
March 9, 2010

Crimmings to resign as chairman of the city's Redevelopment Authority

John Crimmings, long-time chairman of the city's Redevelopment Authority, plans to resign from the board. He'll do it as soon as enough members show up to hold a meeting.

For the second week in a row the RDA failed to draw enough members to hold a legal meeting. As a result, Crimmings had to put off his announcement.

Crimmings (right), a Realtor who is vice president, general sales manager for First Weber in Racine, is resigning after more than 20 years on the volunteer board, which owns and manages property for the city.

"I was going to announce it tonight," he said about his plan to resign. "I've been talking about it for quite some time."

Only three of the RDA's seven members showed up Tuesday night. Crimmings, Alderman Jim Spangenberg and member Bob Ledvina attended. State Rep. Cory Mason, Scott Terry, Pete Karas and David Lange didn't attend. The committee was one member short of being able to hold a legal meeting.

"I'm very disappointed we can't get a quorum," Crimmings said. "It's very frustrating."

Crimmings was appointed in the late 1980s by Mayor Owen Davies. He replaced Marion Langdon, a School Board member for many years who was very well known in local real estate. Crimmings said he enjoyed his time on the board.

"It's a great organization to be a part of. In the first 10 or 12 years I was on this commission, you could meet just three or four times a year. In the past five to seven years, there's a lot going on; very significant issues. Development and redevelopment are very important," he said.

As for why now, Crimmings said: "I think it's just time. Anytime you're part of a volunteer committee for that long, you start having an effect on everyone else. That's either positive or negative. There's enough going on, it'll be good to bring new ideas."

Crimmings, who is not paid to serve as chairman, added the RDA "is costing me money, because I can't have any dealings with the city. I'm sure some people think I'm making a lot of money by serving on the Redevelopment Authority."

Mayor John Dickert will appoint Crimmings' successor and RDA members will elect a new chairman. The RDA is next scheduled to meet on April 7.


  1. This indicates just how committed the community and it's leaders are on the economic development of Racine! It's quite sad.

  2. City Hall Observer3/09/2010 9:53 PM

    Thanks John for your service. Shame on Mason, Karas and Terry!!!

  3. Don't worry John. Your pal, Mayor Dickert, will make sure that make plenty of money in the near future. More no bid contracts! Did you teach Dickert when He worked for you?

  4. does this mean no more real estate speculation from the RDA? Is the Mayor making the appointment? Will they be able to get along with Jim Spangenberg? This city is like a f##king soap opera.

  5. Mayor Dickert could always appoint one of his Skin Head buddies.


  7. I understand John's desire. 20 years volunteering in one area is probably too much. I try not to do any single volunteer effort more than 10 years. It becomes a chore more than a joy or challenge. Thank you for your service.

  8. I have recently viewed the agenda's for the past two meetings, that they were to have. It seems that the West Racine development is on the docket. Was there not a date set for this developer to have his paper work in order? And if so, is it his fault that the entity which owns the property he wishes to acuire can't get their i's dotted and t's crossed?

  9. Wow, talk about insider trading. Jim Spangenberg will be the next Chairman, since he's so cozy with Mayor Dickert. Dickert will be appointing more yes men, than men deserving of the positions. Our Mayor is a joke, he is paying all his pals back with jobs and contracts with our money.

  10. To anon 9:49 and 10:18 -

    Make cracks about Mayor Dickert all you want. John Crimmings is a wonderful individual who serves this community in many volunteer roles. Do the both of you volunteer? It is folks like you that make this community a joke and drive those that do want to make a difference into hiding. Whay would anyone want to put themselves out their to make a difference when there are individuals like yourselves ready to rip them down for trying to do right. SHAME ON YOU BOTH. And thank you John for all your do for our community.

  11. Now maybe opportunities for businesses to come in and fill some of these empty store fronts will open up.

    Nah, not with dickert and spangenberg at the helm. Can we all say "State Street Music Hall?" Not! Can we say "Downtown convenience store?" Not! Can we say "Downtown laundromat?" Not! Can we say "Jobs for dickert's family and friends?" You bet! Can we say "More bars?" Yep!

