
March 9, 2010

Dickert sets two 'conversations' on minority issues

Mayor John Dickert will hold two "Community Conversations" aimed at building upon what he calls "Racine’s greatest asset: its diversity."

The first will take place on Wednesday, March 31, at the Tyler-Domer Community Center, 2301 12th St., and the second on Thursday, April 8, at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, 1134 Martin Luther King Drive. Both events are from 5:30 to 7 p.m., and are open to the public.

Dickert said the meetings will be to discuss issues facing the city, and to present information about programs and initiatives that address the minority and low-income population of Racine.

Organizations such as the Community Economic Development Corporation, African American Business Professional Association, Hispanic Business Alliance, Hispanic Business and Professionals Association, Racine Vocational Ministries, First Choice Apprenticeship Program, Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation, Racine County Workforce Development, Racine/Kenosha Community Action Agency, Inc., Racine Unified School District, and the 2010 Complete Count Census Committee will be invited to set up tables with information.


  1. It would be nice if the mayor came out and challenged minority "leaders" to take back their neighborhoods. He should insist they stop being tolerant of minority youth crime, drugs, gangs, pregnancy, school drop-out and the anti-snitching culture.

    Then he'd be actually making a difference rather than putting on a dog and pony show.

  2. 4:19 - But it's not their fault. It's always someone elses fault.

  3. Mike Shields will not allow John Dickert to out minority him!

    Get ready Johnny boy for Mike Shields and the NAACP's plan for dramatically reducing umemployement in the minority community. He is about to show you what a real plan actually looks like.

    Mike Shields knows what this town needs and how to graduation rates in minority communities. He has what it takes to deliver because he IS NOT all talk. Mike Shields is a man of actions - bold actions and plans.

    Just wait and see.

  4. Anon 4:36....why Johnny Boy? Why not address him as Mayor Dickert? Why does this have to be a Shields vs Dickert challenge? Why can't we all work together to help all the citizens of Racine? I get really discouraged by the lack of respect on this site.

  5. I'll address him as Mayor Dickert when he addresses me with a 10 year plan.

    And as for your quote: "Why does this have to be a Shields vs Dickert challenge?"

    I guess you should ask them! Seems like there is a competition going on to see who can be the closest to the minorities.

  6. Mayor Dickert is due all of our respect. That respect was earned last year in May when he took the mayor's position and is not contingent upon him giving you anything. I do not see him taking challenge with anyone. I see quite the opposite. I see him working to serve all of Racine. We are all neighbors no matter what nationality our ancestors came from. Racine is a community of many nationalities, not just two.

  7. 4:36 - Imagine the outrage if someone blogging here called Mr. Shields Mikey boy.

  8. Hey 4:57....He stopped earning respect when he hired all his buddys, tried to hire friends on no bid contracts, showed his true arrogant self, mislead the entire city on numerous issues and never delivered his so called 10 year plan which he was largely elected on. The guy is a failure, everything he touches turns to crap! Those are the facts!

  9. Hey Mikey Boy, deliver a plan!

    OK, there. Feel better?

  10. I can appreciate your passion, but why don't you turn your negative energy into positive and do something constructive with the team rather than working to defeat any progress Racine might achieve? We will all benefit.

  11. This is shaping up to be a who is blacker contest between Shields and Dickert.

    Shields had his minority meeting that Dickert didn't attend and then Dickert one-ups Shields by having two meetings when Shields only had one. Take that!

    Advantage Dickert....your move Shields.....your move.

  12. They only way we all benefit is when John Dickers no longer Mayor of Racine!!
    Shields is no perfect man but his(NAACP) meeting that the Mayor was invited to was made up of more then just Dickert supporters.
    I keep hearing too that the Mayor is NOT allowing the tape of that show made Saturday to be seen on Car 25.

  13. The fact is Dickert has not created ANY jobs for black or white! Since Dickert has been in office the unemployment numbers for Racine have gone from 9.5 percent to 15 percent! Thats huge and those are just the facts!

  14. Nobody but my mother deserves my respect. For everyone but her, respect is earned and he hasn't yet earned anything but a vote against him in the next election. Maybe he should not consider his position a position of power but a position of responsibilty.

  15. Mayor Dickert has brought millions of dollars into this city. What has Mike Shields done?

  16. Anon 5:44

    Millions??? Really??

    Please explain with SPECIFIC FACTS AND FIGURES.

    I've got my popcorn ready now, this should be entertaining.

    Ready when you are.

  17. Shields walks with the average man. Dickert kisses the rumps of the wealthy. Even thought he is barely an average man himself.

