
March 4, 2010

Diversey's Catherine Conaghan named Young Professional of the Year

A world-traveling auditor from Diversey Inc. was named the Young Professional of Racine's 2010 Young Professional of the Year.

Catherine Conaghan was given YPR's annual award for her professional success and local volunteering efforts. Conaghan works on an international auditing team for Diversey, formerly JohnsonDiversey, and serves on boards for Girls Inc. and YPR. She also volunteered at San Juan Diego, co-led a women in science and engineering group at JohnsonDiversey and graduated from Leadership Racine.

Conaghan is YPR's seventh Young Professional of the Year. Previous winners include: 2009 - Chris Antonneau (David Insurance); 2008 - Jeff McKeown ( Express Personnel Services); 2007 - Doug Nicholson (Ivanhoe Pub & Eatery); 2006 - Anne Stillman (CNH); 2005 - Jay Christie (Racine Zoological Society); 2004 - John Busey (Robert W. Baird).

Conaghan was one of four finalists for the 2010 award. Other finalists include: Gordan Bittner (Realtor), Janine Anderson (The Journal Times), and Russell Warren (SAFE Haven).

Other nominees for the 2010 Young Professional of the Year award include: Sara Luther Hagerman, interim director of QTI of Southeastern Wisconsin; Jim Moes, teacher at Jefferson Lighthouse Elementary; JJ McAuliffe, owner of McAuliffe's Pub; Bret Glembocki, staff scientist at JohnsonDiversey; Michael Fischer, staff scientist at JohnsonDiversey; Tracy Nielsen, vice president-marketing and resource development; Jane Kurylo, business services team lead, Workforce Development Center.


  1. Catherine is a great choice! Congrats to her and the other nominees! Congrats to Racine for having so many dedicated young talents!

  2. It's nice to hear something positive about Racine and the people here, especially after yesterday. I'm sure the 4 angry people in their basements will have something negative to say about this, but this is a good thing for Racine. Congratulations Catherine!!!

  3. First off congrats to the YP person of the year.

    There are plenty of good things going on in Racine. The problem is that the JT doesn't know how to print good stuff. I understand that the Post is open to printing the good stuff but people have to get it to them. Pete and Dustin keep asking for good news but people have to send it.

    If you notice the post is also seeking input with their survey. Something else the JT never does.

  4. Dear 3/04/2010 3:38 PM, Alas, there are more than four angry people in Racine. Even so, they have no gripe with a talented salary serf who's had to serve the Waxtrash in order to survive. Our crusaders for social justice are out to crush her oligarchic oppressors, not this gifted paycheck peon whose only crime was accepting a position at one of their companies.

  5. Congratulations coupled with sincere best wishes that a fine person may enjoy an extremely prosperous and Waxfree future!

  6. So Michael is Psychopaathic /Schizophrenic - he writes multiple entries under multiple personalities and then answwrs himslef.
    The giveaway is the constant "wax" word.
    MIchael - you are a danger to yourself and others. I would seek immediate help. There are hotlines you can call. each day you apparently become more irrational.Feyt help man!

  7. Dear 9{05 PM, You'd be amazed how many angry people use "Wax" in their comments. Until The House of Wax ceases to oppress our people, scads of angry men shall continue to excoriate the Carnauba Court and its Cornell carpetbaggers.

  8. Dear 3/05/2010 9:05 PM, You bet I'll get help--the Waxbashers, The Alliance, The Wicked Good Militia, the Sons of Khem and several other groups are mobilizing to crush the John-Swines and their evil empire. What came from waxes shall go for taxes.

  9. Though it may take us twenty years, we'll crush corporate capitalism.

  10. Congratulations Catherine. For once, I know the person of the year and I think they did their job right.

    You are great,
    Best Wishes!

  11. Congratulations Catherine you deserve, young person of the year award.. Delighted for you from all your friends in Ireland..
