
April 30, 2010

Racine orders kids out of Laurel Clark Fountain

Racine the Grinch made it official today: Kids may no longer enjoy splashing through the Laurel Clark Memorial Fountain at the lower end of Sixth Street -- even though the popular splash-pad was constructed for them in the first place.

According to the city's press release, the children themselves share some of the blame for the order banning them: 
"Soiled diapers have actually been found and clogged drain areas ...Dogs and other animals have been seen in the fountain...When people walk though, wearing shoes or sandals, they are depositing dirt and other debris that contaminates the water...."
Also to blame are changes in state law, the city says, announcing the shut-down in a release "providing answers to residents' questions." The release came from the Mayor's office -- but no city officials were quoted; this is definitely not something anyone at City Hall wants to take "credit" for.

Two years ago, the city floated the idea of spending $30,000 to fence off the fountain, to keep out the kids it had been built to cool off. The fountain was built in 2002, in part with $50,000 in city money and $150,000 in community donations. State law requiring chlorine (and lifeguards !) took effect in 2005. In 2008 then-Mayor Gary Becker suggested that fountain(s) specifically designed for kids be built at city  parks -- or even a municipal swimming pool. Those ideas went nowhere. In his first preliminary budget submittal, Mayor Dickert  included $330,000, for one splash fountain. The idea went nowhere as well. More background here.

 When asked this afternoon about the potential fines for kids caught in the fountain, Tom Friedel, city administrator, told us "we're going to try to police it, warn people. We're taking it slow." Given current temperatures, he said hopefully, "it's not going to be a problem for a while."

"This is not what we want to do," Friedel said.

When he was mayor -- during the interim between Becker's resignation and Dickert's election -- Fridel said he "tried to put the closure off, tried to get around it. But we just came to the conclusion there is no easy way around it. It's a big investment in plumbing. And a bigger investment long-term for personnel."

Building a splash pad at one or more of the community centers, as Becker had suggested and as Dickert tried to put into his first budget, would have side-stepped some of those costs, Friedel said. "At a community center, we have personnel, we have bathrooms, we have phones and first-aid stations," all of which are required by the state law. The law, by the way, requires "attendants," he said; not the "lifeguards" so often referred to. The attendant is needed as much to keep kids in diapers out of the fountain, to avoid contamination, as for any safety concerns.

Parks and Rec Director Donnie Snow said the potential fine is $75, "but we don't expect to do it; we expect people to comply."

 Here's the city's Q&A press release:
City Providing Answers to Residents' Questions
About Laurel Clark Memorial Fountain

RACINE – In order to keep its residents as well informed as possible, the City of Racine has decided to post and answer some of the most frequently asked questions with regard to the changes being made to the Laurel Clark Memorial Fountain. The fountain is located at the foot of Sixth Street on the lakefront between Pershing and Festival Parks.

What changes are being made in connection with the Laurel Clark Memorial Fountain? The City of Racine Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department has advised that beginning Saturday, May 1, when the fountain is turned on, it will be off limits for playing or use for cooling off. Signs will be posted that the water is not treated and is unsafe and could result in serious injury or disease.

Children have played there for several years, why the change now? When the fountain was built in 2002 it met all State of Wisconsin regulations for use as a “water attraction”. The state has since changed the rules and the fountain no longer meets those regulations.

What is the problem? The fountain was designed with a sand filter. The new regulations require a higher standard to treat and sanitize water which could contain bacteria, viruses, or parasites such as Cryptosporidium that can cause serious illness.

Children are at greatest risk because they are most likely to play in the fountain and they can easily spread pathogens due to wearing diapers, drinking the water, and/or hand to mouth contact.

What is the cause of the problem? Children have been observed in the fountain with diapers. Soiled diapers have actually been found in and clogged drain areas. Dogs and other animals have also been seen in fountain. When people walk though, wearing shoes or sandals, they are depositing dirt and other debris that contaminates the water.
Injury is also a concern because individuals can slip and fall on the wet concrete. These observations made city officials more aware of the possible health hazards associated with people playing in the fountain.

The risk for infection, illness or injury and the increased cost of maintenance has simply become too great to ignore, that combined with fact the fountain no longer meets State of Wisconsin regulations has created the need for the changes.

