
March 16, 2010

Preview of tonight's City Council meeting

The City Council is set to name the Racine Metro Transit Center in honor of Civil Rights Activist Corinne Reid-Owens. The council, which will vote on the transit center name tonight, will also ask the Racine Public Library, the Racine Unified School District and Gateway Technical College to also honor Owens, who started the Racine chapter of the NAACP, led campaigns for fair housing and more minority teachers and police officers. She also worked as a teacher and was elected to the Wisconsin Educator's Hall of Fame in 1994, and served on the Gateway Technical College Board.

* (Above) Welcome to Dottie-Kay Bowersox, Racine's new Public Health Administrator. This photo was taken at last week's Board of Health meeting. She started Feb. 16.

* The city is looking at shutting down the tax incremental finance district used to build Downtown's Shoop Parking Ramp. The TID has reached the maximum duration for a Tax Incremental District and must be closed, Development Director Brian O'Connell wrote to the City Council. The Finance and Personnel Committee will take up the item.

* Alderman Jeff Coe wants to waive all fees for the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and the Christmas parade. he Finance and Personnel Committee will take up the item.

* The city is pursuing $200,00 from the Department of Education for after-school programming in its community center.

* The police department is seeking a $150,000 grant from the National Institute of Justice for solving cold cases with DNA evidence.

* The city is in line to receive $21,825 for North Beach mats to create a walkway to the water.

* Real Racine and the Racine Art Museum want to close Main Street from Third to Sixth Street on Friday, July 2 for a children's race.

* The city is looking at new restrooms for Horlick Field.

* Johnson Park Golf Course is replacing three greens and one tee. It's also open for play on Friday!

* The city may enter into an agreement with J&D Enterprises to provide canteen concession services at the 5th Street boat ramp.

* Helding wants to allow brief discussion following the public comment section during city meetings. Now, city rules prevent any sort of response to public comment.

* The State Street drawbridge will be repaired for about $456,000. Zenith Tech, of Waukesha, is the low-bidder for the work. All costs are 100 percent reimbursable by the state.

* The passenger elevator at Memorial Hall broke. The emergency repairs are expected to cost about $30,000.

* City restrictions on Class A liquor licenses may have chased a new wine shop to Sturtevant. Michele Bachmann applied for a Class A license to open Grapes 2 Glass LLC at 2909 Durand Ave. (where the former "We Can Sell it On Ebay" was located). But Bachman withdrew the application and it was recently reported she's opening at 10351 Washington Ave. The city limits Class A licenses and only allows new businesses to exceed the limit if they meet certain criteria for economic development and impact.

* The city is set to buy 1922 Deane Blvd as part of its Neighborhood Stabilization Program.

* Former Alderman Tom Sollman is up for reappointment to the Wastewater and Water commissions. It's a four-year term.


  1. I've read/heard enough about Corinne Reid-Owens to last a lifetime and a half. Let's move on shall we?

  2. President Shields is going to hold the city council and mayor accountable!

  3. I agree 12:14, this crime ridden city should be worried about more important issues. What's next, A statue at the transit center also? Why not, it's only tax-payer monies. I preferred Racine in the 70's, that's when we were thriving, practically crime free!

  4. A few facts:

    (1) M.L. King Drive (with Dr. King statue) -Formerly Milwaukee Ave., east of the transit center.

    (2) Julian Thomas School (formerly Garfield school), east of transit center.

    (3) Proposed Corinne Reid-Owens transit center.

    All within 1/4 mile of each other.

    I think the city has been very generous/accommodating in recognizing individuals in this community. Once again, these are facts, not opinions.
    At what point is it enough already? Anyone?

  5. Roosevelt Park, Robert G Heck Park, Christopher Columbus
Causeway, Brose Park, Marquett Park,
Hamilton Park, Rooney Recreational Area, Case Harmon Park, Bull Fine Arts Elementary, Winslow School, Dr. Jones Elementary ,
Fratt Elementary ,Giese Elementary, Gifford Elementary, Goodland Elementary, Janes Elementary, Knapp Elementary, Mitchell Elementary, Olympia Brown, Roosevelt, Schulte Elementary, S.C. Johnson Elementery, Wadewitz Elementary, Johnson Building, Johnson Parkway, Johnson homestead, Jay Eye See Street (a horse!), Thomas S. Rees annex, Mary Todd Lincoln Statue, Lincoln Statue, (yet another Lincoln statue), DeKoven center, Washington golf course, Luther Hill, Lincoln School, Lincoln old folks’ home, Horklick, Park, Case, Horlick Dam, Shoop building, Shoop park, Capt. Knapp monument, Karel Jonas statue, the Lincoln block, Gilmore Middle, McKinley Middle school, Mitchell Middle school, Starbuck Middle school …

    ... at what point is it enough already?

  6. I know, and watch these baffoons discuss this at nauseum and fight over it. Just embarresing

  7. 2:29 - are you making up your own words? nauseum embarresing????

  8. 2:20

    i think you missed the other blogger's point. all this hysteria for pretty much nothing. nice try

  9. Johnson building??

    Um, I would imagine that if someone actually uses their own money to build a structure, that they are entitled to name it after themselves.

    ANON 2:20 = TOOL!!!

  10. 5:04 is right. That is a clear violation to the Tool code of conduct. I second the motion that 2:20 is officially placed in Tool status for the remainder of the thread.

  11. Comparing lists, it doesn't appear we're in much danger of naming too many things for esteemed black citizens.

  12. Anon 6:28 -

    First idiot to actually bring up race....Another tool folks.

  13. Anon 8:23, see Anon 1:02
