
April 14, 2010

North Beach a finalist for U.S. Mayors' City Livability Award

Racine's North Beach restoration is a finalist for the U.S. Conference of Mayors' City Livability Award.

The competition is aimed at improving cities' quality of life; the North Beach project is one of 15 finalists out of 200 applications.

Usage of North Beach has increased from 126 per average weekday in 2005 to 641 in 2008; weekends see more than 5,000 at the beach per day.

The restoration of North Beach has also  attracted events like the EVP Pro-Beach Volleyball Tour and the Spirit of Racine Triathlon (which this summer becomes the Ironman 70.3 Racine Triathlon). The EVP volleyball players voted Racine the Host City of the Year four consecutive years. This year the World Series of Water Cross Jet Ski races will be held here in June.

Later this year,  North Beach will become handicapped-accessible directly to the water’s edge.

Winners of the award will be announced in May.


  1. The beach is very nice, but really who would ride a train to visit it?

  2. It's amazing how much North Beach has improved since the 80s!

    (And pro-beach VB tournaments do attract out-of-towners, BTW!!)

  3. One of the greatest assets of Racine - let's take a dip!

  4. For all the negative comments on the blogs that are displayed daily, this town has a lot to offer and a lot of excellent people live here. We need to continue to progress the positive while cleaning up the negatives.

  5. The town does have a lot to offer, but be careful you don't get mugged, robed, or your auto broken into while your enjoying the beach or what ever.

  6. 5:00 - why are you doing this?
