
April 5, 2010

Recycling carts will start being delivered April 26

The city has some new information out about its new recycling program. Here are some details about how this will work:

* City residents will start receiving new recycling carts on Monday, April 26. All carts will be delivered by Friday, May 14.

* All homeowners will receive a 65-gallon cart. Single family homes will receive one cart, two-family homes will receive two carts, three family homes will receive three carts and four-family homes will receive four carts.

* Recycling pickup with the new carts will begin the week of May 17 or May 24, depending on what recycling route you live on. (The city's Public Works Department says these dates may be wrong.

* Residents will be able to exchange their 65-gallon cart for a 35-gallon or 95 gallon cart after a 30-day trial period.

* Non-residential businesses will receive a 95-gallon recycling cart.

* Residents do not have to sort or bag their recyclables in the carts. They throw everything into the container and the different materials are sorted out a regional recycling plant.

* Residents should not use blue bags for recyclables placed in the containers. Recyclable items should be placed loose in the carts.

* If you have more recyclables than will fit in the cart, you can bundle newspapers or magazines and put them next to the cart, or use the clear blue garbage bags.

* Here's a list of acceptable recyclables.


  1. I'm glad the carts are finally coming. I'm out of blue trash bags and now I don't have to go buy new ones ! Also, this system will be so much easier for me to recycle more of the stuff that I normally throw in the regular trash. Thanks Mayor for making the wise decision to help the Earth, save the city money and make garbage disposal at my house more efficient. You are making tough decisions that will benefit all us citizens.

  2. I bet the city workers who pick up our garbage will like this. These carts have got to be easier on their backs and they won't have to deal with trash that falls out of broken bags.

  3. This system is so much better than the city I moved away from. Back there we had to wash and sort our recycles. We had plastic tubs to put each separate type in. We had to carry each tub to the curb, no wheels like these nice carts. The city did a good job choosing these carts and have made it so simple on us. This is a big step forward for everyone.

  4. Anon 3:58....Ditto !

  5. Thank you city hall for shoving these unwanted, oversized, cumbersome, un-needed. elderly hampering bins down our throats. When such a large majority of the population requested that this be put to referendum, you completely ignored us. dickert will be ignored in the upcoming election, as will all those others that ignored for this.

    Anon 3:58, who do you think you're fooling? It is obvious that the 4:00, 4:03 and 4:09 posts are also YOURS.

  6. Make a good trash can.

  7. Graham.....nope !

  8. I am personally going to throw mine out in the street like the piece of trash that it is.

    Racine is sure going to look like a better place with all these big'ole trash bins all over the place.

    Because this was shoved down our throats by our wonderful city government everyone should stick their one aluminum can in it for pickup -

  9., you're wrong on both accounts. The city is working with any elderly who advise them they forsee trouble with handling the cards.

  10. I'm going to use mine as a rain barrel!

  11. graham, why can't we be happy about something positive? I'm sure your name isn't Graham either, so what? I'm really happy about this and choose to post positive comments to water down all the negative comments that usually follow articles like this. Get happy and do us both a favor.

  12. Graham is just unhappy, but cannot afford to leave. Still waiting for him to give his address so we can send donations for his one way trip outta here!

  13. How is this positive for the City? Yet another fee, and as George Meyers so well explained on CAR 25 this will not help save the land fill.
    This is one of the many foolish acts The Mayor has done.
    I also see that the PIO is earning his pay by posting on the blogs.

  14. And since the pick up will not have time to check each cart before it is dumped maybe some CFB be nice to toss in or window glass. We do not want this and do everything we can to end this program. I believe less then 5% of the City passively resisting can end the program

  15. Tea Party Tommy4/05/2010 7:32 PM

    Get a grip dude! A few negative comments in these blogs and a couple of letters filled with misinformation doesnt mean the whole city is against this. The carts yours-if your gonna stick it to the city and not use it-you only hurt yourself. The more we recycle-the less we pay to landfill. The issue isnnt even space in the landfill - its all about saving money. Hey I have a great idea-lets contract garbage pick up. Oh wait, they'd make you use two carts.

  16. silent_majority4/05/2010 7:36 PM

    Anon 7:11
    I saw the same show and thought that Mr. Meyers sounded reasonable. Thats what I thought until I called my alderman and got the information about what really happens in Racine. Once I talked to him I saw how incorrect Mr. Meyers was. I get his philisophy but if you have all the wrong information to support your side, I have to wonder how strong your argument really is. The information I read from other cities supports what this city is doing.

    Sorry Mr. Meyers. It sucks when reality and facts don't fit with your preconceived narrative.

  17. James Eastland4/05/2010 7:51 PM

    S-M or silly goose

    Perhaps your alderman would care to debate Mr. Meyers on his TV show? Then we see who is being silly?
    Gee you said Alderman, sorry we know the Alderman are the silly ones.

