
March 19, 2010

New Uptown restaurant, Gerald's, eyes May opening

Gerald Bester at Thursday's Access Corridor Review Board meeting. 

Plans for a new restaurant in the former "Bank" building in Uptown are on track for an opening in the first or second of week of May, according to the owner.

Gerald Bester, owner of the soon-to-open "Gerald's" at 1501 Washington Ave., appeared before the Access Corridor Review Board on Thursday to get awnings and a facade grant approved for the building. Both easily passed the board.

Following the meeting, Bester said he's tentatively planning to open in early May. He said he's installed a full commercial kitchen and is now going through the permit approval process, hiring staff and getting the restaurant ready.

Here's our initial story about Bester's ambitious plans for the site.


  1. "Access Corridor Review Board"? This HAS to be a joke!!!

    Good luck to this gentleman with his new business.

  2. Exactly.
    "Access Corridor Review Board?"
    What's the standard, boarded up?

    Get out of the way of small business investors!!!

  3. Good luck is right.

    What happened to that soul food restaurant on Taylor and Durand? CLOSED. People too busy eating at Olive Garden.

  4. Looking to try it.

  5. Would someone please explain what the "Access Corridor Review Board" is. When, how and who does this "Board" regulate or authorize to do anything?

  6. Urban Pioneer3/20/2010 2:24 PM

    The Access Corridor Review Board should "review" a Bulldozer and knock down every building on the North side of Washington ave. From Paulson's / Outreach Building to N Memorial or even further West. Build a nice wide Blvd. with a Bike path and lot's of Parking on both sides of the Street. and the business displaced can relocate to the South Side of the Street, Downtown or West Racine. It would improve the corridor, improve west Racine and would improve access into Downtown. Do it now before one more "artist" is tricked into opening in one of the "new" places.

  7. As we heard in the neighborhood of "Taste for Soul" at Taylor and Durand they will reopen at a different location (once found) as new owners of this building raised rent more than double of what they were paying. If new owners had been smart enough, they would have left rent same as they have a vacant building that they are paying taxes etc. on. There is now another sign in the window, not only trying to rent the upstairs, but now the downstairs. Good luck as you are going to need it. Taste of Soul was great for that corner and you blew it.

  8. Taste of Soul should come to the South side. Jameel Ghauri should be the alderman and we are going to improve this side of town by working together. East and West sides together in district 2. The other candidate didn't even come to the Bryant center for a forum. Thats okay we all know who can actually bring us together instead of improving one portion only.

  9. Will they have metal detectors at the entrance and off duty police outside?

  10. From what I know, it's not that kind of place.

  11. Dustin - Time will tell, but from past experience at that "location" they'll need these things.