What about using chlorine? The city added chlorine in 2004 to treat the water in order to make it safe for human contact. However, the chlorine has badly corroded the copper piping which is laid under the fountain’s structure and concrete.

What would it cost to repair and maintain the fountain? The first year’s maintenance and operational costs were $26,500, but grew to $50,000 by 2006. The corrosion problem caused by the chlorine, repair, and maintenance costs ballooned to $82,000 in 2007 and to $96,455 in 2008.

In 2009, the city contracted with an outside company, Aquatica, for an evaluation of the facility. Aquatica noted a number of deficiencies in the fountain’s installation when compared to the new state standards.

To comply with all the new state rules, Aquatica estimated the cost of renovation would exceed $250,000 and operational costs would approach $100, 000 annually. Operational costs include having an attendant on duty.

So, what is the solution? Enjoy the sound and beauty of the fountain. Don’t put your children or yourself at risk by playing in the fountain or drinking the fountain water.

Is there a penalty involved for failure to comply? Yes, individuals found violating this park rule could be fined, per sec. 70-82 of the municipal code.

Are there any options available? Yes, make use of our nationally recognized, award-winning “Blue Wave Beach”. North Beach is an excellent alternative location served by lifeguards beginning June 5, with toilet facilities, picnic areas, phones, and refreshments available from Memorial Day – Labor Day.

Where can I get more information? Call the City of Racine Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department at 262-636-9131.


  1. Pete - this is hardly an issue of "Racine the Grinch". The State of Wisconsin changed the standards for these facilities, what else are they supposed to do?

    Again, you guys do a great job reporting the local news. However, you need to cut back on the editorial comments. You are journalists and your job is to report the news. If you are going to comment on it, make it clear that it is your opinion and not a news story.

  2. $50,000 for a memorial to a pedo crony in uptown, but not a penny for the kids.

    $50,000 settlement to a crony, but not a penny for the kids.

    $24,000 for a crony PIO officer, but not a penny for the kids.

    $100,000 a year for an unqualified crony as city administrator, but not a penny for the kids.

    Party on, lying John!

  3. Yes Orbs...not a penny for the kids. What about everything that has been invested into North Beach to make it one of the best in the country?

  4. Someone with a whole "lotta" money and influence will be running in the next mayoral election...bye bye lil' johnny...LMAO

    Better get that Realtor license renewed.

  5. Bring on the Fountain Cops!

  6. Dickert is taking care of his pals once again. The don't want to see the commoners playing around the fountain when it is time to show off the view from the office. Once again Dickert taking care of his pals.

  7. Why not spend some of the money that Mayor Dickert claims to be saving the city by funding whatever it takes to keep that fountain open to the public. He is full of beans. Our current Mayor is a prime example of an idiot.

  8. I'm glad that a lot of money has been invested in North Beach. How does that help the fountain? Is North Beach the only recreation area in Racine? Why do we have parks and bike paths when we have North Beach?

    North Beach is great for swimming and getting mugged. Not so great for toddlers to splash in. The fountain was perfect. Of course, toddlers of color often played there, and that doesn't fit into the ten year plan for the kind of people that we want downtown, so I understand.

    Party on, you lying liar! "Law Day" while promoting illegal activity. God, someone, anyone, has to run against him.

  9. TKO Orbs!!! LMAO

  10. So, 1) The fountain is on. 2) It is a magnet for kids who want refreshment and perhaps don't know how to swim. 3) The water is as clean as it ever has been. 4) The State changed the law and now parents will be fined for their kids playfully doing what comes naturally.


  11. It's the "few" who ruin it for the majority. Please, no fence!

  12. Maybe Wahlen and his fellow cronies on RPD will park that useless armored truck in front of the fountain to scare the kids away.

    If that fails, we can always build another useless COP house across from the fountain or maybe put another goofy camera up to keep an eye on things!

  13. Tim the Shrubber4/30/2010 8:11 PM

    If the money were being spent to make the fountain comply with state law Orbs would be complaining about the city wasting money. The city will never be doing the right thing in his opinion.

  14. Tim the Shrubber4/30/2010 8:15 PM

    "Dickert is taking care of his pals once again. The don't want to see the commoners playing around the fountain when it is time to show off the view from the office. Once again Dickert taking care of his pals.":

    Paranoid delusions are more fun that dealing with the world of fact, huh?

