
March 5, 2010

Dickert: Treasures Media needs a bigger site to expand

Treasures Media is abandoning plans to build a new distribution center in the city's Southside Industrial Park because the company needs more space, Mayor John Dickert said on WRJN-AM 1400's Sound Off program Friday. (You can hear the report here.)

Dickert said Treasures Media bought another company over the holiday season that expanded its needs.

"They're growing so fast that they may not have time to build there," Dickert told WRJN. "They may actually have to get another site that's even bigger. We're working with them on doing that in Racine."

Treasures had planned to build an 80,000 square-foot distribution center where the former Jacobson/Textron industrial plant was located.

WRJN reported Treasures' new site may create up to 45 new jobs. Dickert declined to say what sites Treasures was looking at, but said it would be bigger than the South Side Industrial park location.

Dickert also said on Sound Off that the city was working with two other companies about moving to the city, and the city is finalizing a contract with American Tire and Recycling to open a new plant on South Memorial Drive.

The American Tire deal is moving forward after a court decision in January kept things in track. American Tire had planned to open sometime in the first quarter of 2010. They plan to create up to 88 jobs at the site.


  1. Keep the BS coming. None of this will happen

  2. Speaking of BS. When is Shields speaking?

  3. Let's have a press conference.

  4. I heard there is a granite salesman that is looking for a new spot. Might be a good fit.

  5. Is he going to lose his security deposit? He had an option on the property didn't he? I'm calling Jim Spangenberg to investigate this item. My neighbor told me that he was a real estate expert.

  6. Is the mayor getting dizzy again?

  7. WOW! What A JOKE! Another example of the misleadings of the mayor. When will we realize that everything this mayor touches turns to sh-it!

  8. If Dickert's BS was music he'd be a brass band.

  9. Maybe Dickert has been smoking the good stuff again with his buddy Gary. I think it casse hallucinations and dizziness. It would explain two things:

    1)That he actually believes he accomplished something since he has been mayor = Hallucinations.

    2)It also explains the ER visit for being dizzy.

  10. My best days are ahead of me.

  11. Where should I begin. "Johnnie Boy" do you think that the residents of Racine are stupid? Do you think we can't see through your Bulls##t. Fact #1 the Southside Industrial Park, has ample space to house any size building that your SS book store owner would need! Fact #2 from day one you pranced Mr. Bloom out in front of the community as if he was a savior of Racine, when in reality he was no more than a hate monger thug! What happened "Johnnie Boy" did Gerry run out of Deutsch Marks? Did Odessa not come through with their end of the financing? Was the National Socialist Party credit rating not good enough to pull a 1.5 million dollar loan? You sir are about as useful to Racine as the $40k statue that the pedophile purchased for Racine! What a joke you are! Think hard and long about running in 2011 because I don't think your wife and kids would even vote for you!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Dickert is going down as the second most pathetic mayor this city ever had (Becker being the first)....I can't wait till election day, his behind is out.

  14. But first someone has to run for his office. Do you think anyone will?

  15. 6:35, We haave an individual ready to run against the arrogant fool AKA John Dickert. Will keep Racine posted!

  16. This is sadm. I hope ths young man will halv his companey stay hear in racine. He has. christain values. Christain business is what we need hear in racine.

  17. What happened to the 5 companies he told everyone he was working with prior to being elected mayor? Was that another false campaign promise like the 10 year plan? Is he ever going to bring a business here? It has been almost a year and not one new job.

  18. Dickert's has created lots of jobs. For his family and friends. Hah.

  19. Would YOU invest in the Southside Industrial Park? I drive through that area every day and it is just getting worse by the minute! And trust me....Mr. Bloom is no saint. All he sees is $$$$ signs! He's a perfect fit for the low life degenerates that keep finding their way to the top in this city.

  20. Amen! TURDS float to the top in this toiletin' town.

  21. Business deals go South everyday. Can not blame The Mayor for that, does goes to so the distrust the City has in him that so many are willing to assume the worst.

  22. I think that's a good comment, Anon 4:49 a.m. It's not the Mayor's fault if Treasures decides it needs more space or doesn't want to build anymore.

    As for the mayor's popularity, he probably has some work to do. But it's a year until he's up for election, and that's an eternity in local politics. (Just look at Gary Becker's rapid demise.)

    The big issue for the mayor is delivering on his big promises, and avoiding small issues blowing up into big attacks. If he can settle in and just be mayor, he'll probably rebound a bit.

  23. Mayor Dickert, why don't you just buy him a building? Keep all the convicts working and forget about us, the non-felons.

  24. Dustin, please stop kissing his "arsh". You know as well as the rest of us, that Dickert is a fast talking campaigner, nothing more, nothing less!