  12. This is the same Scott Terry that sued the city of Racine 3yrs ago on some bogus claim. WOW! scam, scam,scam,scam scam!

  13. Tom Tousis for RDA!

  14. Anon 6:25. What are you talking about? Show your proof or shut your mouth.

  15. Ummm, I think he was talking about his buddy the nazi guy from Treasures whom he touted as the next big thing for Racine and gave our taxpayer dollars away to?

  16. Why does Crimmings feel he needs to make money off of the City of Racine? Our tax money is not there so he can get rich.

  17. With Dickert as mayor, everyone is trying to make money off of Racine. That's how we "develop" Racine and make "progress:" tax dollars to cronies.

  18. Thanks for your service John.

    It would be nice to get some real diversity on this board.

  19. 10:40 - Please give us 3 detailed examples of people making money off of Racine other than employees. Give names, what they have done to get the money, the date they received the money and how much money they received. Since you are so well informed, this should not be a problem.

  20. How about every new hire since Dickert has become mayor. How about the CAR25 contract(thank god). Do you think that Crimmings or his office isn't going to get any listings from the city rehab houses. You must be kidding me, seriously. This administration has a serious pattern of paying back favors.

  21. This administration has a serious pattern of paying back favors

    Maybe, but is it possible the Mayor after years of living here has networked with a lot of people? Isn't that part of the realtor gig? So, it is cronyism or that he knows a lot of people?

    Clearly, the CAR25 deal isn't cronyism. She hasn't lived here for long and was (is) extraordinarily qualified.

    Graham seems to have a lot of time on his hands and certainly has opinions of how things should go. Also, he thinks he can do better than Dickert. So, maybe he should throw his name into the hat.

  22. Dickert has been in office a yr and people are crying what has he done. What has Bob Turner ever done? What has Robin Vos done for the city?

    As Judge Smells said; "well..i'm waiting"

  23. 12:27 BS IMHO this was nothing more then trying to control CAR 25 and kick back money to a crony.

    Will we see Crimmings get deals to sell Houses for the City? IMHO Crimmings has done good service for Dickert and did they not work for the same Real Estate Company?
    Must be nice to give your pals sweet deals.

  24. 11:56 - You did not respond specifically to all the questions. You can't just pick and choose, I'd like all the questions answered or take your crap comments with no substance somewhere else.

  25. Ohhh 12:27 Please wake up and be smarter, please? If you do your research on that whole CAR25 deal you'll realize what scam that deal was. AS far as this Crimmings deal and his comments in regard to making money off the city, I'm shocked and hopefully Dustin & Pete do some investigating and watch this. We all know Dickerts history with Weber Realty, this is fishy as hell!

  26. Crimmings said he wants to make money off of his relationship with the city. That means his old employee John Dickert. If that is not shady, I do not know what is.

  27. I do not see what Bob Turner and Robin Voss have to do with John Dickert giving his old boss city money.

  28. Get rid of all career politicians.

  29. 1:47 - What a wimp, if you can't back up your words, keep you mouth shut.

  30. Racine Post: Comments made by uneducated malconents. Shields & Turner. What a waste.

  31. Lorna Geogre works for Turner. Cronyism!

  32. I think you meant to say John replaced Marilyn Langdon.

  33. The way I read it, it says Crimmings was stepping down because as chairman of the RDA it prevents him from doing business with the city. I would much rather see him step down and do business in an overt manner than to remain in his position and do it under the table. That is something we would expect of dickert or becker. I'm glad to see Crimmings is above that. Believe me, I am no fan of the RDA, but I think this is the proper path for a businessman to follow if he wants to do business with the city.

    Anon 12:27, I am making every effort to get out of this nasty little town that dickert has dubbed a "low-income community" and others are calling "the new Detroit." The last thing I want is to be mayor of a cesspool like this.

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