  15. If the State changed the rules then we should find out how our local legislators voted. I'm no Dickert fan but the story seems to be quite clear this issue is due to the change of a State law not local ordinance.

  16. Did you know that the county thinks the Lake Water is unsafe to use for watering plants at the RUGAN Garden but we can swim at North Beach, interesting.
    IMHO the main reason why the City will not fix the fountain is the kids are the wrong color for the DRC

  17. Tim, Since you are the ONLY Dickert supporter in Racine, PLease tell me what has this moron of a mayor done for this city? PLease?

  18. What if they just pumped fresh lake water through the fountain and let it drain right back?

  19. So what if they're smoking a dooby? A warning also?

  20. We all know who doesn't want youngsters--particularly poor minority kids--near a certain citadel of corporate corruption. Hellwitch and Crack Lip-Off should be ashamed of their snooty snobbish selves.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Orbs, you use the image of Bob Dobbs as your blog picture. What do you know of Bob and the Church of The Subgenius. You know nothing of slack and I don't believe you truly knew what that image stands for. As a long time follower of Bob and subgenius. I find it offensive that you use your right wing agenda for something that is so the opposite. Very creative people are behind Bob, not a bunch of pansy ass whiners like you. I think you need to find another picture that represents your ideology. Not taking some picture you think is cool and using it without knowing anything about it. I for one am offended and disgusted that a symbol of sarcastic counter culture is being used by a fascist!

  23. I guess the black kids will have to resort to opening fire hydrants.

  24. 8:08

    Works for me we just do not want then Downtown can's have them mix with the Rich White Bar Hoppers

  25. Diapers in the drain. What next? I saw a lady bury a dirty diaper in the sand at north beach when a garbage can was 20 ft. away from her. Nasty! Can't these idiots dispose of their little crap sacks properly? It's always the few who ruin it for the majority!!

  26. When Dickert ran for office. He bragged about being able to lobby in Madison. He would make sure we were heard there like never before. He has a high priced administrator that is supposed to free him up for that. So get over to Madison and get this ridiculous law changed or at least allowing our little fountain. Yes, it stinks that some jerk left a diaper. But I can tell you dozens of stories of fun and happiness with the fountain. We are letting the jerks win by shutting it off to everyone. Laurel would not be happy with how this is going.

  27. As usual as stated earlier, the nasty, ghetto trash in this city ruins it for everybody else. How sad! Hate to say it, but the ones most likely to violate the new rules are the ones on welfare to begin with....fines? What fines! Racine just keeps sinking deeper and deeper. Just like with the schools. All the good ones suffer for the actions of a few losers who don't (not can't) and won't follow simple and obvious rules.

  28. Coward 4:11 AM:

    I actually was contacted by the Church of the SubGenius over my use of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs' image. (It's copyrighted.) They OK'd me. What's your problem?

    Fascist? Right wing? I am pro gay, pro marijuana, and pro people power. I've been involved in art, anarchy, and counterculture issues for 50 years (long before 'art' was hijacked by the oinkers in Racine). The new "left" are the true fascists: ramming government down everyone's throat. I believe in individual freedom and accountability. I am tired of being forced to live at the level of the lowest common denominator in order to satisfy the political agenda of enabling wet nurse whiners. I am for freedom from the tyranny of closed and small-mindedness. You know nothing about me, nothing.

    Party on!

    P.S. "Shrubber" isn't even a word. I used to prune shrubs for a living.

  29. Another LIE: I would complain about money spent on the fountain. I have always been pro fountain. I have posted pictures and blogs about the fountain. It's one of the features of downtown I actually like(d).

    I don't mind debate, but STOP THE LIES!

  30. Finally, seriously, really, doesn't anyone else think it's hinky that Racine always treats children like trash? There is a predator culture at City Hall, RCHSD, and in our courts. It needs to be snuffed out.

  31. Amen! Of course, the "predator culture" will prevail as long as a certain corporate crime family runs and ruins Racine. We all know which kleptoplutocrat ("Dr. Risk") had kiddie porn in one of his computers...Weird word on the street has it that The Scam-ily sent him off to a clinic to get him out of town until the scandal blew over.

