
March 2, 2010

RacinePost live-blogging today's Becker sentencing hearing


  1. There will be marching and protesting if he is not sentenced to prison!

  2. Wow, how origional of you. Where DID you get the idea for live blogging?

  3. Why don't you just wait and report the news when it's over? We really can wait a few minutes.

  4. Why don't you do this, why don't you do that...I'm mad at the world and nothing satisfies me...blah blah blah.

  5. Yeah, we blatantly stole this from the JT. But it's great free technology, so we'll use it too. Besides, they owe us a couple of good ideas ...

  6. Chimpanzeeminkee3/03/2010 10:18 AM

    Dustin, please add your own editorial aspect to this. Sure we need the facts, but describe the scene, details, etc. That makes for an interesting blog to read.

  7. For some background on the Becker sentencing, checkout this story:

    There's a good chance he won't serve prison time.

    And, Chimp, we'll definitely describe the scene, who's there, etc. If it's anything like last time, reporters will outnumber everyone else in the room 3:1.

  8. Gee, a few months ago those that thought Becker might walk were "conspiracy theorists."

    Now, there's a "good chance."

    Party on, piggies!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Dustin, the JT has ripped you off so many times I wouldn't worry about it.

    They probably asked Wheaton Management permission to cover the event.

  11. If I am the only one to march and protest - so be it! The intent was there - he is a pedophile!!!! Quit dancing around that word. The recitivism rate for pedophiles is horrendous - put him away and save our children, instead of letting him out in the community "rehabbing" house in neighborhoods filled with children and thinking God only knows what kind of lustful thoughts. The party's over, Becker!

  12. The recidivism rate for any sexual offender in Wisconsin is actually very amazing. It's by far the best in the country. Not justifying what he did or what he deserves, but please come armed with facts, not feelings.

  13. Great real-time coverage of this sentencing. The description of the scene as well as the comments made by the players were great all afternoon. Thank you. Great tool for the Internet.

    It would have been nice to see him go away longer but remember child crimes convicts don't have it easy in lock up. It is a crime even criminals don't respect. I believe when he is finally released he will need to continually register as a pediphile for the rest of his life.

  14. Terrific job on the live coverage.

  15. Just sad -- he had great possibilities and great plans. Now it's all dust. I don't think a pedophile is curable, and that's probably the saddest thing about all this.

  16. Janine might be a faster typist than Dustin, but at first she didn't know that concurrent sentences means the time for each count is served with the other. She first posted Becker was gone for six years.

  17. Just wanted to say you did a great job covering this Dustin..........glad Becker got some time although three years is definately not enough, I'm only hoping he gets his while serving time in prison..........and seriously doubt I will be here when he gets out and praying I can keep my daughter safe from the likes of the "Becker types".....

  18. Well, now that it's over I think the sentence wasn't strong enough. Most that I talked with about this said they didn't think he'd get any jail time. I predicted he'd get 5 years, be out in 18 months and do 10 years of supervision. With a 3 year term, he'll probably be out in 1 year. The problem is that he'll still be young enough to continue as a sexual predator and our children will be no safer.

  19. Graham ever hear of truth in sentencing? It means 3 yrs, means 3 yrs.

  20. This was a felony or was it not?

  21. Truth-In-Sentencing
    Under the new Truth-in-Sentencing laws, any person who commits a felony offense on or after December 31, 1999, and is sentenced to at least one year of confinement in prison will not be eligible for parole. They are required to serve the entire sentence imposed by the Court. However, offenders who violate prison rules may have additional days added to the confinement portion of their sentence.

    Upon completion of the confinement portion of their sentence, an offender must serve a period of Extended Supervision in the community under the supervision of a Department of Corrections Community Corrections agent. At the time of sentencing, a judge determines the length of confinement and the length of Extended Supervision an offender must serve. By law, the length of Extended Supervision must be at least ¼ of the time of confinement.

    For offenders that have committed a felony on or after 12/31/99 under the new Truth-in-Sentencing law, early parole consideration is not available. Again, the judge determines the length of time served in prison and the length of time on Extended Supervision.

  22. Anon 5:24 & 5:34; what about ERP (Earned Release Program)? I believe they also have something called Challenge Incarceration that allow for release (to Extended Supervision) after certain conditions are met... I'm not sure if he qualifies for either but the whole TIS has its loopholes! Perhaps Dustin could fill us in as to whether he would be eligible for either? Normally, CCAP states whether eligible or not but nothing is noted there...

  23. Earned release program should not be available according to the statute listed below.

    Disqualifying Crimes. An inmate is not eligible for the ERP if convicted, at any time, of any of the following crimes:
    S Crimes listed in Chapter 940, Wisconsin Statutes, including homicide; causing injury by intoxicated use of a vehicle or negligent handling of a dangerous weapon, explosives
    or fire; battery; sexual assault; and other crimes of violence against life and bodily security.
    S Certain crimes against children listed in Chapter 948, including sexual assault of a child, physical abuse or sexual exploitation of a child, incest with a child, child enticement,
    soliciting a child for prostitution, and sexual assault of a student by a school instructional staff person.

  24. In regard to ERP - the judge determines at the time of sentencing if the convicted will be eligible for ERP. Some crimes automatically eliminate eligibility. For others, severity and impact is taken into consideration. It is highly unlikely that Becker would be eligible for ERP.
