
April 23, 2010

Goal for postal carriers' May food drive: 100,000 lbs.

By Dan Taivalkoski
Executive Director, Racine County Food Bank

The 18th annual NALC National Food Drive to “Stamp Out Hunger” is the largest one-day food drive in the nation. Carriers collected a record 73.4 million pounds of food in last year’s drive. Keep an eye out for a donation bag and a reminder postcard in your mailbox to be delivered in early May, and don’t forget to donate!
Working with the Hunger Task Force in Milwaukee, Piggly Wiggly and Northwestern Mutual have underwritten the cost of the reminder bags for the entire state. Postcards are sponsored by the Campbell Soup Company and the U.S. Postal Service’s Priority Mail.

Locally, food is collected for the Racine County Food Bank, “The Food Pantry’s Food Pantry,” by NALC Branch 436 with help from the U.S. Postal Service, the United Way of Racine County, the AFL-CIO, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 767, Great Northern Corporation and the Racine Founders Rotary Club to name a few. Space does not permit thanks to all of the individuals and organizations that contribute their time and talents to this important event. Last year, the Racine County Food Bank was the beneficiary of over 70,000 pounds of  non-perishable food generated by this food drive.

An estimated 30 million people face hunger every day in America, including more than 12 million children. This year’s drive is extremely important to the hundreds who have lost their jobs in Racine County and hundreds more who face economic uncertainty. As a result, the goal for the May 8 collection is 100,000 pounds of food; a goal that our community can certainly achieve.

This drive, our largest, provides the Food Bank with ten to fifteen percent of all of the food that we distribute to our affiliate pantries, shelters and meal programs throughout the county for the entire year. Donations collected from this food drive help the Racine County Food Bank feed the hungry all summer long. Summer is an especially high-risk period for hunger because many children in need are not receiving regular meals in school. With our assistance, our affiliates provide an average of more than 60,000 meals each and every month.

When considering your donation, we ask that you avoid items packaged in glass; one broken jar can damage hundreds of other donations. In addition, please do not donate items that have gone past the expiration date. If it’s not something that you would feed to your family, we don’t want to give it to ours.

Finally, while we will gladly take any non-perishable food that you have to offer, you can make your donation extra special by donating one or more of the high-protein and nutrient packed items on our “Super Six” most needed items list which includes: peanut butter, canned meat, canned fish, beef stew, canned fruit or fruit juice and canned pasta with meat.


  1. Excellent! However, if the USA had a decent socio-economic system, hunger wouldn't be a problem and food drives would be unnecessary.

  2. This is a good deed. Even so, the Waxtrash corporate crime family (which enriched itself at the expenses of Racine's downtrodden toilers) should foot the bill for it. Instead of hitting ordinary folks for canned goods, we should be extracting mega-loot from the entrepreneurial leeches responsible for the hunger in our community.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Dear 3:46 PM, If you think I'm an ex-Waxslave, you're wrong. Believe it or not, a person doesn't have to work for the ceracious cruds to loathe them, their companies and their arrogance. The John-Swines are why Racine's poor cry.

  5. I hope and pray that someday the oligarchs will have to subsist on cheap starchy chow the way their victims presently do in this sad city. If we ever elect a people's government, we'll make Crack and Hellwitch Waxtrash Lip-Off eat food bank fare.

  6. Pretty Lame Pete and Dustin to delete the truth. What are you guys hiding? Anon 5:15 whatever! You can't hide, it's pretty well known who you are.
    Do you actually have a grip on just how boring you are?

  7. Despite its inability to amuse would-be eliteniks and civic Poobahs, THE TRUTH REMAINS THE TRUTH. HERE I STAND.

  8. what day is this?

  9. Tedious though they may seem, facts are facts. Any cultural anthropologist or political scientist who knows what he's looking at can tell you that Racine is a corrupt company town dominated by a callous corporate crime family and its porcine epigones. If the House of Wax and its resident money-monsters would ramp up their philanthropic work and cease exploiting desperate temps, much of the misery here would vanish. (Unfortunately, my own sad experience with my oligarchic kin has taught me that kleptoplutocrats can never gouge enough moolah out of their victims. If the a-thieve-rs have five hundred million smackeroos, they can't wait to steal a cool billion. Assuming the got-loot greedmutts already possess a billion bucks, they yearn to double their stinking stash a.s.a.p. The pursuit of wealth for its own filthy sake is an addiction every bit as pernicious as snorting or shooting cocaine. Indeed, if the truth were told, money-lust is worse because, unlike drug addiction, it's legal, eminently respectable and touted as laudable by the corporate criminals who misrule our impoverished country for their sick, slick pleasure and perverse profit.)

  10. On and On and On - no one cares what you naysayers have to say. Get out and do something constructive.

  11. Dear 4/26/2010 10:58 AM, We're not naysayers. Rather, we're realists who understand corporate capitalism all too well and work unceasingly for its destruction via legal and peaceful methods exclusively.

  12. 9:14 - Let's hope all of corporate folds so we can have more unemployment. The nerve of theses corporate people. Who do they think they are wanting to make money.

  13. Corporate porkers don't create wealth--rather, they pile up obscene fortunes by gouging thousands of victims and exploiting cheap labor galore. The only people who really "make money" as opposed to stealing it are government officials who legally print it and counterfeiters who turn out not-so-legitimate knock offs of the yucky-bucky.

  14. The sooner we build a social safety net for all our citizens, the sooner we'll bw free from hunger and the need to hold food drives.

  15. Please accept my apologies for a typo. The above comment should read as follows: The sooner we build a social safety net for all our citizens, the sooner we'll be freefrom hunger and the need to hold food drives. Thank you very much.

  16. Corporate capitalism doesn't eradicate poverty. Instead it widens the gap between the haves and the have-nots. If we Americans were sincerely committed to ending hunger in our sad land, we'd destroy corporate capitalism a.s.a.p.

  17. Needed: leaders who'll make President Obama look like George W. Bush.