  32. The Carnauba Court and its Corny-Hell hacks don't want poor children of color in their pristine "Lakeside Business District." Unfortunately, Hizzoner Mire Slick-Hair is their bought-and-paid-for flunkey who'll ram the will and whims of the witches of Waxilla down our throats.

  33. "Works for me we just do not want then Downtown can's have them mix with the Rich White Bar Hoppers"
    Are you friggin kidding me??? Really??? Have you been on the corner of Park and 6th or 4th and Main at bar time. Pleas, please tell me, which one is rich and or white. You obviously know NOTHING! Please stop talking out you ass!

  34. So Orbs, if your so Pro "counterculture" and all about freedom. Why do you hide behind a keyboard like such a coward? Do you go to public meetings, have you tried to get to know you city officials so you can say what you want to their face, have you volunteered or spent time with local organizations that try to help people? I just see your post's along side all the other negative jackasses. I guess I would have more respect for you if you actually do something. When the city council ticks me off, I have the balls to go up to them to their face. Guess what, it usually sparks a discussion, and agree or disagree. It's a whole lot better then going home and blogging how much the "Elite" run things. Yes Orbs Party on indeed. But for you it's a party of one.

  35. Tim the Shrubber5/01/2010 7:26 PM

    "Tim, Since you are the ONLY Dickert supporter in Racine, PLease tell me what has this moron of a mayor done for this city?"

    That is funny...I did not vote for him last time, and I probably would not vote for him in the future. Hardly the profile of a Dickert supporter.

    But, I also oppose irrational ranting.

  36. Tim the Shrubber5/01/2010 7:36 PM

    "'Shrubber' isn't even a word."

    So you have never seen Monty Python's Holy Grail? Never heard of the character Roger the Shrubber?

    I would not expect a person using a Bob Dobbs avatar to be so out of it for in terms of pop culture.

    I will say that Dobbs is a great emblem for you...most your posts have a similar right the Book of SubGenius.

    Slack, eh?

    (Plus, you can buy an electric shrubber...see this Black and Decker model.

  37. Tim the Shrubber5/01/2010 7:39 PM

    "I have always been pro fountain."

    Are you $247k pro-fountain?

  38. If this is not a case of racial profiling, nothing is. 99% of the good residents I see cooling off in the fountian are Black. Everyone from out of town drives by to the launch to see these folks in the fountian and probubly thinking "This is all the city offers these people". I feel city hall is embarrassed by this. With all the BS this city raises and spends it's tax payers money on, Why is it it is always the poor that loose their place. Shame on you.

  39. All the politicians that are enforcing this need to be recalled. We need to hold another election and clean house. Right after we the people contact Madison because John lied about using Madison and his contacts. Just what the heck has hiring Friedle freed him up to do?

  40. Better yet what has the PIO done? What a joke of a joke!

  41. "What about everything that has been invested into North Beach to make it one of the best in the country? "



  42. Boys and girls - you are all idiots, this action was being put into place even before Dickert was in office. Unfortunately neither mayor had any control over the Democrats in office in Madison. You complainers would have really come out of the wood work had the city went ahead and spent the money to be compliant - there is no pleasing you losers. I for one thought the usage of the fountain was great and I wish the city would have spent the money to correct.

  43. I am glad it is closed down. I have been down there a few times and just seeing these kids run around with their shitty diapers on in the water was gross. Whats wrong with some of these parents. The Quarry Lake use to be a nice place to swim until the shitty diaper gang started swimming there.

  44. I saw a Baby Ruth floating around.

  45. Let's hope it was a REAL Baby Ruth in its wrapper instead of something fit for the crapper.

  46. Candidly speaking, we're much too elitist here in Racine. As a result, we look down on and ridicule people whose lifestyles aren't in accord with our upper-middle class standards of pristine perfection. We all know who pushes arty-tarty criteria and aesthetic ballyhoo--a clan which got rich off the manufacture, distribution and sale of household sanitation products. If the Waxies and their retainers can't tolerate kids with dirty diapers, they should relocate to Oak Park, where they'll have plenty of their fellow-WASPs for lean, mean,clean company.

  47. its really rediculous that they shut down the fountain becuase i loved playing in it with my kid when they were allowed to play in it i was so mad