  18. Rumor has it that Dickert and his Christian book store pal are inviting 100 Neo-Nazi Skins to these talks. Racine first racial ralley.

  19. Dickert had nothing to do with the "millions" that came into the community. They are formula based funds that the City would have received with or without Dickert!

  20. Dickert had nothing to do with the "millions" that came into the community. They are formula based funds that the City would have received with or without Dickert!

  21. Did you note that Mr. Dickert is not inviting Al Gardner, Ken Lumpkin, Mr Snow, and the NAACP.
    They have nothing to offer?

  22. 10:17

    Like what? They are in the tank for Shields so why should they be invited? It has been pretty obvious from all of the press releases that the NAACP hates the mayor and want to promote their candidate, Shields. All they would do is disrupt and cause nothing to get done so they can cause a scene and have another press release from Shields.

    No thanks. Give me players that are willing to do something besides complain.

  23. 11:50

    If the Mayor would let CAR 25 run the tape from the NAACP meeting you would see a group talking about issues vs yelling hate. Must be that the Mayor is worried that if he allows the tape to be seen we will know the issues that Dickert like covered up.
    Dickert may control CAR 25 he does not control the internet.
    I understand that the NAACP is contacting the FCC now about this attempt to censer this program

  24. Have you not been paying attention? CAR-25 is being turned into the dickert channel. Nothing is going to go out on that which could make "johnny boy" look bad. Keep in mind, overlord dickert controls the purse strings.

    And concerning the fool who thinks dickert deserves our respect just because he won the election, well, there's your one vote for the next election johnny. Respect has to be earned and the only people earning his respect are those friends and family members he's creating jobs for.

  25. Judge Dickert on what he has accomplished, NOTHING!

  26. Ken after reading your illiterate rag of a paper. I notice roofreading is a issue.

    Notice that some governmental groups are having tables.

    No one else is speaking...

    I guess in your world only a black person can speak to minorities.

  27. Roofreading? Who reads on top of roofs?

  28. A man lies to win an election so therefore we should respect him?

    Party on, lying John.

  29. Insider News (Ken Lumpkin) "Did you note that Mr. Dickert is not inviting Al Gardner, Ken Lumpkin, Mr Snow, and the NAACP.
    They have nothing to offer?" The event is open to the public. That means everyone is invited. Are you so audacious that you feel you need a separate invitation or are you trying to keep stirring the pot?

  30. Yes, lets discuss the minorities in this town. Lets talk about truancy, theft,and every other issue that makes this town unsafe for most. Let's not forget how many illegals have moved into our city and schools that WE must now pay for. Perhaps the cops in this town could do more that write speeding tickets and park behind building talking to other cops that are doing nothing. Get the cops into the communities to actually fight crime. Put them in jail and stop letting them walk. Now there is an idea. I guarantee at the Mayors public meeting that all he is going to hear is.....what else can we more for us.....we have no jobs.....we are drug addicts......another 14 year old many more ways can we suck the system dry. Perhaps dickert could suggest ways for them to help themselves and not look for every handout possible. Enough is enough. Put your hands back in your pockets and hit the streets. GET A JOB!!!!
    Isn't there a bus going to Mexico we could fill up.......wait you will need way more than just one bus!

  31. Too bad KRM isn't here. We could send all the people who use and drain the system back to Chicago where they came from.

  32. I see the testorone flowing and pissin match starting. Dicker doesn't have a clue. He wants to DISCUSS the issure. WTF, how about instead of doing your normal head bobble acting like you really give a crap. You ADDRESS the issues, HAVE A GAME PLAN for the issues, HAVE CONCRETE IDEAS on how to fix this city. Dickert we are done with your dog and pony show.

  33. Becker was mayor for longer than Dickert, so he deserves even more respect.

  34. Where is Bobby Boy Turner and Mikey Shields. Shouldn't they be leading.

    Let's lead, not cry like little babies. Mikey's was introduced on Saturday..guess not. Must have been Dickert's fault.

    Hey the paper, not just listen to Tikey Shields. you may learn that the city is doing something.

    I treated Turner and Shields the same as Dickert is being presently being treated.

    Respect...when you give it, I will too.

  35. Kenny Insider 10:17 - The only thing you and your other alleged leaders have had to offer is an extended empty hand, hoping someone will fund one or another of your marginal to worthless programs.

    If you really want to lead - - lead! Stop crying racism. Stop crying poor. Start going toe to toe with the gangs, the dropouts, the teen pregnancies, etc., etc. When you get that accomplished, then maybe people will more receptive to that open empty hand.