  18. Listen, I think George definaltly has a few valid issues, he show is actually decent and not bashing anyone or their views....I may not agree with you on everything, but good job none the less!

  19. Keith.Deschler4/05/2010 9:50 PM

    i would buy into the whole recycling bit if the landfill owners didn't continue to allow truck after truck after truck of unrecycled trash from Illinois. Dustin and Pete could you look into it?

  20. This should have been put up for vote via referendum, it shows how arrogant our current city leadership is. Next April, we will have our chance to clean up city hall. 16 percent unemployment in the city, and this recycling fiasco took center stage!

  21. I can't wait till we can recycle our Mayor and his uncle, useless Tom.

  22. "Next April, we will have our chance to clean up city hall."

    You had your chance this April and half the city council seats up for election went unopposed. Of the two challengers and 4 candidates in the open seats, NONE of them are tea partiers. You people are ALL TALK.

  23. Let's all follow Judi Bari! Someone who can't even pound out two coherent sentences in a row must be right!

  24. wow Racine- your small-mindedness ugly is showing (again).Your relentless negativity and ignorance won't stop those who step forward and make change. Putting broken glass in a cart to injure someone? Really? I think a street lined with these responsibly used carts adds beauty to our community. Beauty that far surpasses the ugly shown here.

  25. Tim the Shrubber4/06/2010 8:15 AM

    Not sure I understand the opposition to the recycling carts.

    If I remember right, the state just jacked up the tax on stuff dumped in the landfill by a signiciant amount. This changed the economics of trash collection for the city, and now the city could save a significant amount of money if they could get people to send less trash to the landfill and more stuff to recycling. Given this is true, then the city is being fiscally responsible and trying to keep costs down. Isn't that good?

  26. Tim the Shrubber4/06/2010 8:18 AM

    "i would buy into the whole recycling bit if the landfill owners didn't continue to allow truck after truck after truck of unrecycled trash from Illinois."

    Keeping trash from migrating across state lines from Illinois is a bit beyond the powers of the Racine City Council.

  27. Tim the Shrubber4/06/2010 8:20 AM

    "I am personally going to throw mine out in the street like the piece of trash that it is."

    I wonder what the fine will be for that?

  28. Tim the Shrubber4/06/2010 8:25 AM

    "This should have been put up for vote via referendum, it shows how arrogant our current city leadership is."

    Ah...and if they did that you would be accusing our elected officials of lacking leadership and being afraid of tough decisions, etc etc.

    Sorry, but is not that significant of an issue and we our officials to make these exact kind of decisions. Leave referendums for the big issues.

  29. Tim the Shrubber4/06/2010 8:30 AM

    "...this recycling fiasco..."

    Fiasco? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. {if you don't know the reference, well, then never mind}

  30. Tim

    An effort to educate on recycling would allowed us to keep the Blue bags and could have been done for next to nothing. the carts are costing us a $10 tax...sorry fee.
    We love our fees! Makes the City money. Will we see the savings on the carts given back to the public or will the Mayor find a way to keep it for the general fund?
    If the City was serious about saving the land fill we have a composting effort 60% of what goes into a land fill can be composted.

  31. Anon 304-No, I'm not a tea party member. I dont like what is happening in our area and have started attending some of the local meetings to learn more about the issues.

    Tim the Shrubber-You would make a good city pio, five posts in a row?

  32. Will the 65 gallon one hold tires, or will I need the 95 gallon one? Can I put my grass clippings in there too?

  33. "Will the 65 gallon one hold tires, or will I need the 95 gallon one?"

    Tires will not fit in either one, and they are not on the list anyway.

    "Can I put my grass clippings in there too?"


  34. Tim the Shrubber4/06/2010 10:01 AM

    "Tim the Shrubber-You would make a good city pio, five posts in a row?"

    Nope...I am far too Republican for that. (I am just not Tea Party paranoid.)

  35. I wonder how long it will take for the garbage workers to break off the wheels and lids of these carts. Every time I've had a garbage can with wheels, they eventually break off the wheels the way they throw them around. Now if they would put the lids back on the garbage cans when they are done, maybe we would not have open cans to blow garbage around or animals to get into. Look around - once again my lids always blow away because they do not replace them. I must not be the only one because when I drive down the street, up 90% of the garbage cans have no lids.

  36. At first reading i was amazed that people actually wish to hurt the workers that pick up and sort our recyclables. Then i realized, i'm in Racine.

  37. Tim the Shrubber4/06/2010 10:10 AM

    "I wonder how long it will take for the garbage workers to break off the wheels and lids of these carts."

    I doubt this will be a big problem. A while back I visited a friend in Austin, TX and the city provides him with carts like this for both recycling and regular trash. They seemed pretty heavy duty.

  38. So who is going to tak out the carts and return them for seniors and those individuals with disabilities?

  39. Who takes out their garbage and recyclables now? People, get a grip - please.

  40. 1:54 - A couple bags are a lot different than these huge containers - you get a grip. Apparently you have no contact with seniors or individuals with disablities. Add the snow and ice and you create another bad element - maybe you'd like to sign up to help them.

