
March 25, 2010

Judge Torhorst attacks Herrera over campaign claims; Says Gasiorkiewicz the better candidate

A sitting Racine County judge jumped into the judicial campaign between Georgia Herrera and Gene Gasiorkiewicz on Thursday with a stern letter rebuking Herrera for challenging Gasiorkiewicz's qualifications.

Judge Allan "Pat" Torhorst, deputy chief judge of the Second Judicial District, said Herrera's claims against Gasiorkiewicz have "no basis." His letter criticized Herrera for lacking judicial experience.

"A judge must have been prepared by a broad experience, which Ms. Herrera simply does not have," Torhorst wrote. "The circuit court benches cannot be a training ground."

Here's Torhhorst's letter:


  1. Excuse me Dustin, but to whom did Torhorst send the letter? It says "Dear Editor". Was the letter received by the Post or did you gain access to it elsewhere?

    Who, what, when, where?

  2. The letter was sent to RacinePost.

  3. Was leaning Gene, now voting Georgia3/25/2010 8:44 AM

    That does it. This seals my vote for Georgia. If Torhorst hates her this much, she must be doing something right!

  4. Gee, Obama's lack of experience has worked so well for us we should do it locally.

  5. If you want the old guard vote Georgia. If you want some new ideas and some change then vote Gene.

    Georgia only sought law enforcement and old guard judge support. Courts need to hear both sides of the case. She has made it clear she will only hear one side of the case. With law enforcement she also got to show off one off the County's most tainted police chiefs Meier is one of her supporters.

    Georgia has been part of the establishment a long time.

  6. How would Gene be "new ideas" when the "old guard" just endorsed him?

    I long for the days when judges will not show such intense and passionate personal bias, as Judge Torhorst has done here.

    Could someone please clarify for the public Judge Torhorst's personal relationship with Gene, please? Thank you.

  7. I'm not a big fan of judges who make personal statements in court. Example: Judge Torhorst's comment, "I want you out of this community." said during a sentencing. I believe that, regardless of how similar that belief might be to societal opinion, it does not have anything to do with the law and, therefore, should not be said. In addition, comments like that reveal a lack of discipline and maturity.

  8. The judges in Racine are a crime. Personal comments are very common, as well as squabbles, favoritism, and fraud. Every lawyer I've talked to has assured me that they know the judge and can fix things. Rather than reassuring me, those statements appall me. It's a closed game run for the benefit of the judges and lawyers. The people of Racine are the pawns in the game. There is no integrity in Racine's courts, only shame and deceit.

  9. A Racine stalker who violated the (3rd) retraining order against him was to see a judge. Any contact with the victim meant jail time, or so the courts originally said. The stalker's lawyer said, "Don't worry. The judge is my landlord." Sure enough, the stalker was set free again. He offended again and again, of course, and finally served some time. He only had to break the law a half-dozen times before something was done about it.

    Our judges are a disgrace.

  10. According to the Code of Judicial Conduct for the State of WI: SCR 60.06 A judge or judicial candidate shall refrain from inappropriate political activity.

    (3)Campaign Conduct and Rhetoric: (c) Misrepresentations. A candidate for a judicial office shall not knowingly or with reckless disregard for the statement's truth or falsity misrepresent the identity, qualifications, present position, or other fact concerning the candidate or an opponent. A candidate for judicial office should not knowingly make representations that, although true, are misleading, or knowingly make statements that are likely to confuse the public with respect to the proper role of judges and lawyers in the American adversary system.

    Herrera's assertions and those of her campaign about Gasiorkiewicz's qualifications that were untrue is a clear violation of this statute as a candidate for the judiciary. Torhorst is correct in speaking out on this matter and our local media outlets should be questioning it as well.

  11. For the people who are disappointed in our local judiciary consider this shocking aspect of this race that has received no attention:

    District Attorney Nieskies has publicly endorsed Herrera as have a number of police officers and law enforcement officials. They have been pictured on her website and in a video with identifying uniforms and badges.

