
April 9, 2010

Racine Community Needs Survey online for residents' input

UPDATE, April 23: So far, only 400 residents have filled out the city's community needs survey. The survey will be available until May 1.

 Original post:

Racine has put a Community Needs Survey online, and is asking city residents to participate by the end of the month. Results will help the city prioritize community development and housing needs.

The survey is HERE on the city's website, and will be available through May 1.

The survey addresses the following topics:
Homeownership opportunities
Rentals housing availability
Emergency shelters/homeless prevention
Jobs/economic development
Historic preservation
Crime prevention/neighborhood safety
Redevelopment/revitalization efforts
Parks & recreation projects
Transportation/transit options
Availability of public services
Public facilities such as streets, parks, and community centers
Survey results will help determine the use of public funds, including the city’s yearly allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Housing Investment Partnerships, and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), as well as guide city administrators in the pursuit of other funding opportunities.

Mayor John Dickert urged participation, saying, “It is important for the public, especially taxpayers, to be able to provide important input for our funding decisions.”

“The needs survey is part of our five-year Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan update,” said Joe Heck, assistant city development director. Results of the survey, along with other data, indicators and analyses, and recommendations will be presented to the Community Development Committee later this spring.


  1. Gee I just took the survey three times!
    How many times will city staff take it to be sure it comes out the way they want it to?

  2. I didn't see an area to grade our current mayor. Here is the grade:

  3. Tim the Shrubber4/09/2010 11:19 PM

    The sampling frame for this survey is fundamentally flawed. I hope the people reading the number realize that percentages/number gathered by unrestricted online surveys have a defacto margin of error of +/- infinity.

    This fails the survey 101 accuracy test, and it is a waste of time.

  4. Tim

    They can use the info from the survey in a number of ways, all dishonest but The Mayor/Staff can stand up and say "we took this survey....."

  5. Is "Johnnie Boy" affraid he may lose his Mayoral seat in 2011, seems to be campaigning harder than he did in 2009!!

  6. Those that oppose KRM here is your chance, how about instead asking for better access to the freeway and Milwaukee through the Lake Parkway Extension.

  7. Wow two PR clunkers in one week. Dickert has assembled one grat team hasn't he? Talent not campaign supporters is how you select the best people to run the city. Hopefully, the next mayor will assemble a talented team. For how I guess we suffer through this team. Now we know how Detroit Lion's fans feel.

  8. This is a joke. A survey like this has no value next time use a Parkside Grad to design and oversee how it's used.
    That's right the City just wants to say they did a survey not that it was accurate that will never come up.

  9. Folks, althought I do not like this survey - I do agree with how skewed it will be - I also question this sight. And before anyone rips me for sending my comment anonymous, I am doing it to make a point.

    This site is also skewed. I tarted reading this site because it made a great alternate perspective to the JT and coments it made about the city, county, etc.

    However, I have read past statements saying this site will look into making it so commeters will have to leave a trace whether it be a name, screen name, whatever. I cannot imagine it takes that much time or effort to do so.

    Reading the comments left by people after Gene's article, the proclamation article, and so many more, I implore those that are responsible for this site to make it so comments cannot be left anonymous.

    And like I said for those who want to comment about my leaving these anonymous, read my earlier comments. And then get a life.

  10. 7:26

    Is this any better?

    The hand of the PIO at work

  11. Our mayor, John Dickert, is a good man. He is positive and really working for the good of Racine - with an emphasis on jobs. I like his positive thrust in everything he does. He's got my vote. John is open to suggestions and ideas, and is making a tremendous effort to keep dialogue open. We are lucky to have a mayor who really wants to do what is right.

  12. 850 pm

    Could this be the work of the PIO?

  13. Anyone else notice the new crony Wayne Clingman? What City job is he going to get? I understand Dickert is going to get the City to pay for another film thing.

  14. Tim the Shrubber4/12/2010 8:03 AM

    "Folks, althought I do not like this survey - I do agree with how skewed it will be - I also question this sight."

    What? How does the slant of the Racine Post reporting have anything to do with the fact that the City Survey is going to be fundamentally inaccurate? Your response makes no sense.

  15. Be positive about our mayor. Don't always look on the dark side. An attitude of homey gets more accomplished than an attitude of vinegar. Give our young mayor a chance and the benefit of the doubt. He's working hard to make Racine better.

  16. 927 pm Nope - not even close. I'm a positive person who looks for the good things in life. Do it - you'll feel better about yourself

  17. Only in Racine where the Mayor has a full time PR person (the PIO Eckhorst) A full time Video person (Clingman) and tries to shut down CAR 25 from any ant-Dickert programing. We now have a survey that is designed to give the City a way to claim anything Dickert wants.

  18. Jim the Pubber4/20/2010 5:08 PM

    Tim the Shrubber, you are an ignorant fool.

    Ok, I've finally come out and said it publicly. I have been noticing the complete ignorance of Tim the Shrubber's posts for months now, and couldn't contain myself any longer.

  19. Community Need: New Mayor

  20. Less then 400 Post. I filled it out 4 time before and do one or two more today.
    The survey can not be trusted, but then it was designed to allow the City to claim anything it wants

  21. Tim the Shrubber4/26/2010 8:20 AM

    Pubber -

    You need to update your text when trolling me. This is probably the 10th or 11th time you have posted "I've finally come out and said it publicly." That is a bit outdated at this point, and is no longer quite relevant since this is far from the first time you have said this. You need something fresh.

    If you cannot come up with some original text I am afraid I am going to give you a bad performance review during the mid-year evaluations in June, which will put your position as my troll in jeopardy. So, this gives a little over a month to improve your performance in this area.

    I have been getting flamed in online dicussions since I first got online on old BBS sites in the mid/late-80s, so I have a pretty thick skin for all this. If you need help I can probably refer you to some pretty good mentors. Just let me know, and I am sure we could set up some contacts.


    Tim the Shrubber