  41. I used these carts in oak creek and they are not difficult for seniors or those with disabilities. They are actually easier to use then carrying out heavy bags of garbage. Ironic that two alderman opposed to the recycling carts, two alderman who fought for the referendum are the same tow alderman who have opponents. Where is Wisneski's opponent? Where is Hart's opponent? They dont have one. Idle threats by those who grasp at straws. Oh no, the world is coming to an end becuase Racine will have recycling carts. One would think that this was never done before. Stop all the whining? These carts are too big, the elderly cant use them, who will clean them, I refuse to use them-all real intelligent arguments...not!

  42. 2:32 - Just get the 95 gallon size and ask someone to wheel it out for you every couple of months! Or, maybe you could just leave it at the curb all week long and walk your recycleables out as necessary.

  43. If only a few of us start to put non recyclables in the carts the program ends. It becomes to expensive to sort.
    Wait until the city gets the tech to ave the amount recycled per household and fines you if you do not meet that ave.
    This has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with cash

  44. Tim the Shrubber4/07/2010 8:30 AM

    "If only a few of us start to put non recyclables in the carts the program ends. It becomes to expensive to sort."

    I would rather you did not waste public funds like that...pretty irresponsible of you. (Hope you are not a tea partier...because that would be the height of hypocracy.)

  45. Anon 4:03, I am not a feel-good bleeding-heart liberal like you. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the system we had. To replace it by raising our taxes, forcing us to use these monstrosities under threat of financial punishment and having government further push its agenda on us is not conducive to promoting the general welfare or the pursuit of happiness. Every senior I've talked to since this became an issue is against it. Not one has had a positive word to say about it, and I've talked to countless dozens.

    Tea Party Tommy needs to learn how to spell, or use a spell checker. Your RUSD education is showing. It's amazing how many people that blog on here don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" and contractions use an apostrophe. Apparently you weren't at the city council meeting when they passed this issue. I was, and over 95% of the people that addressed the issue were against it. Talk about mis-information, you seem to have NO relevant information, yourself.

    Keith, I think there's a lot of people who would have bought into this had it been made optional and not shoved down our throats, or at least put to referendum.

    Joan, are you serious? Garbage cans are beautiful? That leaves you no room to criticize anyone.

    Anon 3:20, talk about lack of intelligence; you don't even know many of the aldermen/women don't come up for re-election until next year. You are another example of some idiot shooting of his/her mouth before even researching the facts.

    Anon 5:16, you can't "just wheel it out every couple of months." Previous articles have noted that these are to be micro-chipped and anyone who doesn't use it with a month's time will be fined by the city.

    I, myself, have no place to store this large container. It will sit outside in front of my garage. I will use my current small container in the house to collect recyclables, then dump them weekly (on my regular Thursday garbage day) into the large cart. I wonder how long it will be before I get a letter from the city telling me that the cart they shoved down my throat is not allowed to be out in public view prior to 6PM the day before trash pickup.

  46. I talked to a few city workers and they aren't very happy campers. It might work in the summer but it's going to be h*ll in the winter.

  47. "Anon 3:58, who do you think you're fooling? It is obvious that the 4:00, 4:03 and 4:09 posts are also YOURS."

    read my mind. those posts are obviously from the same person.

  48. What is the phone # seniors can call for help ?? Will a spot need to be cleared in the snow to place the cart at the curb ?

  49. Graham: I said and implied that recycling carts are a beautiful sight down a street because it shows a community doing the right thing.

  50. I'm not going to use mine - instead of the blue bags I have always used, I'm going to just throw my recycles in my garbage.

  51. Joan the blue bags did the same thing without the new $10.00 tax... sorry fee.
    A little education on the subject would have done far more then the carts but then the Mayor would not have his $$.

    Want a big impact on the land fill?
    A composting program would do wonders.

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  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Graham - Shame on you!

  55. Wouldn't it be lovely if "the city gets the tech to ave the amount recycled per household and fines you if you do not meet that ave." (4/7 7:42am) Then we would each get our just rewards: Those of us who are willing to recycle and compost to reduce our waste would pay less in garbage collection fees (because) while those of you who must resist every bit of change would get fined for all the extra waste you create.

    If only you could be fined for all the waste you leave here...

  56. Get over the negative comments on the recycling carts, and use them. My son has them in Madison, and he throws out less garbage since using the carts. I can't wait, so I don't have to make a couple of trips to the curb every other week. I only wonder where the carts should be left for eaze of pickup; In the street next to curb, or on the sidewalk?

  57. I can see the benefit of recycling some things, but I have seen how they recycle paper and the process pollutes the air due to the bleaching chemical they use to pull the ink from the paper. Metals on the other hand need to be recycled along with plastic. Paper comes from trees and alot of people don't know that most paper companies have their own forests that they pull the trees from and replant.
