election fraud bill, which would stop people from challenging fraudulent voters, and would add anyone who visited the DMV to the voting rolls - but won't make them show a license and prove their identity when they vote.

    Lehman and the democrats support election fraud - it's the only way they can win.

  47. Ok before anyone of you speak bad. Let me say this 1. Van is my uncle . So you don't know him personally don't judge the book by the cover and say he is an extremist. Talk to him before you decide. Lehman hasn't done 1 thing for Racine not one. Besides waste all of our money and lie to the people. 2. How dare you people criticize him
    for getting hurt on the job as a cop. I
    mean really he risked his life for
    yours in a high speed car chase. 3. Tea party extremists? Ha don't get me started. Your pal Barak? What has he done? Well I'll tell you. He has tried to stop all over the constitution and ruin it so he can control the show. And
    if our forfathers came back I can assure you they all would be hung for treason. We the people have had enough of this and are letting government know that they work for us we DO NOT work for them.

  48. 1st, my first impression of Lehman was at a church in the inner-city. As soon as the pastor stated that he was there, he left. thats pretty low... I believe lehman is just another politico.

    I don't agree with everything Van supportsbut I do believe that he cares about racine. I've

    I've met both John and Van... my votes going to Van....

  49. Anon (one of many) wrote: "Yeah, but that Constitution--which was designed to protect the oligarchy and its property from the common man--is obsolete. Under the Constitution, we have a federal government which can neither govern the nation nor provide its citizens with economic security. For everyone except the rich, the Constitution is worthless"

    This comment is REALLY scary! "For everyone except the rich, the Constitution is worthless..."

    That explains in a nutshell why the Liberal thoughts and plans are to take over ALL of our everyday life decisions and "opportunities".

    They intend to "rewrite" our lives in a manner in which they decide what's best for us and our grandchildren, not what you or I think...

  50. I've met both John and Van - my vote is definitely going to John!

  51. Since you find our Constitution 'worthless' go live under the UN Constitution where you're not guaranteed the right to even live. Both parties are terrible!

  52. Lehman hates birthers. PRAY FOR OBAMA TO RESIGN! Some people may or may not know that September 17th is designated Constitution Day and Citizenship Day in the United States. Although it is not a Federal holiday it is celebrated by many. I think it is only fitting from here on out that we also designate 9/17 as "Burn an Obama Forged COLB Day." Since Obama clearly is not a "natural born Citizen" and is constitutionally ineligible to be POTUS.
    see Birther Rally in Washington, DC Oct. 23d