    According to the Hatch Act Federal employees may not use their official authority or influence to interfere with an election. The casual observer might assume that these local municipal employees are not subject to this restriction, but this is incorrect. While the Hatch Act is a federal law, it applies not only to individuals employed by an agency in the federal executive branch but also to individuals principally employed by state, county, or municipal executive agencies in connection with programs financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States or a federal agency. This would include police officers and law enforcement officials.

    Furthermore the Hatch Act also states that municipal employees are prohibited from wearing their uniforms for political purposes. Go to Herrera's website or look at one of her ads and you will see this clear violation.

    So, feeling outraged and disappointed by this flagrant violation of election law my only recourse is to report it to the proper authority...District Attorney Nieskies.

    No wonder people are so disappointed in elected officials, even judges.

    Further more not only are these

  12. Why is this getting so ugly? What did I miss?

  13. When the public allows candidates (for the judiciary no less) to violate code of ethics regulations and ignore election law regarding publicly paid municipal employees we get the representation we deserve.

  14. 12:00pm - What did you miss? You missed that Herrera has no record of success to run on. She has had to resort to tactics employed not only in this election, but her previous run.

  15. In case you missed it... Both sides have judges campaigning/involved for them. If you take shots at Pat then you have to say the same about those who have been in pictures and fliers for Georgia.

  16. Anon 11:05 = Ben Hughes - GO AWAY ALREADY

  17. 12:53 I am not Ben Hughes, nor do I know personally either candidate.

    (Sorry about the fragment sentence at the end...forgot to delete before publishing)

    I am very angry that municipal employees have inserted themselves into Herrera's campaign. We do not pay their salaries for them to use their influence to appear in uniform in her ads and video. It is a violation of election law and I am even more angry that it hasn't become an issue for investigation by the media in this race.

    Furthermore it is a clear conflict of interest in the courtroom that will be mitigated by overturned cases and mistrials that will cost the taxpayers more money.

  18. Be real 12:53. Ben Hughes has a new job in a helluva lot nicer community than Racine. He's probably pretty busy. Why on earth would he give two hoots about a goofy judicial election in place he'd care to forget?

  19. Pete & Dustin:

    I don't like the title of the article.


    C'mon, this is hardly an attack.

    He's just telling it like it is.

  20. "he leaves shoes TO big"...are you kidding me Judge Torhorst? How can you not know the difference between to, too and two? Unbelievable.

  21. To those asking why this is getting ugly, remember every judge was a lawyer first. Any other questions? They can put a long robe on and sit behind a wooden bench, but they are still lawyers. They either have this behavior naturally or get it installed somewhere during law school.

  22. So I looked up the Hatch Act for myself and not only can officers who are municipal employees not appear in uniform for political purposes, but they cannot engage in political activity while in a government office or using a government vehicle.

    In Tuesday's Journal Times, Herrera's ad shows 3 uniformed officers in front of a building that sure looks like the police station with a police vehicle in the background.

    This stinks to high heaven.

  23. More importantly, absolutely nothing will be done about it.

    The law is for sale in Racine, Wisconsin.

  24. Thankfully Herrera failed at her last campaign for judge, and I sure hope she fails this time around!

    The "Obama-like" politics and campaign tactics must end. Time to take back our country locally first by NOT electing Herrera.

  25. Nice piece of writing Judge Torhorst....... Do you not even understand the basics of proper grammar? Nice usage of the word 'to' as opposed to 'too' in your letter supporting Gene. If this is any measure of standards ....... my support is behind the right candidate - HERRERA!

  26. If Herrera does not get the job, can someone please hire her. This lady basically has no practice and needs the job.I'd rather not vote for someone that is that desperate.

  27. The problem with judges in Racine county is that when they put that robe on they cloak the law and the very foundation of the Statutes that were written to protect our constitutional rights. Prejudice is rampant and justice is lacking.