  36. Maybe dickert can start by rounding up more pedophiles. Take a look at this sight
    Seems Becker did nothing about them (no explanation needed). There is even one living by Dr. Jones. This town compared to many others is LOADED with pedophiles. RUN THEM OUT OF DODGE DICKERT!!!!Protect our children! Don't stop with Becker......many , many more to go!

  37. This is not Ken fight. Who ever posted the post with the Insider News name have it wrong.

    I am having my own listing session before the Mayor's. Anyone who think they know me can come out and talk with me, rather than hiding on these blog. I can assure you once you met me you will like me like many others does.

    Call me at 262.632.9370 if you have any issue/s you would like me to address.

  38. Great news! Another listening session!

    Let the listening contest begin.

  39. I believe in the idea of "If you don't like this town, then get out."

    Unfortunately, I haven't saved up enough cash yet to move anywhere else.

  40. I just have one point. They are not the minority anymore. So now what?

  41. Why can't the conversations be for everyone who has issues? Why can't it be for everyone who is struggling right now. This separation because of color is beyond ridiculous. I know people in Racine that are well off and are not white. How can that be? The color of a persons skin does not dictate whether they will succeed. Maybe 50 years ago, but not today. So we need to open our eyes and help the whole community that is struggling. It is no longer a "minority" (majority) issue.

  42. Anon 7:33, is your name Rodney "why can't we all just get along" King?

    I'll tell you why there is still a major division over color: the government continues to propagate it through things like welfare, affirmative action, and other programs that continually place preference on blacks over whites. Then there's this garbage about how we "owe" apologies and financial restitution to blacks because someone in their genealogy over 150 years ago was a slave. That's just plain stupidity and greed. Couple that with the fact that, regardless of how color-blind whites try to be, the vast majority of blacks won't do the same. They are the most racist people in America. They teach their kids from birth how to "hate whitey" and work the welfare system. And the hard working respectable blacks, which there are many of, suffer right along with the rest of us for it.

  43. My response will be to this post. 3/10/2010 12:02 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Yes, lets discuss the minorities in this town. Lets talk about truancy, theft,and every other issue that makes this town unsafe for most. Let's not forget how many illegals have moved into our city and schools that WE must now pay for. Perhaps the cops in this town could do more that write speeding tickets and park behind building talking to other cops that are doing nothing. Get the cops into the communities to actually fight crime. Put them in jail and stop letting them walk. Now there is an idea. I guarantee at the Mayors public meeting that all he is going to hear is.....what else can we more for us.....we have no jobs.....we are drug addicts......another 14 year old many more ways can we suck the system dry. Perhaps dickert could suggest ways for them to help themselves and not look for every handout possible. Enough is enough. Put your hands back in your pockets and hit the streets. GET A JOB!!!!
    Isn't there a bus going to Mexico we could fill up.......wait you will need way more than just one bus!

    Shame on you if you believe that the issues you raise can be attributed to just the African American Community and Hispanics. Keep being delusional.

  44. Anon 10:26, you are correct in that the blacks and Hispanics are not the only ones creating the problem. There are plenty of undeserving white-trash leaches out there with their hands out stealing the resources away from those of all colors who truly need and are deserving of help. But, Anon 12:02 is correct in that the bulk of those here illegally and those that are committing the welfare fraud are blacks and Hispanics. Shame on them ALL, black, white and tan!

  45. our greatest asset is our diversity?

    boy we're screwed!!

  46. Here comes the Dickert haters again. Imagine if they put that much effort into finding a job.

  47. John Dickert needs to stop letting 3 or 4 people control the conversation about the city. We all need to stop letting Shields, Oliver and Gardner distract everyone with their bogus argument that the mayor and the city are racist.

    Mike Shields is an Alderman, NAACP President and formerly the County Dem Chair, he works for the Workforce Development Center on Taylor. This guy represents more institutionalized entities than Dickert ever will and what has he done?

    The failure to address the needs of minorities in this community is more the failure of Mike Shields than any other person in the area. He knows it and that's why he is so keen to make it look like someone else's fault.

  48. Since there is so much concern about jobs, diversity and minorities, I wonder if these groups will be able to muster up more than 30 people like last time. They are all talk and no action

  49. Will the new tool of Dickert, Wayne Clingman be taping again? Ever since The Mayor bought in to Clingman having another film festal, Wayne can't get close enough to The Mayor.
    I hear Clingman will be the 2nd PIO since Mark and him are such good buds.
