
March 2, 2010

COP House planned for 16th Street

The "A" above marks the proposed location of the proposed COP House on 16th Street.

The nonprofit that owns the community policing houses throughout the city is planning on opening a new COP House on 16th Street.

Dave Voss, president of Racine Community Outpost, is scheduled to appear before the Redevelopment Authority on Wednesday to discuss plans.

Community Outpost has a pending offer to purchase 1900 16th St. for a community policing center. The property is now a parts store for industrial tools, according to a letter Voss wrote to the RDA. General Industrial Supply Inc. is listed at the address.

The organization is asking the RDA to use $50,000 in tax incremental district money to help buy and rehabilitate the property. Once complete, the building will house two COP officers and possibly Department of Corrections employees, according to Voss' letter.


  1. They wont have to worry about whats for dinner with Dino's next door.

    When will they add a location to Jacato Dr?

  2. Good place for one. I have seen everything over there. If you pull up to a certain pump at the gas station a guy runs out of the bar across the street to see "if you need anything". Prostitutes, muggings, should be lots of fun.

  3. step in the right direction!

  4. Is this really what TIF money should be used for, taking property off the tax roles? Is there another way to get funding?

  5. this is a great place for a cop house! the area needs it. just dont let the bar reopen.

  6. The assessed value is currently $125k. That means the city takes in roughly $1400 annually on the property. That and the $50k is a small price to pay to get that area back under control before it is too late.

  7. The property just across the street is an empty lot...would that not be cheaper to buy and put a house on.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Glad this program continues. It is effective policing.

  10. "Blog Administrator" must be a Communist anti free speech chooch. He sure deletes a lot of posts for no

  11. This is an unconstitutional use of tax dollars. If you allow this then every government agency is going to want their house paid for by tax dollars. This is an epic Fail!

  12. Anon 3/04/2010 6:53 PM - There is a big difference between freedom of speech and stupidity when people shoot thier mouths off making accusations without factual information to back it up. Grow up! I read the comment that was posted before it was pulled and there was no factual evidence or findings to back it up.

  13. This is a great idea. Good to see the Police be proactive. That whole area is trouble but there are plenty of good people there that need their help and protection.

  14. Only took the JT until March 14 to report this story. "The Journal Times investigates for you." Make that the New Shoreline Leader.
