
March 17, 2010

Supervisor wants to talk about county losing $880,000 juvenile detention contract

County Board Supervisor Ken Hall is raising questions about how the county lost an $880,000 contract to house Kenosha County juveniles in the Racine County Juvenile Detention Center.

Hall, who represents the Wind Point area on the County Board, said he raised the issue at the end of the County Board's March 9 meeting because board members had not publicly discussed the lost contract. He asked the board's Committee of the Whole to discuss the lost contract and what it means for the county budget. Hall (right) said it will have a big impact.

"The loss of that long term contract leaves an $800,000 hole in the county budget, so it is a major fiscal issue that needs to be offset," he said.

Racine County lost the contract because it was unwilling to switch to a flexible pay system that would have allowed Kenosha County to only pay for beds they use during the year. Instead, it wanted Kenosha County to pay a flat fee for the year.

Washington County, located north of Milwaukee, allowed Kenosha County to switch to the flexible pay system. Kenosha County estimates it will save $200,000 a year by sending juveniles to Washington County.

Here's a Kenosha News story detailing the end of the 13-year arrangement between Kenosha and Racine counties for juvenile detention.

Here's a Journal Times' response with County Executive Bill McReynolds explaining the lost contract this way:
"Negotiations just broke down. It was a big contract. We felt it was a good deal for Racine County and Kenosha County. Things change. Things evolve. It is what it is."


  1. Kenosha will spend more than they saved by the added transportation costs they incur. There will be no cost savings in the long run for them. Deputies that have the transport jobs make over $100K a year because of the long hours and tons of OT. It will also slow down their juvenile courts and investigations as case workers and cops will have to make the long ride as well. Stupid idea.

  2. ^ Good points, thanks.

  3. I saw in the want ads over the weekend the Human Services Director is leaving. Wonder if the two of these events are linked?

  4. I think that this is a blessing in disguise. Do we really want the parents/relatives/cousins of all these "troubled youths" coming into our fine city for visits? I know I don't. And tell me about how much $$$ these visitors would spend in our community....I'll tell ya to take a hike. Thank god this happened.

  5. 5:15 Whatta maroon.

    Yes, kids who get in trouble only come from low down crime families. Never, ever did a kid from a good family EVER get in trouble.


  6. Anon 5:15-

    I'm glad you posed that question. Yes, I do want the families and friends of incarcerated juveniles coming to Racine for visits. In fact, the first thing I thought when I read this article is how difficult it will be for Racine juveniles to receive the support they need now that they are being shipped an hour or more away from home to Washington County.

    The fact is, those parents/families have been coming here for years. The fact that you've never noticed speaks to the lack of "drama" you presume they would bring with them.

  7. Must be election time. Ken Hall is pretending to be fiscally responsible.

  8. Mac screwed up. End of story.

  9. This has to be Dickert's fault. He gets blamed for everything else.

  10. Sick & Tired of McReynolds3/19/2010 9:50 PM

    "Negotiations just broke down. It was a big contract. We felt it was a good deal for Racine County and Kenosha County. Things change. Things evolve. It is what it is."

    When is he up for re-election?

    This is his best explanation - "It is what it is?" Why isn't anyone outraged at Bill McReynolds statement? How will our County make up an almost a $1 million dollar hole? More unemployed County workers is not the answer with a 15% unemployment rate in this County. This is our opportunity to replace ALL supervisors with their challenger. Notice he said "WE" None of them deserve their jobs, not even HALL. How can you even think about trusting any of them when their leader can't even tell the truth - his quote should have said "It's my way or the highway."

  11. BTW, didn't McReynolds promise us that if he built the jail they would come? Looks like his high priced hotel for criminals is backfiring in our pocket books.

  12. Sick and Tired of MacReynolds3/19/2010 11:23 PM

    The arrangement between the counties dated back to 1996 when Racine County built the juvenile detention center at 1717 Taylor Ave. There was an understanding at the time between officials that it would be a regional facility for juveniles from both counties, McReynolds said. Why wasn't the building of this facility a joint venture with Kenosha County - why was this built on the backside of Racine County Residents?

    Why are Racine County's rates so much higher than other counties?

  13. The Racine County Detention Center was not built as a regional center in 1996. It was designed and built with the intent of making money off of surrounding counties. There were fewer county operated detention centers at the time.

    The size of the facility and number of beds was decided in opposition to the findings of a nationally recognized consultant that was hired to help with the project.

    Kenosha County was always a major user of the facility and efforts were made to keep the daily rate affordable for them. Previous County Executives understood the need to do so.

  14. But the Dispatch Center was sucessful at getting all the various law enforcement units using it, right?

    I mean, we're making money on that one, aren't we?

  15. Kay,

    The reason why the County Jail is not paying off is because the County failed to get a contract for federal inmates. Kenosha County has the contract. Do you suppose the same Racine County official failed to negotiate that contract?

  16. Sick and Tired of McReynolds3/21/2010 10:51 PM

    8:21 I hope you are going to tell us all that you were a supervisor at the time when this was built and what you say is fact.

  17. Sparke, oh, hugely successful! Ask anyone that is under Mac's thumb. Of course if you're one of those silly people living in reality you may have another opinion.......

    anon 222

    Oh yeah, you betcha.

    I just want to know why anyone would still give mac any amount of credibility after his many *mistakes*