    I can't wait to hear his press release for ATR when it falls apart. "At this time ATR is holding off on plans to move forward in Racine" It seems that the companies rapid growth has forced them to seek a lager location. The new location would have to be 800,000 sf to acomodate this unexpected turn of event's within ATR." Said Mayor "Johnnie Boy" today.(This press release is intended for our new PIO Officer, get ready to lie Mark as long as Dickert is at the helm)

  25. Think about it3/06/2010 7:48 AM

    Mr. Spangenberg,
    What is your take on all of this? I seem to recall you requesting financial statements from the young man that wanted to build in your district. Can you request that of this man? I believe that there is way more to this story then the growth of this business.Anon 3/5/10 5:21 pm hit the nail on the head unless this Treasures needs 2 million square feet there is plenty of space to build at this location. Is this a case were as the City Development Department once again dropped the ball. Rumor has it that Mr. O"Connell still does not have the design standards and restrict in place for the Southside Business Park! Or is it the owner does not have the finacial means to build what is needed for his business. Or is it a combination of both! All these are valid points unfortunatly Mayor Dickert, his staff and all the morons on Council will never tell the truth so we can only assume!

  26. Just look at the facts.....Everything Dickert touches turns to crap! The arrogance gets you nowhere! People are sick of this type of BS leadership. We DESERVE much better and should EXPECT way more from our so-called mayor. This guy is the most arrogant, self centered, lying joker there is. Talk all you want, I think the people are sick of it! Why don't you try having a press conference "WHEN YOU ACTUALLY GET SOME JOBS" Dickert makes me sick

  27. People will run against him and he doesn't have a snowballs chance in heck to be elected again.

  28. Where are all of Dickert's supporters now???

    Funny, before the election they defended him tirelessly, now, they know they were dead wrong.

    I think it's comical that his "friends" really didn't know him as well as they claimed.

    Wait until actual proof comes out about certain things, it won't be pretty.

    My question is however, will the Post have the guts to report the truth??

    My guess is that they will not, and IF they do, they will add their own spin to it.

    Very sad.

  29. The owner does not have the money to build a new building, even with all the city funding. That is why he is looking to buy or lease a building. He does need to expand, but does not have the capital to do what Dickert wants him to do.

  30. In his defense, Dickert did come up with the name Riverview, which is much better than Towerview, IMHO.

  31. Anon 7:20, go get an education.

    Anon 8:35, all of dickert's campaign promises were nothing but smoke and mirrors. Besides buying out the sign industry to plaster his name all over town, he figured the only way to get elected was to promise everybody everything, and then do nothing for them (except for family and close friends) once elected.

    I tried to use several examples of dickert's ethics and tactics during the last election, but no one wanted to hear them. Now they have been proven true. I hope people smarten up before next April. dickert needs to go, big time.

  32. Someone is on the internet at 4:30 in the morning and their opinion of Racine is: "Amen! TURDS float to the top in this toiletin' town."

    By all means, let's listen to bloggers. I can't imagine what we would do without all this valuable input. You better not restrict the comments, Dustin, we would have to do without the likes of this.

  33. Dickert is a salesman, that should tell you something. He's not good at it, everyone can see that. As far as a mayor, he's not to be trusted in any way, shape, or form. Corruption, it's as simple as that.

  34. Do you know what the best kind of treasure is? A burried one.

  35. Rock This Town

  36. Actually, Mr. Bloom probably read the comments on Racine Post and the Journal Times and decide that he would be crazy to locate his business in a town populated with complete jerks.

  37. 7:44, "complete jerks" while yelling "Zieg Hail" he shot up a African American Church. Who is the jerk here?

  38. I hope Michael Shields and Alphonse Garner are happy! They didn't want this deal to go forward because Mr. Bloom made mistakes as a youth. Shields and Garner are very racist!

  39. Shields supported the project at first. Mr. Blooms skin color hasn't changed.

  40. Where is Shields job plan?

  41. Dickert=Failure.........please just judge based on ACTUAL accomplishments and also on Point Blue, Riverview Condos projects. The guy is failing us miserebly. Wake up!

  42. Time to get a new Mayor. Maybe Mark Flynn

  43. Where is Dickert's job plan. Don't forget Dickert is our Mayor, not Shields.


    The tire company Dickert likes seams to have issues. Great!

  45. Dickert=Failure

  46. just my opinion3/12/2010 8:52 AM

    Why do these blogs always become so negative. This stuff happens in every city.We should be grateful that this business is growing and expanding in a time that the economy is stagnant. Perhaps he will open up in another building in Racine, perhaps the old Walker building ??....or Elmwood Plaza ???
